
I Saw The Moon (Salvation)

In the tribal lands of north where culture and heritage power is the emblem of superiority. Men are preferred over women but after decades of having only sons, Khan Vladimir was longing to have daughter or granddaughter. Ayla's birth was akin to a good omen. She was born with special powers. She grew up to be loved by everyone but the her power becomes a curse for her. A seal has to be put on her mind and powers that can delay the time of catastrophe that can destroy everything. The new chief Aghan; the mightiest and strongest among everyone, the ultimate symbol of authority and power in northern lands, never lacked anything in his life. But his child bride has been kidnapped!!

CZMwrites · Fantasy
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11 Chs


The wind rustled in the dark and blew her hair, pulling her out of her thoughts. She shuddered with cold and was about to close the window when she happened to see deep glowing eyes in the dark.

"Ahhhhhh" she subconsciously shrieked, her voice hoarse for not speaking for days.

She was frightened from the wolf like eyes that were leering at her like a wild animal watching its prey in the dark. Layla became defensive and stared back at him defensively.

Aghan was amused by her and wanted to how long can she put up with her little act. After a long tiring staring contest, Aghan sighed and lowered his eyes.

" Why haven't you been eating?" he asked in his deep voice.

Layla kept silent, still being defensive. Aghan patiently waited for her to speak. But she was stubborn to her bones. He was completely helpless. He knew she needed answers.

"Come with me"

It was neither a request nor an order. He said and without waiting dragged her by her wrist.

" Where are you taking me?"

She instantly got alarmed and struggled with all her might.

Aghan easily overpowered her, he took each of her wrists in his hand and pinned her to the nearest wall. Looking at her visibly panicked eyes he pronounced each of his words seriously:

"Do You Really Think You Can Fight Me In Your Current Malnourished State."

He had kept his distance but still because of his huge built and taut muscles, it looked like a beast has entrapped her.

When she didn't answer, Aghan seriously concluded.

"If I really want to hurt you, I can just do it in here, there is no need to go anywhere else. You understand?"

"Now shut up and Come with me!!!"

and without waiting for her reply, he dragged her out of the room.

The whole place which they called home was not just one mansion. It was based on a big main palace and multiple comparatively smaller buildings surrounding the middle main one. All the mansions and houses were designed to be on a certain altitude from sea level, present on a large mountain and their rear faced a meadow leading to other huge colossal snow covered mountains.

All uncles and aunts of the vassal state lived in the side mansions. Only direct descendants and their children can live in the main mansion until the next chief was crowned.

The crowning ceremony was not like putting a golden ornament on a man's head. Men here extremely despised adornments on them, it was even considered a sign of debility.

In actual it was done by carefully wrapping the chief's head in a white or black turban with a strap of cloth extending from one side of the head to other shoulder. All his close attendants will dressed conservatively with similarly styled turbans holding a rifle, giving tribute to next chief with firing bullets. The bullets rang in the sky until the chief is seated securely on the head seat which can be counted equally as a throne.

Aghan was enthroned when he was only 20, after late tribal chief's death, his father. But because of his detailed education and the fact that he was still unmarried, he resided in one of the side buildings. It was his own choice. He showed an immense talent at not only managing and progressing the business and the trade but also at feudal wars with other tribes and successfully gaining superiority over them. He was akin only second to God and prophet, by the people.

The mansion was filled with countless corridors and innumerable rooms. Even the side mansion was luxuriously designed and almost every corridor has balcony, presents the view grandly. Everything in here was vintage. Layla's room was on third floor among the other five floors. Aghan dragged her all the way, to floors, to countless verandas, to an unending garden, and ultimately reaching the main gate. Some of the maids and servants, along the way who were keeping the night watch, bowed their heads on seeing Aghan and dared not look at the little girl being dragged behind in the dead of night.

The whole mansion was highly guarded. Even when she was dragged, Layla keenly observed her surroundings in hope to find a path to escape. She didn't know how long she had walked before reaching a garage full of high end cars. Without a word, Aghan stuffed her into his Rolls Royce and took the driver's seat.

As a Chief of a powerful tribe, he cannot carelessly drive himself and go anywhere without guards but he dismissed all the protocol and drove through the main gate in rushing speed. He looked calm on the surface but don't know how she can detect traces of distress.

The car was speeding on the road. She felt suffocated and tbh quite scared by what's gonna happen next. But she was exhausted. She lowered the window and let the cold air hit her face to calm herself. The scent of wet mud and hills really did clear her mind. She sighed. If it wasn't for her unnatural circumstances, this place would be a perfect location for a vacation.

She turned her head and held her breath. This man is undoubtedly the most handsome man she has ever seen but also very dangerous. By just one glance, people can sense his powerful aura. She can tell after a month of observing that whatever he said is the law in here. And he obviously has a reason for keeping her hidden. Probably she is safe till then but her future safety is still unknown.

Aghan kept silent throughout their journey and was focused on his driving. He took out a cigarette and started smoking. They drove for the whole twenty minutes when the car finally stopped.

"We're here " his voice ranged.

"Come out"

He said after a few seconds and strode out of the car without looking at her.

When Layla saw the scene in front of her, she was dumbfounded. She really couldn't believe her eyes.

She got out of the car, completely entranced completely forgetting that she was kidnapped. But it was not her fault, she has never seen such nature's beauty in her entire life.

The crystal lake, in the later half of the night, was mystical. The water which was pure blue in the day has turned dark and swarthy in this depth of the night. Huge majestic mountains covered with tall green trees covered the lake from three sides. And in the front was the clear unending lake spreading to the horizon. The sky full of moonlight and stars shone in its all glory and it seemed to merge with the lake. The moon and the stars reflected on it like marking its own territory. It seemed three dimensional image where Earth has merged with the sky.

It was the place which she has been seeing from her window all week. She had wanted to see it up close. She thought a place like this should be prohibited from tourists or any people to preserve its beauty by the government. Treasures are always strictly guarded. But now she is standing here because ...

Her thoughts took a sudden turn and she slowly turned back. Her eyes collided with the wolf-like eyes calmly staring at her.

Aghan was leaning on the car with a cigarette in his hand, keeping a distance from her.

' You" she about say something when she heard him speak.

"We need to talk" His deep serious voice resounded in the wilderness.

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So sorry for the delayed updates!!!

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