
I saved a s*x slave and she will be my new friend. (Re-written.)

After defeating the Demon King, all I want is to live a peaceful life. A normal life... Although it's harder than I thought. My dream is to have a girlfriend and friends. If I can fulfill one of those dreams, I'll die happy. One day, I killed a group of bandits and rescued a sex slave. I turned her into a vampire and gave her a new life. "You'll be happy again, I promise you!"

AngelPikas2 · Fantasy
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22 Chs

CHAPTER 15 - Dreimo's Reason.

This is the story of Kazuma, a Japanese boy who, along with his classmates, was summoned to another world to defeat the Demon King.

Kazuma was a weak boy; everyone took advantage of him and mocked him, even his own family looked down on him. The only person who treated him kindly and always tried to support him was Sakura, his childhood friend, but despite that, he remained unhappy. He believed that in this new world, he would finally find happiness, but it wasn't the case. He received a trash ability called [Endurance], which basically allowed him to never feel tired. Meanwhile, his other classmates received cool and powerful abilities like [God of Fire], [Master of Darkness], [Hero], [Saint], and so on.

Seeing his low stats and his pointless ability, they considered him a failure and sacrificed him, sending him to a dungeon through a magical portal, as they did it as a tribute to their God. Sakura, the new saint, tried to defend him and prevent that from happening, but it was useless; no one listened to her, and they sacrificed the boy.

Upon reaching the dungeon, the usual stuff happened.

Coincidentally, he encountered a monster girl who took pity on him and protected him. His unique ability allowed him to never feel exhaustion, as he had infinite energy, and his new friend discovered that he could also transform that energy into magical power.

Blah, blah, blah. A classic adventure seeking revenge against those who mocked him for being worthless.

He emerged from the dungeon much more powerful than any other hero, and since the dungeon he was sent to was on the other side of the world, he was forced to travel for months to reach the hero's country and defeat them.

During his journey, he gained new companions, and those companions became his girlfriends. A total of 7 girlfriends, who remained virgins because the protagonist discovered that sacred magic could be used by virgin women, not just by the saint, and that magic would be useful to defeat demons and even the Demon King himself.

They promised to get married when everything with the Demon King was over, but...

"What is this?!!"

Upon arriving at the castle, as one of the heroes had kidnapped one of his girlfriends, the monster girl who saved him and his first girlfriend, and told him to come to the castle if he wanted to get her back, he witnessed a disgusting scene.

The hero's girlfriend was being raped by goblins, just like his male classmates. The women, including the princess and the queen, were gathered around a certain boy with pink hair and red eyes as intense as the blood flowing through the hero avenger's girlfriend's thighs.

They caressed him, while the childhood friend of the hero was giving him a blowjob.

"Well, well. The generic avenger protagonist has just arrived," said, caressing Sakura's head.


He used a spell on himself to increase his speed and strength, then immediately rushed towards the goblins to kill them and save his girlfriend, but...


When he tried to attack the goblins, a protective barrier appeared, preventing his attack.

Filled with rage, he tried every possible way to destroy the protective barrier, using all the offensive spells he knew, even destroying the castle in the process, but it was all in vain.

The goblins pressed his girlfriend's face against the protective barrier, making Kazuma witness how his beloved girlfriend was raped.

The others were also protected by a protective barrier, so they were unharmed.

The women around him simply smiled and mocked him.

"So useless as always."

"Hahahahahaha! He can't even protect his girlfriend!"

"Poor thing, a goblin took his girlfriend's virginity."

"He's so stupid, still a virgin despite having a harem!"


"Bitch, stop," said the boy.

Sakura took her mouth off his penis and smiled at him.

"Yes, my lord."

He got up from the throne and stretched his arms.

"Ah, this is so easy, it's just disappointing," said the boy, yawning.

And who is this boy?

"Damn it!!"

"My lord!"

The hero tried to decapitate him with his legendary sword, but when the blade touched the boy's neck, it broke, unable to leave a scratch.



Dreimo grabbed him by the neck.

"My name is Dreimo, the new Demon King. The previous one was useless, so I replaced him. Well, generic Japanese man, do you have any tricks up your sleeve? Come on, I want to have some fun. Use..."

The hero's girlfriends tried to attack him, but their attacks didn't harm him. The women behind Dreimo simply smiled as they saw the hero's girlfriends in despair.

"Hmm... Nothing, I don't feel in danger. Ah, neither Gods nor generic heroes are a real threat to me. Being too powerful is boring. Seriously, doesn't the power of friendship work? Tsk. How annoying. I think next time I'll pretend to be a hero and only fight using 0.1% of my power. I believe it will be more interesting than this," said Dreimo, tired, not paying attention to the hero who was casting spells directly at him, trying to break free, but nothing worked or harmed Dreimo.

