
I Remember Nothing, But I Have Four Husbands

Things happen for a reason. That's what the newly minted Isabelle thought when she realized she was left to become an amnesiac ghost in the back of a mountain. Luckily for her, four humble brothers shelter her, and give her the life she dreamed about. The gentle and caring Ethan! The quiet and honest Lucas! The sharp and intense Joseph! The cheerful and lovely Felix! Isabelle: I have no idea who to choose, so I choose them all! The four brothers: YES!

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153 Chs

Chapter 142

"She what?" I gasped, looking at Felix with great disbelief.

"She's apparently marrying the father of her baby." Felix dutifully repeated, naturally going back to his food. The other brothers also went back to eating after their momentary shock.

However, I could not pretend as if everything was good just like that. I needed to know all the details of the matter! Ginna claimed she did not want to marry the man, but then she accepts him after he shows up at the store?

 "I have to go see her." I decided then and there.

"What for?" Ethan asked with a frown.

"Because I want to know if she is making the right choice." I replied as if it was the obvious.

"Even if she's making the wrong choice, you don't have to meddle. She's already an adult. She knows what she's doing." Joseph interjected.


"No buts." Lucas said with finality. He had just returned and he was siding with his brothers and not me! For shame!

I looked at the three, but none seemed to back down on their decision. I turned to Felix and he seemed torn between following his brothers' leads and allowing me going to town. I deflated and sat there in silence.

"Isabelle…" Ethan spoke up.

I rose my hand to stop him. "I'm angry. Don't talk to me. Let's discuss later." I did not mind if they misunderstood me, I really did not want to continue the topic as it was a sure way to start a fight. The doctor had reiterated that I kept relaxed, without exalting myself. 

If that meant sulking on my own while my Husbands were on tenterhooks due to my words to avoid a fight, so be it.

When dinner was over, my anger had simmered down. My Husbands were still nervous, doing things carefully to not make me react. It was funny, and heart-rending. Their engraved desire to please women rearing its head.

They did not have to be careful around me. I was not going anywhere. In fact, if I were not pregnant, we would have had a heavy argument, with scoffs, glares, frowns and my threat to sleep alone because I did not want to see them.

It was normal because we did not have a long time to know each other. So, we were still working around our own characters and clashing with one another as we had to test limits and learn how to circumvent the other's reverse scales.

"We can talk now." I said, once I took my bath alone.

I used that time to properly think on what I wanted to say. We once again sat at the table to have a nice view of each other's faces. The table was circular after all.

"You are right." I began. "I cannot tell Ginna what to do and what no to do. Despite knowing each other and being friends, I cannot influence on her decisions as much as I thought I could."

I did not know from where that notion came, anyway. To be able to affect a person's life with a mere sentence coming from my mouth. I was not the King or the Queen or any Princess… Or, at least, I did not think I was one. 

"We might've been hasty, too." Ethan slowly said. "You can see her. We just thought you were going to interrogate her for her decision as if she was a child." 

To my utter embarrassment, I was actually going to do that. That was why I wanted to think things over and not fight. It would have been ridiculous to fight over an outsider. 

"I am not going to do that. I promise." I said, trying to look as convincing as possible. "I just want to make sure she is happy with her decision and that she is not being coerced or anything."

The four blinked. Did I say something wrong? Felix was the first to react. "She's not being forced. She, um… It might be the other way around." He explained to his brothers the meaning of the word, and then he addressed me.

"Huh? What does that mean?" I was confused.

"Ginna said he hadn't wanted to marry him because he was… a bird-brained person. But, since he was sincere, she wanted to try out." Felix explained. 

Why had he not said that before?! We would have save ourselves that completely uncomfortable situation!

"So, she forced herself on the poor sod, end of the matter." Joseph thumped on the table. 

It… really was resolved like that.

"Then, let's talk about the wolf." Ethan brought up another hot matter. "What the fuck, Lucas?" He turned his freezing gaze at his brother. Joseph, Felix and I tried to become as small as possible to not be on the eldest's bad side. 

He really must have held back because since he and Felix returned, Felix had taken the floor by telling us about the thing with Ginna. The two had seen the wolf pup when Joseph called it to eat. Joseph and Lucas had already trained it to do that!

"Thought it could be a good guardian." Lucas said, a bit subdued. With his injuries, he looked even more like a defeated rooster. 

"You thought a wolf could be a good dog guardian when we have a pregnant wife in the house." Ethan deadpanned. He really was unimpressed. 

"It's a pup. It can be trained." Lucas tried to argue. 

It clearly can be trained, I thought as I looked at my room's porch, where I saw the pup crawl under. I had seen the two endlessly indicate the pup that it would sleep there from then on. I was dubious since it did not seem to understand, but it did go under the porch after eating.

"What if it suddenly attacks Isabelle or our child?" Ethan narrowed his eyes.

I shivered. Of course I had thought of that. To prevent the situation from happening, Lucas told me the pup needed to spend a lot of time with us. To get used to our scents. It did not reassure me much as it was a wild animal, but I wanted to believe in my Husband.

For the time being, I gave him one of my tops so the pup could smell it since I was afraid of approaching it. 

"I'll get rid of it." Lucas promised the same way he had promised that soldier.

"When it would have already done the damage." Ethan shook his head. "Get rid of it now." He sentenced. Joseph jerked but otherwise remained silent. I remembered his reaction to the pup and felt my heart twist.

Lucas sat there, holding his brother's gaze until he relented. With a heavy demeanor, he stood and turned where the pup was. He pulled it out from its sleeping pace and grabbed it from its nape. The pup whined and yelped in pain.

"Don't!" I suddenly cried out. The four looked at me while the pup kept squirming in Lucas' hold. "Put it down. Don't kill it." I pleaded. Lucas did not put it down, but his adjusted his hold on it so it would hurt it.

"It's a wild animal, Isabelle. They can't be tamed." Ethan reasoned with a grave voice.

"I know!" I hissed at him. I knew well that what I was doing was stupid. It was best to not have that hazard around, but its pained yelps made something inside me twist. "I know." I sagged in my seat. There was no point of return. "It will sleep in my room from now on."

"Isabelle! Belle!" Ethan and Felix cried out.

"If you want it to get used to me, let it sleep in my room. I trust you, Lucas, more than I trust it. I trust that you can make it never hurt me or our child." I ignored the two and looked directly at Lucas. I was putting my life and the life of our child in his hands.

He looked back at me with an intensity that I could not decipher. He just nodded at me, sealing the deal between us.

That night, Ethan went to sleep in a bad mood, angered at our decision. Felix had no idea what to think, but still followed Ethan's lead. Joseph kissed me deeply and thanked me profusely. Lucas obviously slept with me, holding me close. 

The pup used the leaning tub as its bed.