
I Remember Nothing, But I Have Four Husbands

Things happen for a reason. That's what the newly minted Isabelle thought when she realized she was left to become an amnesiac ghost in the back of a mountain. Luckily for her, four humble brothers shelter her, and give her the life she dreamed about. The gentle and caring Ethan! The quiet and honest Lucas! The sharp and intense Joseph! The cheerful and lovely Felix! Isabelle: I have no idea who to choose, so I choose them all! The four brothers: YES!

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153 Chs

Chapter 60

I had to say that the food did not disappoint. 

Lobsters was one of the most expensive dishes the restaurant had. Yes, I said we should not be seen as wanting to take advantage of Mr. Dodds. However, since he was buying friendship for his wife, then he was willing to pay for it.

"I must congratulate the chef for this good dish." I complimented as I took the last bite of food. 

"You did ask for the signature dish!" Jean giggled, half of her dish of fish uneaten. 

"Did I?" I asked surprised. "I guess I have good eye when it comes to food." That was half a lie. I had no idea if my palate was used to delicacies, yet I did guess the lobster was the best dish. There was no price on the menu, but the description sounded expensive. 

"Our chef will be happy to know his food's well-appreciated." Mr. Dodds said, rolling his wine in his cup.

The dish with the fish he asked for was accompanied by wine. His was served, but not Jean's. I remembered she said they were trying to have kids. But, is that not on both sides? As in, neither should drink? 

It was at times like these that I needed my memory the most as I was not sure of that. 

Anyway, that was something I did not want to mess with. 

Rapid knocking on the door interrupted my thoughts. The attendant that waited outside entered. "Problems downstairs, sir." He announced.

"Excuse me." Mr. Dodds nodded at us and immediately left the table. It happened in a flash, not giving us the time to react. 

Since none of us could help, we returned to our meal. "Are you not eating that?" I asked Jean, who looked down at her plate.

"Well, I like fish… Just not this one." She replied helplessly.

"Should we order another thing for you? You have not eaten that much." I recommended. 

She shook her head. "I think I'll just cook something good back home." 

I inwardly sighed. I did not doubt that Mr. Dodds loved Jean, it was obvious from the affection in his eyes. He just did not pay much attention to some details regarding his wife.

It was a bit sad, yet that could be solved if both talked about it.

"Do you cook in your family?" She quickly changed the topic. She expectantly looked at both of us.

"When I feel like to." I chuckled, eyeing Ethan who had not talked much during the meal. Only to answer some questions made by Mr. Dodds, like where he lived and what he did. 

Those were very awkward questions, yet Ethan had replied beautifully. "Humbly born and raised in Yellow Leaf Village. I was recently working at a wood workshop. They had some money problems and, well, not working there anymore."

If we had no company, I would have kissed him then and there.

Gosh, he sounded so formal! He would not lose face in front of those snotty scholars.

Right. Maybe I am being too biased, but how can I not?! I have to support my man!

"My brothers and I take turns to cook. Isabelle really cooks when she wants to." Somewhere between my mind going through the branches, Jean must have said something that forced Ethan to reply. 

"You're so lucky!" Jean pouted at me. I just smiled. I did not want to start us comparing our family lives. I did not think our friendship was that deep to do that. Perhaps in the future…

"I do not think your husband will return..." I prompted Jean.

"Yeah, he's taken too long now." She frowned.

"I also have to finish the dress." I also reminded her. 

"That's right! I have things to finish, too!" She yelped. 

Since there were things we had to do, we cut the lunch short. We basically just ate. As we headed to the stairs, we heard some irate voices coming from downstairs.

They were not loud, but the words were harsh enough to put anyone to cry. 

When we arrived at the first floor, we saw Mr. Dodds apologizing to a group of youngsters who had gathered at one corner of the place. There was food spilled all over the floor, and some guests were pointing and whispering at the scene. 

Jean seemed ready to step forward, but I stopped her. "It is over." I explained to her confused expression at my action. 

As soon as my words fell, the youngster who had been harshly rebuking at a waiter and listened to Mr. Dodds' apology waved his hand at the others. All five young men stood up and headed to the stairs, clearly leaving the restaurant. 

"You clean this mess." Mr. Dodds waited until the guests were gone before barking some orders to other waiters. "And you, follow my assistant to terminate your contract." The waiter, another young man, lowered his head and said nothing. 

Done with his ordering, Mr. Dodds turned to our direction, his eyes widening a bit at our presence. I let Jean go, and she took that as a cue to approach her husband.

Luckily, the man knew who he was angry with and accepted Jean's hug. Even hugging her back. 

After their intimate moment, which ended with him kissing her forehead, the couple walked towards us. 

"I'm sorry you had to witness such a scene." Mr. Dodds wryly smiled. He did look a bit frazzled from the whole situation.

Ethan and I shook our heads. "It is nothing." I said. "That young man..." I began, trying to fish some information. 

"The Commissioner's son and his friends. He's getting his airs inflated just from having a Sergeant brother-in-law. I couldn't settle the matter without firing the waiter." Mr. Dodds rubbed his forehead.

"Are you really firing him?" The young man looked on the verge of crying when he passed by us before. 

"My restaurant's this big, but it can be easily crushed by them, Isabelle." Mr. Dodds said. He was certainly reminding me that even if Basin Town was some far away town at the borders, there were still people we should never mess with. "Besides, I can refer him to another place."

Mr. Dodds might be lacking in his marriage, but he was an excellent businessman. He was certainly the type of boss workers were glad to have…

Oh… Oh!

I glanced at Ethan who had remained impassive at the scene. He must have been in the same situation as that young man before. 


"That is nice. That young man will not suffer that much. I guess it is only the restaurant that is left with a bruise and a missing man." I sighed. 

"The missing man can be solved quickly. The most important is to keep running in this shallow yet treacherous pond." Mr. Dodds said. He signaled us to move back upstairs to keep talking.

I would have said no any other time, but not at that moment.

"It is because the pond can easily turn murky that you need people with experience dealing with those problematic customers." I hedged. 

He huffed. "You make it sound easy. Those with experience do not want to be paid the salary of a newcomer. Which is understandable. But, being a waiter in a restaurant's not the same as being an attendant at a shop or being a scholar's page."

"So, I'm only left with the kids that just finished their schooling and are eager to learn. Which is a plus. But, then, things like what happened back down occur more often than you think."

I nodded along his explanation. It made complete sense. There was an invisible ladder workers followed when hired. The more experience, of course they expected a better pay. No one was desperate enough to be schooled person with experience hired for a low income. 

No one except…

"That is why this is perfect for you, Ethan!" I turned to him and beamed. "Mr. Dodds, I leave him in your hands. Jean and I have things to do! Bye!"

With those words, I grabbed Jean's wrist and ran off, leaving the two stumped men.