He sighed and clicked his tongue.

Dreimo's clones emerged from the shadows of the hero's girlfriends and hit them in the stomach, while the original Dreimo did the same with the hero, who fell to his knees, unable to get up due to fear.

"Magic points eliminated. Abilities eliminated. Congratulations, you're just ordinary humans now!"

Realizing he could no longer use magic, Kazuma looked in terror at Dreimo, who simply smiled at him.

Kazuma had lost everything in a matter of minutes. All the training, all the pain he had gone through, had been in vain. And now that he had finally found happiness, he was about to lose it.

"That's why I hate goody-two-shoes heroes. 'Oh, I have power, and great power comes great responsibility! It's my duty to save people!' I've seen your exploits up close. You get involved in others' troubles that are none of your business, like the nosy hero you are. The fairy girl over there, for example."

The Dreimo copy ripped the fairy girl's clothes apart and spread her legs.

"Nooo! Let me go! Darling, save me!"

"Don't you dare...!"

Dreimo covered his mouth, using his... penis.

He literally silenced him by putting his penis in his mouth.

"Don't speak without my permission, bitch, understood?"

Kazuma tried to bite his penis, but his teeth were the first to give in. When his teeth broke, Dreimo took his penis out of his mouth, and Kazuma started to vomit.

"You made a mess on my shoes? Well, well."

He grabbed Kazuma by the head and smashed his face into the vomit, then threw him towards his girlfriends.

"One by one."

"St-stop," he cried, seeing the Dreimo copy caressing his penis with the fairy girl's vagina.

She tried to defend herself, but she couldn't use magic, and Dreimo was much stronger than her.

She could do little to avoid her cruel fate.

Stealing her innocence, Dreimo began to penetrate her, while she cried and begged him to stop, just like Kazuma.

"You saved that fairy girl from the destruction of her kingdom at the hands of the Orcs. But did you know that fairies were the first ones to attack the Orcs? No, right? Oh, because in fantasy stories, Orcs are always the bad guys, right? Did you even bother to investigate? Fairies attacked the Orcs, thinking they were evil, judging by their appearance, even though the Orcs lived in peace and reproduced among themselves, as there are female Orcs. They didn't need to rape anyone to reproduce. Oh, but you didn't know that, right? You said, 'Oh, my beautiful new fairy girlfriend, of course, I'll save your kingdom! I'll kill those filthy Orcs for you!' And because of your idiotic prejudices, this happened."

An Orc emerged from the ground behind the fairy girl, and Dreimo lifted her in his arms, holding her close.


"Please, stop!"

"Fufu. Stop me? I don't want to, but at least you tried. You're quite the man, huh?" said the original Dreimo.

The Orc caressed the fairy girl's anus with the tip of his penis, filling her with hysteria. She screamed, kicked, bit Dreimo's neck, begged for her life, but none of it moved Dreimo; on the contrary, hearing her made him happy, and a single thought flooded his mind as he saw and heard it.

"I will never be a victim again," he thought, remembering the little innocent Dreimo.

The Orc penetrated her completely with his enormous member, destroying her insides, as his penis went all the way up to her navel, wreaking havoc in the process.

She was left speechless and with white eyes, unable to scream due to the excruciating pain she was feeling. Her mouth hung open as her body contorted in agony.

Dreimo applied healing magic to her, preventing her from dying, prolonging her suffering.

Both the Orc and Dreimo began to penetrate her, and with each thrust, blood flooded the ground beneath her, disturbing the other girls. They finally realized that it was futile to try and defeat him. If Dreimo treated their most powerful boyfriend like a mere toy, there was nothing they could do to defeat him. So, they decided to surrender and wait for his mercy.

They put their heads on the ground and clasped their hands together.

"Please, forgive us!"

"We'll do anything, but don't rape us like this!"

"At least let us die!"

"Have mercy, I beg you!"

"I'll do anything, anything but that! Please!"

Dreimo had seen the same scene dozens of times and had done different things to mix it up. raping all of them in front of the hero. Killing them in front of the hero. Letting them kill the hero. Letting the hero kill them. raping the hero in front of them. Blah, blah, blah. So, now he'll try something he's never done in this kind of situation.

"Well, well. An interesting proposal," said the original Dreimo.

He approached them and caressed the head of one of them, the Elven girl.

"I'll let you go, but on one condition. Just one."


