
I Rose From Rags To Riches After Receiving The Wealth System

Luck shined on Casper when he got married to the daughter of a billionaire named, Layla. The miserable life he's been living for a long time ended. He got to enjoy wealth and affluence, but it was short-lived. His wife fell out of love with him, and his miserable life returned. ..To make matters worse, he started working as a servant in his wife's house. It finally got to the point when he was kicked out of the house. And at that moment, Casper thought that was the end for him 'cause he was poor and there was almost nothing in his bank account. Not until he got... [Ding!] [The Wealth System is at your service] [With this system, you shall acquire all the wealth and affluence you didn't get to acquire in your 27 years of coming to this world] [With this system, you shall rise to the top] Yes, he received a system. And with this system, he'd rise from nothing to something. He'd rise from rags to riches, he'd acquire a lot of wealth and affluence. He'd rise to the top. ..Follow him through his journey. _________ Disclaimer: Because the title says 'I Rose From Rags To Riches After Receiving The Wealth System' doesn't mean he became filthy rich immediately after receiving the system. It was a gradual process to the top. The system would be introduced in chapters 3-4, be patient. Support this book if you find it interesting.

Jeffson · Fantasy
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118 Chs

I'd Need To Go To A Ghetto.

<Yes, host, help out two poor families that badly need it. And there should be a very valid reason before you decide to family. There must why they're in the situation they find themselves in,< p>

That's the only time you can decide to lend a helping hand to them>

I'd gotten to understand that part to an extent, but I still had questions, and I didn't plan on holding them back.

"So, what kind of help would a family need before I can help out?". I inquired.

<Every poor family out there is always in need of financial assistance. So I tell you, host, assistance would be part what they'd help with. Then you can try to with whatever they again>

"And the money I'd use to render the assistance to them would be from my bank account?".

<Yes, host>

My current net worth was still above $200,000 by a little. Taking something out of it to help out others would reduce it.

..But that shouldn't be what I should be thinking of.

What I should be thinking of was to accomplish the quest and earn the rewards that come with accomplishing it. I'd receive a good $600,000 for accomplishing it.

That would cover up for whatever money I'd spend while trying to accomplish the quest. Wow! This quest was different from the first one I received from the system. They weren't related in any way.

The first one was face slapping, while this one is helping out others which is focused on poor families...

No matter what quest it was, I must try my very best to accomplish it. Now, coming to the time limit I had to accomplish the quest, 10 days. That wasn't up to two weeks, 10 days was 1 week and three days.

The time limit given to accomplish my first quest was 3 hours...just 3 hours. And I was able to accomplish it before 3 hours. Now, the time limit to accomplish this one was a good 10 days?

..What does that show? The quest wouldn't be easy to accomplish at all.

It would be that kind of quest that can't be accomplished in a day. Just from the quest and the way the system explained it to me, I knew it would take days.

Help out two poor families and make sure there's a very valid reason before helping them out. So there needs to be a crucial reason as to why a family are in a particular situation before I'd help them out.

This would take days, and if I'm not careful, 10 days would pass by, and I haven't accomplished the quest yet. That simply means I have failed the quest.

And if I fail the quest, I'd miss out on all the rewards and $10,000 would be deducted from my bank account...

What does that mean? After all the money I've spent while trying to accomplish the quest but ended up failing it, I'd miss out on the $600,000 that was supposed to be credited into my bank account.

Apart from that, $10,000 would also be deducted from my bank account...I'd lose a lot of money.

Thinking about it alone was already making me shake my head. If I fail this quest, it would cause me a lot of heartache. And the thing was that I'd have to do it to two families.

..After I was done helping out one, I'd then start searching for another one to help out.

And I'd have to do this under 10 days. Now, who knows how long it would take me to finish helping out a family? It wouldn't be an easy quest at all.

But as known, that doesn't mean I'd sit down, I have to try my best to accomplish it. It was a good $600,000 we are talking about here.

I suddenly heard the system's voice when I wasn't expecting to hear it at all...

<The ghetto would be the best place to accomplish this quest>

Before the system even informed me, I was already thinking about it. Yes, the ghetto was the best place to find a lot of poor people, a lot of young ones there have already given up on their dreams 'cause of how hard things are.

And people there keep on reproducing upon the poverty. And help barely comes to anyone in this life...you'd have to be the one to help out yourself.

While I was living a miserable life after the death of my parents and sister, no one came to my aid. I had to bear every pain until I finally escaped. And the worst thing was that the person that caused me this pain was a relative.

My uncle and his family. If my uncle couldn't treat me well after the death of my parents...then who'd come to my aid?...

No help in the ghetto, so most of the young ones there that have given up on their dreams end up going into robbery, drugs, and all sorts of illegal things just to survive.

..That's just life.

It's only a few that do make it out of the ghetto without having to engage in a lot of illegal dealings.

I'd have to go to that place to accomplish the quest of helping out others. The street where this hotel is situated, and this environment can't be referred to as a ghetto.

It wasn't even close...when you get to a ghetto, you'd feel it.

Now, I was aware of some ghettos since I wasn't born into a wealthy family. While growing up, I had friends in high school that were living in the ghettos.

Most of them had big dreams of what they wanted to achieve in life after growing up. I don't know if they'd been able to achieve them, or if life had different plans for them.

Sometimes, life would be the one to make plans for you. It would keep pushing you around until you forget your big dreams and settle for whatever it brings to you.

As said, I knew some ghettos, but they weren't that critical. I needed really critical ones that would make it easier for me to accomplish the quest.

..I wasn't aware of any ghetto that was as critical as I wanted it to be, but I'd find one.

I have 10 days to accomplish the quest, so I better start working to accomplish it from today. I shouldn't sit thinking 10 days was a long time, they can pass by in a blink of an eye.

And considering the quest would take days to accomplish according to what I was seeing, I better start now. Though I was enjoying how I was lying on the cozy bed operating my phone.

I have to get up from it and leave this place...the quest was more important 'cause it involved money. I got up from the bed and began glancing at the clothes in the wardrobe thinking of which ones to wear before leaving.

..Yes, I'd already arranged all my clothes in the wardrobe.

I was putting on something casual now that wasn't that good to go out. That's why I was glancing at the clothes looking for the ones I'd wear before leaving.

And I finally saw a shirt and a trouser that would fit really well with each other. They were nice clothes for going out, and they were part of the clothes I got from the supermarkets.

I took them and changed into them, and they fitted me well. I didn't need to take my bathe and brush my teeth 'cause I'd already done so before.

I wouldn't want to repeat them...

I styled my hair, put on shoes, and so on, and right now, I was fully ready to leave. I walked out of my room, locked the door, and in no time, I'd already checked out of the hotel.

I was standing outside the hotel currently thinking about the quest I needed to accomplish which I was already working towards to accomplish.

As I said, I needed to go to a really critical ghetto to accomplish the quest. But I didn't know one, and the plan was to find one. Now, how do I plan on going about it?

I was going to go to one of the ghettos I was aware of that wasn't as critical as I wanted it to be. Now, according to the information I got in the past, there was a certain ghetto that was somehow affiliated to the one I planned on heading to.

..And from what I heard, it was fucking critical.

A lot of poverty and illegal dealings were there, it was the kind of ghetto I needed to go to.