

Arhi just leaves us and sleeps like that. Oh man, how will I sleep tonight? Ah, I almost forgot my schedule on my note. *I tried to search for the note inside my pocket. Eh... Where is it? *trying to find it in another pocket, but didn't find it. Am I leaving it somewhere? *Thinking for a second. Ah. *Realization. I left it in the changing room in the arena. I forgot it because of this girl. *Looking at Fasmel still looking outside by the window. Well, it's just a note. I'll take it tomorrow morning. I still remember things I need to do here though.

Then suddenly something burdens me. An unknown aura just trespassed my inn for just a second and slowly got far. It feels really weird. It's only a tiny feeling but this aura has never been there before.

Grel: "Did you feel it Fasmel ?"

Fasmel : "What do you mean?"

This is weird. Is it only me? Nonono... I've been trained in this before. Maybe I'm the only one who can feel it.

Then I decided to jump off over the windows quickly.

Fasmel : "Where do you want to go?"

Grel : "I can't explain now. Hurry follow me!" I need to catch who it is before they go far or do something more serious. Then Fasmel jumps off and follows me running.

Fasmel : "Seriously is there something happening?"

Grel : "Yes" I raise my hand and give Fasmel a cue, I need to focus on tracking where they go.

The aura color is invisible. But I can sense its aura getting closer, we chased the right way.

Then while we are running toward this unknown aura, someone from the top of the roof jumps down. It's Mr. Kim. He doesn't stop us from running, but he runs with us and chases them together.

Grel : "Mr. Kim?"

Kim: "It's probably Assassin."

Fasmel : "What? But why doesn't the guard notice it."

Kim: "This assassin is different, they hide their aura with invisible power. Luckily Grel and I can detect this one."

Grel : "How much is the assassin we chased?"

Mr. Kim paused to answer my question while we were running.

Kim: "One."

So it's only one, but why?

Kim: "They are getting faster now. They know we are chasing them." Then Mr. Kim infused his body with speed enhancement power. He is getting fast leaving me and Fasmel .

Fasmel : "I will go with Mr. Kim" She infused her body with speed power as Mr. Kim did. Leaving me behind.

It just makes me a bit frustrated since I don't have speed power enhancement due to my shield user power.

Then after a moment of running. I finally reached the assassin's aura. It is getting thicker this way, they must be stopped for now. The aura is entering some small alley between two buildings. Then I entered it.

From far, I see Mr. Kim is on the right side and Fasmel is on the left side by side. Then someone in front of them is probably the assassin. Then I come closer and ask Mr. Kim in the middle of the night.

Grel : "So who is this person?" but weirdly Mr. Kim and Fasmel also froze and didn't say anything.

I keep walking and getting closer. And finally, I can see the face of the assa-... *Saw the face. -sin... Now I understand why everyone was frozen just staring at her. Her body is short, she had animal ears on top of her hair. Her skin looks like a normal human from her face to her feet, but there's a tail behind her. This is the first time I see something like this in the human world other than a demon.

Then I see her left foot is contaminated with a dark color. It seems they got attacked by some Demon before. This is not an aura anymore, which does it become part of the dark side. But where is she living and getting these marks for herself?

Her expression is showing us how she really hates us or more likely humans. Her teeth were showing and acting like a real animal when some enemies approached them. Her eyes are wide open and the pupil is looking like a cat, but the size is really small with an intimidating look to us. But we know at least this is not an assassin attack or a demon trespassing.

I tried to lower my body and be careful not to scare her. But when I just move for an inch, her eyes move and look at me and she growls at me.

I stop myself and straighten up my body again.

Grel : "Can you tell me your name?"

She insists on answering, even for a talk.

Kim: "We can't persuade her right now."

Then suddenly she stands up quickly and dashes toward me and tries to attack me with her hand.

I'm about to defend myself but Mr. Kim uses their power.

Kim: "Level 1... Speed enhances" His left hand hit her neck quickly. Quicker than her movement before. Then she fainted and fell to the ground.

Kim: "She is not that strong. That's why her small aura is nearly undetectable. She might still be young."

Then Fasmel comes closer to her body on the ground and inspects her left foot.

Kim: "Don't touch it!" Fasmel stopped herself.

Kim: "You will get contaminated if you do. I will call a priest from here to cure her dark-colored foot."

Then Mr. Kim picked the girl from the ground with his hand and lifted it while carefully not getting touched by her left foot.

Kim: "I'll bring this girl to the basement. You too should go home, it's already late at night. Come back again tomorrow."

Then we both nodded.

Kim: "And for now, this is a secret. We need to know any kind of information involving this little girl."