"You will become the new rulers of the demons and kill the humans. Accept this right now, and I'll spare your lives. Anyway, if you refuse because it wouldn't be ethical, blah, blah, blah, the humans will die. Do you accept?"

"I-I accept, I accept!" the Elven girl responded immediately.

The others remained silent, as killing humans was too cruel, and they didn't dare to do it. Seeing this, Dreimo smiled and took the Elven girl's hand.

"Rape others, just like the hero."

"W-wait, I..."

He didn't want to listen to the others and disappeared along with the Elven girl.

An Orc appeared next to the hero and smiled, as he lowered the hero's pants.


While the hero and his girlfriends were being raped, the original Dreimo and the Elven girl appeared in the Demon King's castle, where the most important demons were gathered, kneeling.

"She is the new Demon Queen!!! She is under my protection!!! You will do everything she says!!! Is that clear, you retards!!"

"Sir, yes, sir!!!" - They all shouted.

"Well, Elf, you have a country all to yourself. I will give you the job of creating a person capable of defeating me. I hope you succeed. I'll see you in a few years. Good bye."

He disappeared, leaving Elfa alone, who simply smiled nervously, feeling the pressure of the demons' gazes.

"W-well... Damn, what now?"

Dreimo appeared in a pink room and lay down on the bed.

"World 8,878, conquered," he said, smiling.

And there are more to conquer.

CHAPTER 15 - Dreimo's Reason.

"It's okay, let him choose."

"He seems like a good person, so I don't think he would get involved with younger girls. Don't tempt him with your body; we might end up with a lawsuit or worse, get rejected."

"That's true, he'll still see us as prostitutes and be disgusted."

"From this day forward, our lives will change. Good luck, you'll need it."

"Heh, just because your breasts are bigger doesn't mean you'll win."

Dreimo, who was behind the window, listening to them, smiled.

"A person's past doesn't matter if their present and future do the right thing. They might have been prostitutes and drug addicts, but if they don't return to that life, they can be happy. I wish them luck with that," he thought to himself before disappearing.

Rauk and Tanya were watching the girls talk through a magic mirror.

Their expressions were evident; they were very angry.

Dreimo ruined their plans again. Indirectly, but he did. Destiny or just bad luck?

"They completely forgot about Saoko. They fell in love with Dreimo... That idiot always ruins everything!"

"And the worst part is that he did it unknowingly; he only helped them out of pity."

"Damn it!"

And so, their plans got complicated, and they have to start planning everything from the beginning.

(Pov - Dreimo.)

"Ah... I feel chills again. Am I that popular? Stop talking about me, idiots."

Well... I killed over 2,707 people connected to the criminal organization that controlled the country.

There are more, but I got tired of it.

I killed women, elders, students... I killed without judging their gender, age, or occupation.

I even killed people with newborn babies... I thought I would feel a little bad, but I didn't care... I felt nothing for them... I'm still a bastard.

"Will I ever feel empathy for humans? Normal people feel empathy for others, right?"

I caressed the cheek of the leader of this criminal organization's corpse.

"Did you feel empathy for anyone? If so, despite being a criminal, you were more human than me."

I have been known as a "hero," a "savior," among other nicknames... I've always been considered a good person since I reincarnated... A true hero...

"But I'm far from being one."

I left young children without parents.

I killed the children of good people.

But despite doing so many horrible things, I don't feel bad... I feel the same.

Their deaths didn't make me feel anything, not even satisfaction, except for the rapists I killed; I enjoyed killing them. I enjoyed killing them because I hate rapists, in other words, for personal reasons, I enjoyed it, not because it hurt others, like the murderers I killed, but because I simply hate rapists.

... I don't even know how to feel, huh?

"Will I ever be a person who feels empathy for others?"

"You already are."

"Ah... Hello, Sant."

Sant appeared next to me and caressed my head.

She wasn't smiling as usual; her expression showed concern. It makes me feel good that someone worries about me, but it also makes me feel disgusted and repulsed, not because of her, but because of her appearance. The same appearance as her crazy mother.

Also, it makes me feel like I don't deserve someone to worry about a monster like me. I want someone to worry about me...! But I also know perfectly well that I don't deserve it.

"You look a little sad, Dreimo."

"Sad? I don't feel sad."

"Well... I guess it's just my imagination."

I sat on a desk, and Sant sat next to me.

She caressed my hand, but I removed it immediately.

"I'm tired... And bored."

"Being normal is more challenging than you thought, right?"

It's challenging for me to fully adjust to my daily routine after hundreds of years where literally every day was an adventure for me, filled with death and violence.

