
I saved a sex slave and she will be my new friend.

After defeating the Demon King, the only thing I want is to live a quiet life. A normal life... Although it's harder than I thought. My dream is to have a girlfriend and have friends. As long as I manage to fulfill one of those dreams, I will die happy. One day, I killed a group of bandits and rescued a sex slave. I turned her into a Vampire and gave her a new life. "You will be happy again, I promise!"

Rotceh8292 · Fantasy
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35 Chs

CHAPTER 7 - Work.

CHAPTER 7 - Work.

Although she maintains the same expression, her fear and nerves are subsiding ... It is a great progress in a very short time.

... Well, I used my healing magic on her, eliminating her physical pain. And now that she is a Vampire, she regained the parts of her body that she lost.

It only remains to eliminate the traumas ... Ahh... That will be almost impossible ... Not in a short time.

How long did it take me ...? I think 10 years ... No... 12... No... Yes... Mmm... If I only count how long I tried to overcome it, it is 12 years ... 22 years if one also counts the time since the last time I was raped.

How long was she a sex slave ...? I better not ask her.

My own mother prostituted me to pedophiles, that's why I couldn't trust people ... It took me a lot of effort to get over it.

I think in a couple of years I will see a nice smile on her face.

—... "You seemed to like it."

She is eating very fast ... It was a good idea to order 5 plates of food for each.

She nodded and continued eating.

"I'm glad."

... Ahh... I have to go to work. Being a normal person is difficult, but I have to do it, the King no longer supports me. I must work to survive.

I ate as fast as possible... Ahh... I'm full.

—... It is true…

Feeling useful and not a burden will help her feel better. If I keep buying her things and paying for everything, she will feel like a burden to me... I don't want that.

"Hey, Yuik, would you like to work? Work with me at the library."

She wrote in the notebook: "What should I do?"

She answered quickly ... She was definitely worried about feeling a burden.

"You just have to clean ... That's all. Do you accept?"

She nodded and I smiled.

"Let's go."

After breakfast, we went to the library to talk to my boss, but ...


My boss used her tentacles on me and caught me. I feel desecrated. Tentacles bring back bad memories.

"You're a minute late."

"Only one minute!"

—... "Who is she?"

"First remove your tentacles from my body!"

The tentacles returned to her body.

Ahh... I could break free easily, but I don't want her to realize that I'm strong. She thinks I am a shy and weak boy.

"S-she's my older sister. Her name is Yuik. You said you were going to hire someone to clean, right? Have you already got someone?"

"No, not yet."

"Fufu. You are in luck. Yuik is an expert at cleaning!"

I guess... I don't know.

"But she's mute ... I hope it has not an Inconvenient."

"As long as she knows how to clean, it's fine. Get Started Today."

Ahh... Well, that was easy.

"Well … Yuik, you just have to clean ... That's all... Well, to work."

"Ah... I'm bored to death."

I would have chosen a louder job.

... Should I open a flower shop?

Ahh... I don't know.

At least Yuik is doing a good job ... Ahh... Again.

She is very cute and attracts the attention of men.

A young boy addresses her.

Sorry, but I must avoid it. She is still afraid of strangers.

"Excuse me..."

The boss put her hand on the young man's shoulder.

"She doesn't like talking to strangers, she has a trauma. I recommend that you stay away, or I'll shove a tentacle up your..."

"I-I'll walk away!"

The boy walked away and I smiled.

"Illusion magic is very convenient."

I made sure to put in a soundproofing pad to prevent her from hearing what happened.

I want her to have friends, but it's still too early. She must first become completely accustomed to freedom.

After a long day at work, we walked into our house and I sighed.

"Ah... I'm bored... Do you want to watch a movie?"

She looked at me confused.

—... "I'll give you a little story."

I am forbidden to tell her that I know Gods, but I am not prohibited from telling her about the world 15.


I snap my fingers and a portal appeared in front of me.

"Let's go in."

I enter the portal and offer my hand to Yuik, who is terrified.

"I give you my word that it is safe. Trust me."

She hesitates for a few seconds, but decides to take my hand and entered the portal.

The portal closes.

"Welcome to world 15, the world of technology!"

She looked around the house and realized that there were things that she had never seen, such as a microwave, television, a computer, and so on.

"I have two past lives. I lived in this world in my second life."

I went into the kitchen and got some orange juice from the refrigerator.

I came out of the kitchen and offered Yuik a glass of juice.

"Is Orange juice."

I took a bit of it to prove it's edible ... drinkable... Ah, whatever.

"This is delicious."

She took the glass and I sat down at the table.

"I like to come to this world to play video games, watch television and buy instant soups ... I'm sorry, I'd like to tell you more about my life, but I can't ... All I can tell you is that there are 204 alternate worlds. Each one has something different. This is world 15, the world of technology. It is a nice place, although there is too much pollution."

I got up from the table and smiled.

"Do you want me to teach you how to play video games?"

She was silent for 5 seconds and then slowly nodded.

I guess she was trying to muster up the courage to accept. Has she misunderstood me? I hope not.

While Dreimo was teaching Yuik to play, Dreimo's former companions found an important clue to finding Dreimo.

They found the bodies of the bandits he killed.

They were in the city guild, looking at the bodies of the bandits.

"Dreimo is the only one capable of doing this without being discovered. His habit of killing bandits does not go away."- Said Saraik, the Elf girl.

She has too long blonde hair, red eyes, and small breasts.

"He must be close by."- Said Lein, the Cyclops girl.

She has short black hair, green eyes, and huge breasts.

"I don't think so... The safest thing is that he has gone far so that we do not find him."- Said Lineik, the human girl.

She has long red hair and blue eyes.

—... "What if he still hates us? I-I don't want him to hate me."- Meimik, the Dragon girl, said with teary eyes.

She has Dragon tail and horns, red eyes, long white hair, and is completely flat.

"We just made a mistake. Anyone makes mistakes. We are not perfect. We must dialogue with him. We must find him."- Said Saraik.

"Most likely it is far from here ... Perhaps in a forest, as he told us before he left."- Lineik said.

"You're right. Let's go."

And so, without trying, Dreimo managed to push his former companions away from him.

They set out on a very long journey to the other side of the continent, thinking that Dreimo was gone.