As soon as we nod to him, he disappears. Since he used his speed enhancement for him so he moved fast. I can still see him jump off and walk on top of the roof. Then suddenly he really disappears. He seems to be using his level 10 speed enhancement. He really means to hide that girl for a certain time.

Fasmel : "Have you ever seen that girl?"

Grel : answering with a low tone. "No... Not even once."

Then on top of that, the rain falls off.

Rain... Something bad happened to me about that girl. It's already late at night, and it seems this rain will end by the morning. So we quickly go back to my rented inn and go inside. We were both drenched soaking wet from the bottom.

Grel : "You go take a shower first, I can stand here and wait" I took off my clothes and only wore my trousers.

Fasmel : "Alright." She walks to the toilet beside me and I can see her back.

She wears a black bra and I can see it. Her skin is also visible.

I quickly turned my head so I could not see it. She finally went inside and took a shower.

Sometimes I need to be careful inviting someone to sleep with me. Especially a girl.

Arhi is still sleeping.

While standing up and waiting, I keep thinking about the girl. Is she from another dimension that my teacher told me back then? But is not already here due to his old age. The other teacher never mentions other dimensions since there are no incidents. But the old teacher said it was discovered by our ex-of-grandmaster back then when he roamed and found the gate of dimension. But he is the only person who can see it while the others don't. And he became titled a crazy grandmaster since people see him talk with no sense.

But the question is, how can she go through to the other dimension and can be seen clearly in this human world?

Then a door sounds open from the toilet.

Fasmel : "I'm done here. I need to borrow your towel for a moment." Then I looked back and saw her hair loosen up after getting showered and she is using my tower to cover up my body.

I keep staring at her since I don't know how to react. It was also my first time seeing an almost naked girl's body.

Her right-hand moved and placed on top of her chest.

Fasmel : "Can you please stop staring at me?"

I realized I was caught looking at her, then I turned my head.

Grel : "Ummm... Sorry... I was not expecting that."

I realized that she was not bringing any woman clothes or dresses since she will sleep here tonight. That's why she uses my towel.

Fasmel : "That's fine, I was the one who insisted on staying here."

She walks toward the bed.

This is my chance to enter the toilet and take a shower before I get cold.

Grel : "I'll take a shower now." then I walk into the toilet.

Fuuuhh... I don't know what to do right now. Let's take a bath first. Then I looked around and there was her full outfit including the bra I saw.

What are you looking at Grel ? Just go take a shower quickly.

After a moment I finish showering.

Wait, I did not bring any backup clothes with me...

There's only one towel from this rented house that has been prepared. I get no choice and wear it till the morning. Then I quit from the toilet.

Fasmel is sitting on the other side of the bed so she doesn't see me.

Grel : "Ummm... You gonna sleep with that?"

Then Fasmel turned her toward me at least just to see me. And I see her taking my shirt.

Fasmel : "I warm up your shirt with my firing ball power. It should be fine now."

Then she shows the shirt to me and tries to give it to me. I reach out and take my shirt.

Grel : "Wow, it is completely dry. This is very helpful, we are surely not catching a cold with this."

Fasmel : "Well..." She played with her hair with her nails and looked like something else. "I could do it later... If you want to."

Oh... I know what she means.

But I decided to wear my shirt right away.

Grel : "It's already late. I am also feeling tired." I tried evading it.

Then I look at her face, her expression looks sad somehow.

Fasmel : "Then I should warm up the other clothes I suppose." she slowly gets up from bed and walks to grab the clothes.

Fasmel : "Are these your trousers and pants?"

Grel : "Ah... Yes..."

After a moment, she finally finished warming up my trousers and pants in a short time.

Fasmel : "Here" She handed me the thing, then I grabbed it.

Grel : "Thank you..."

Fasmel : "That's nothing."

It really dried off. Moreover, this is warm.

I have never seen this side of Fasmel . Back then, she used to beat others during sparring since she got the power to enhance. She is a different user compared to the normal sword user.

Fasmel : "So you like staring at me huh..."

I realized my eyes were on her body without realizing it.

Grel : "Ah... Sorry, it does not what you think it is."

She seems to giggle about it, not getting mad.

Fasmel : "You know, my mother died after she was born to me. And I could never see her face."

The atmosphere became sad all of a sudden.

Fasmel : "And because of me, my father hates me... I was just wondering about my life, and what it feels like to have a normal family."

From another perspective from Arhi , she woke up but pretended to still sleep and we both don't know it. Her eyes are a little bit open. Then Her eyes closed again.

Grel : "I'm... Sorry about that"

The three of us have different stories. Weirdly enough one of our families is not there. I need to comfort her to make her feel better.

Grel : "Then let's have a normal life together in the future."

Fasmel 's eyes are wide open never thought I'd said something like that.