Being normal makes me feel human, but I'm still struggling to get used to this lifestyle. I really enjoy it; I had always dreamt of it. It's just that after so much time fighting and killing, now that I'm someone normal, it makes me feel... strange.

"Yes... It's been a long time since I was normal. It's harder than I remembered... By the way, I know the Gods are training a new killer; I just want you to confirm if it's Tanya and that old man."

"Fufu. That's why I fell in love with you, for your intelligence."

Her words confirmed my suspicions.

"Ah... They'll never leave me alone."

"By the way, Dreimo, you do feel empathy for others. Didn't you save Yuik? If you didn't feel empathy for others, you wouldn't have saved her. You wouldn't have let her live in your house. And the girls you saved today. Why did you save them? Why did you do so much for girls you didn't know?"

They were raped.

Some scumbag drugged them to make them addicted, to sell their bodies and make money off their suffering.

They probably lost their virginity without love, possibly due to rape.

The first time should be with the person you love and who loves you. A sexual relationship without love is just lust, a sin... Or so my mother used to say. I believe in sexual freedom, but sometimes I can't help feeling that sex without love is disgusting.

... I've never had sex with love; it was always out of mere lust, evil, or because I wanted to experiment, but I never did it feeling love. What does it feel like?

Ah, whatever, that doesn't matter right now.

They deserve to move on with their lives, regardless of their past. They are no longer virgins, and that virginity will never come back, but that shouldn't stop them from moving forward, finding love, and being happy.

All people deserve to be happy and loved, regardless of their past. What happened is in the past, it can't be changed, but it's up to us whether we let our past affect us because the past can't change, but people can.

Some men are disgusted to find out that their girlfriends had sex with another man or worse, had sex with multiple men, but that shouldn't matter to them; the only thing that should matter is their present and future, not dwelling on a past that can never be changed.

"Dreimo, hey, don't go silent."

"I saved them because... Because they're like me."

"Oh... Yes... I figured... Sorry for bringing it up."

"Don't worry. And thanks for helping me. I'll be sending more people to the torture dimension, so I want you to activate the automatic mode with everyone."

"Yes, I know. It's been a long time since you sent people there. I missed seeing your more sadistic side... But it comes at a price."

She caressed my cheek and moved her lips as if she were kissing something. A clear sign that she wants a kiss.

"Ah... Sant, I don't love you."

"I... I know."

She lowered her gaze, sad... Ah...

I lifted her head and gave her a kiss on the cheek.

"This is the only thing I can give you for now. A kiss on the lips without love is not a kiss."

A smile appeared on her face, and she caressed my cheek.

"Heh. With that, I'm satisfied!"

She gave me a kiss on the lips and stepped away from me. Tsk. You took advantage of me letting my guard down during an emotional moment.

"I did give you a kiss with love. Goodbye, my handsome husband."

"Stop calling me that."

"Let me think... Mmm... I don't want to!" She said, winking and sticking out her tongue. How childish, but adorable.

She disappeared, and I smiled.

I hate the Gods, but she's the only one I don't hate.

... But I don't feel love for her... Will I ever be able to fall in love with her?

To be honest, I doubt it. If she gives up being a God, there's a 99% chance that the Supreme Goddess will eliminate her. And I don't want to get involved with the Gods. I can't fall in love with her as long as she remains a Goddess.

"Why did I help Yuik? That's very obvious... Because she's like me."

I know her pain perfectly... I can't abandon her.

After arriving home, I entered the bathroom and took off my clothes.

I looked at myself in the mirror... Ah... Has my life become more normal?

"I don't know... But at least I'm trying."

A black vapor surrounded me, and I returned to my true form.

"A 17-year-old boy. Ah... Why did I evolve at 17?"

I stopped aging at 17 after undergoing an evolution.

I look like a teenager, even though I'm an adult already... I hate that cliché.

"But I need to recover magical energy."

I turned on the bathtub faucet and got in.

"I just need... some rest."

Thinking about ways to make Yuik happy. My job as a librarian. Using transformation magic all the time... And today, I used a great deal of magical energy to remain hidden and kill the members of that disgusting criminal organization... Oh, and I also need to add an assassin to my problems.

"So many things to think about... My head hurts."

At least Yuik is having a good life... And that's the only thing that matters to me.

"Yuik, if you knew my past, would you still consider my current self a good person?"

Or will you let my past influence you?

My crimes will never be forgiven; I'll always have to bear the weight of my sins. Even if I repent, they'll never disappear. That's why I try to move forward without giving importance to my past, because if I remain chained to it, I'll never be happy.


"I hate myself."