
I Remember Nothing, But I Have Four Husbands

Things happen for a reason. That's what the newly minted Isabelle thought when she realized she was left to become an amnesiac ghost in the back of a mountain. Luckily for her, four humble brothers shelter her, and give her the life she dreamed about. The gentle and caring Ethan! The quiet and honest Lucas! The sharp and intense Joseph! The cheerful and lovely Felix! Isabelle: I have no idea who to choose, so I choose them all! The four brothers: YES!

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Chapter 92

"You rotten brats think that just because you're already hairy, you can't tell me things?" The Chief impressively began his speech. I wanted to laugh at the indignant expression on the old man's face and at the chastised one on the brothers, yet I managed to remain neutral.

He coughed and continued after having made his point. "With that said, I'm happy. I am sure that in this village, the only genuinely happy for your marriage is me. That is a given as I have made sure, with my little ability, you grow up until this point."

My throat clogged a bit at the thought of this man, the new Chief at that time, being the only person who worried about four orphan boys, one still a baby, and gave them the knowledge and tools to support themselves. 

And, he did it even with the threat of being removed of his position as no one seemed keen in showing even a decent amount of kindness to four children.

"I could have done more… I should have done more." The Chief's eyes turned a bit glassy. "But, I'm glad. I'm glad you found a wonderful woman to form a home, a family with. Someone who was able to see beyond appearances, who is stubborn enough to stay and face hardships together with you."

The smile the Chief directed at me was full of gratefulness. The kind a thankful father gave his new daughter-in-law. 

My head pulsed and ached at the thought of my own father. The image of his kind smile and eyes full of love appeared in my mind. I powered through the pain and kept my own smile. 

"I only have to say that with these new doors opened in your life, you have to carefully trek the path, to open your eyes, to tune your ears and to enjoy your lives together. Remember that there are people who also support you." He gestured at the people gathered. "Be happy and full of love."

There was a moment that the new cups were filled with the homemade wine he brought. We rose our cups and cheered. The wine was sweet at first, but then the fermentation hit. I felt my nostrils flared, but otherwise the taste was very good. 

"Now, let's enjoy the food!" The Chief said. 

Since the meal no longer was between us, all the dishes were passed around and served. 

"No, don't move." Joseph held my shoulder as I made to stand to reach for food. Everything was put in front of me: a little dish with fish balls, the plate with braised pheasant and a cup with orange juice. 

It seemed Felix was the one who thought of squeezing the fruit to get all the juice. It tasted really good and started pondering on the fruits that could also be squeezed to get their juice.

"This is really good! Who made it?" Mrs. Attile praised, popping another fish ball into her mouth.

"I did." Felix proudly smiled.

"A husband who can cook is a treasure." Corey nodded, giving a meaningful glance at David who was busy trying to stop his youngest kids from making a mess. He was failing. 

"I also got help from my brothers." Not used to that kind of praise, Felix easily flustered and added.

"Much better! Four men alone and with no one to cook would have been a disaster!" Monthe's Wife, Vieve if I remembered correctly from our previous rushed presentations on our way to the eating site, commented. 

"I would have loved for my husband to be able to cook." Mrs. Attile sighed, half her dish of braised pheasant already gone. I blinked at her speed.

"Mine can only make soup." Vieve threw her stone at the conversation, mashing the last fish ball so her baby boy could eat it.

"Hey! It's good soup!" Monthe's comment was ignored by the already pumped wives.

"I burn even the water, so my husband had no other choice but to learn." Corey added with mirth.

"What did your mother-in-law say?" Vieve quickly asked. 

"What could she say? Either he learned to cook, or we would be eating my disastrous food. Maybe we would have even fallen ill from a stomachache." Corey laughed, same as Vieve. Mrs. Attile chuckled, not wanting to open her mouth to show what she was chewing.

Their lively conversation made me smile and giggle.

"Don't just listen to them, eat." Joseph nudged me. Looking at him, I noticed he had cut all the pheasant meat in bite size portions. I had been too embroiled in the women's conversation!

"Thank you." I smiled at him. He nodded and went back to listening to the already drunk Chief recount childhood stories of the brothers.

Since the women started talking about the cares of children, which I still did not have, I decided to pay attention to the old man's stories. Sure the knowledge of child rearing was valuable, yet information about my husbands was also important.

"...and he came, all wet and naked, to my house to yell: ' I got a fish, Chief!'." Wildly swinging his arms, he seemed to be recounting about the first time Felix fished. The teen was trying to hide his tall frame out of embarrassment. "'twas this tiny!" The Chief said, using his fingers to show the size of the fish.

"You ate them?" Monthe, eyes full of tears from laughing, asked.

"We had a dog..." The Chief took a sip of the wine.

"No!" Monthe looked expectant.

"Oh, yes. That dog took his fish and ate it." Both men laughed. Ethan chuckled. Lucas patted Felix's head to console him while Joseph shook his head. 

"And then, he ran back to the house, crying that a big monster ate his fish." Joseph grinned. 

"The dog was really big!" Felix cried out his excuse. 

The men laughed at his indignant expression. Both sides were very lively. I felt extremely happy to have all these people around me. 

I had a Chief who looked after my now-husbands. I had a future Boss who neatly weaved herself into a group of humble people. I had two friends who also helped us get things at a lower cost when we were in need. And, there were two people I could frankly see them as friends in the near future.

Finally, I had four handsome, skillful, responsible, hard-working and loving husbands with whom I was going to spend the rest of my life. I was really looking forward to our life together.

By mid-afternoon the celebration lowered its intensity. The dishes were picked up and carried to wash. Corey and Vieve took upon the task and forbid me to help when I proposed to change and accompany them.

"It's your big day! Don't bother yourself with menial tasks." Vieve said, Corey nodding behind.

With nothing to do, I went to the front yard. There, Mrs. Attile looked at the rabbits that were jumping around inside the fenced area. The chicken shed was built and put by the side; and, it seemed all the hens and the rooster were inside.

"Would you sell me a couple of rabbits? They look so cute!" She gushed.

"You can take whichever you like." I told her. I wanted to thank her for coming all the way from Basin Town to such a place like Yellow Leaf Village to be gawked, pointed and stared at.

"Nonsense! You feed and care for them. You invest time in them, so it's only fair that I pay for them." She took out a money pouch, opened it, pulled out a bill and put it in my hand. "Accept it." She almost ordered, probably noticing my resistance.

"Thank you." I said, a bit ashamed. Mrs. Attile seemed to have brought a big box full of fabrics as gift. I felt uncomfortable, grabbing the bill.

"Don't feel bad. I will grab the cutest rabbits, anyway. And, you will also horse around my store in the future, so it's fair." She grinned. We looked at each other for a second before laughing. She was right. "Now, I'm afraid I have to go. My husband is pretty lenient, yet he insists in eating dinner together." 

She rolled her eyes good-naturedly and giggled. Once the driver grabbed the two rabbits Mrs. Attile pointed at, they boarded the carriage and left. 

"Guess we'll be going, too." Monthe, Vieve and their boy plus Corey, David and their children also looked ready to leave.

"Do you not want to use the cart?" I asked Vieve. They were going far and they had a baby.

She shook her head. "We know a short-cut from here if we go by foot." She reassured me. I was not one bit reassured, yet I accepted her words. Then, I looked at Corey to offer the same, but she jumped ahead.

"We're going closer than them, it's fine. Besides, we need to do some walking. It tires the kids." She whispered that last part to me, and I understood. With how energetic their kids were, I would not be surprised if they had problems when putting them to sleep.

With our guests gone, we all got into the house to change. I even had to wash off the make-up. Thinking about it, a good soak did not sound bad. I could even use a bit of the lavender oil Corey gifted us. 

Joseph and Lucas changed first to prepare the bath while Ethan and Felix stayed behind to help me out of my dress and to put away the gifts the guests brought. 

Mrs. Attile's box was put beside the cabinet. Corey's gift was taken to the kitchen while David's beautiful flowers were left outside in a vat. The horse was unstrapped from the cart and walked into the yard to take him to the plot.

Since nights were not cold, they only prepared a bed of weeds for the horse to lay if it wanted to. The cart was left in the yard, taking a lot of space. Thankfully, the entrance was big enough to barely fit. The plan was to make a gate on the plot's fence for both the horse and the fence.

But, that was for tomorrow.

That night, I had to enjoy my wedding night!

Or not…

I was so tired from my hectic day that I fell asleep while bathing. I did not wake up until next day.