
I rely on medical skills to cut the dragon

After I was haunted, I learned witchcraft in order to survive. I will try my best to live.Of course, as a doctor, or a witch doctor. Of course, I will help the patient. Including patients who are sick because of ghosts.

liang_zhang · Horror
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56 Chs

Use medicine as use army

Leaving Zhang Xiaofa's family, I don't worry about going back. I want to walk around the village and buy some vegetables by the way. As a result, when some villagers saw me, they gave me some fruits and vegetables enthusiastically. I had already brought a lot of food before I bought any vegetables.

Zhang geqi said with a smile, "Dr. Lin is really popular in the village. Doctors love everyone and everyone loves medicine. It's really harmonious. Think about the news that doctors are often hacked to death in the city now. I heard that there are some professional doctors who are especially picky about doctors."

I said, "the doctor-patient relationship is tense. The reasons are very complex, and I don't give much evaluation. But here, as long as the curative effect is good, the doctor-patient relationship will naturally be good. This is the hard truth."

At this time, Zhang geqi pointed to the mountain and suggested, "by the way, let's go up the mountain in a moment and get rid of the flood dragon?"

"'easy 'solution? What you say is the same as picking fruit!" I shook my head and denied, "it's afternoon, and it's almost dark after going up the mountain. If you want to go, you have to make full preparations."

Zhang geqi showed a disappointed expression, "Dr. Lin, I'm not asking for your advice, and I don't need your help. If you don't go, I'll go by myself. I still need to be prepared to deal with this kind of child flood dragon. Let my peers know. Don't you laugh at me?"

I shook my head, "if you say you can't go, you can't go. You're a guest, just follow your host, and don't mess around. And I didn't stop you because of that flood dragon. I told you long ago that Niuji mountain is not an ordinary mountain, and you should pay special attention to the timing of going up the mountain."

Hearing the speech, Zhang geqi rubbed his hair hard, looking very upset and depressed.

I advised, "there are flood dragon on Niuji mountain, which is also a great threat to the personal safety of the villagers. If I have time, I must get rid of them! But I don't fight unprepared battles. Spells, drugs and armor must be prepared."

"what, you sound like playing games and boss!" Zhang geqi was anxious, "you must be the kind of person who raised the level higher than the boss before meeting the boss. It's really boring. Such a life has no passion!"

I said, "it's better to say I'm bored or cautious. Anyway, I won't risk my life! Never! Grandma has only me!"

After that, I went to the butcher's shop to buy ten kilograms of big bones. When I returned to the clinic, Zhang geqi chatted with my grandmother. I boiled water and cooked, stewed the big bones, and offered sacrifices to brother dog first - ghosts and gods only enjoy the smell. After the sacrifice, these tribute people can also eat.

Considering that Zhang geqi didn't eat salt, I gave up the idea of making big bones with sauce, put the stewed big bones in hot oil with onions, ginger and garlic, and then simply mix a bowl of leek flower sauce and a bowl of garlic sauce.

A large pot of meat bones came out, and Zhang geqi was very happy. He grabbed a piece and ate it quickly, while eating it, he said it was delicious.

Grandma still drank pumpkin millet porridge. I was going to tear some lean meat for her. Grandma waved her hand and said that her stomach couldn't stand eating meat at night. Let me eat it myself.

Watching grandma eat less and less, I couldn't help but worry faintly.

Zhang geqi said, "grandma Lin, there is a kind of tonic eating method in our hometown. We cook porridge with freshly slaughtered snake blood, put a raw snake gall at the bottom of the bowl, and pour hot snake blood porridge. It's very nourishing. Do you want to try it?"

Grandma smiled, "I can't stand it. People there love to eat in different ways. By the way, young Zhang, what are your parents doing? Do you also catch flood dragon?"

"My parents divorced. My father used to catch flood dragon, but now he is out of health. He opens an online shop to sell things.

"Your father is quite fashionable. What about your grandfather?"

"Alas, I don't know in which flood dragon's tummy!"

The two of them are constantly chatting. It can be seen that grandma likes Zhang geqi very much.

I don't hate this kind of atmosphere. In the past, I didn't talk much with my grandmother during dinner. Often there was only the sound of quietly chewing food in the room. With Zhang geqi as a living treasure, the atmosphere became lively and good.

After dinner, I packed up some medicinal materials and put them on a piece of paper to feed the green sac spider.

Although the green sac spider is called "spider", it looks very strange. It is blue all over, with four pairs of thin claws, and a huge white pattern like eyes on its back. Zhang geqi saw it, and was very rare. He leaned over the table and stared, as if a child had been attracted by flying ants.

I made a pot of tea for grandma. Grandma said to me, "young Zhang, this child is pure hearted. You are easy to get along with him. You are steady and introverted. He is unrestrained and unrestrained. He is very complementary and suitable for making friends."

I smiled bitterly, "grandma, don't worry about this kind of thing. I think he's a tiger."

"Miaomiao, you should learn to accept others. Friends are not exactly the same as yourself. "

"Well, I said it for fun. He was really lively!"

I turned around to go, thinking about grandma's words, my brain was like electricity, and suddenly an idea came up!

I said excitedly, "complementary, restraint? Grandma, don't flood dragon have five element attributes? Can you use this to cure Li Youtian?"

Zhang geqi heard it, stood up from the table and said, "Dr. Lin, you're thinking nonsense. If it's feasible, someone would have done it long ago."

I thought about it and said, "brother Zhang, didn't you say that you have metallic dragon pills in your body? If you swallow dragon pills with different attributes, what will happen?"

Zhang geqi first ran into the kitchen, took cooking wine and soy sauce, slowly poured them into a glass along the wall at the same time, and explained, "at first, they will resist each other, but in a very short time, the strong side will devour the weak and become the same attribute. Like this!" With that, he stirred the liquid in the cup with chopsticks. At first, the layered liquid gradually fused under the rapid stirring, and it was difficult to separate each other.

I stared at the liquid in the cup, meditating, and my thoughts turned rapidly.

I suddenly thought of something in my stomach and slapped my thighs excitedly. Zhang Geqi, who was stealing cooking wine, was startled and puffed out the green sac spider. The little creature immediately creaked up under the table.

I said to grandma, "grandma, you once told me that medicine is like military use! There is a cloud in the art of war, it is better to divide the enemy than to share the enemy. Using flood dragon poison with different attributes can make them fight inside, and then break it at the moment when dragon poison is the weakest!"

Zhang geqi wiped his mouth and asked, "what do you mean by breaking, small fist?"

At this time, my thoughts have been fully opened, and I said confidently, "centipede toxin, of course!"

With a thud, grandma stood up with a crutch.

Her shriveled masseter muscles trembled slightly, and this reaction has explained her attitude.

Grandma said excitedly, "Miaomiao, you have understood the true meaning of medication, and your idea is completely correct!"

I was overjoyed and hurried to help her, "grandma, don't stand, sit down and have a rest!"

Grandma waved her hand. It's rare to see her so excited.

She thought and said, "before the medicine was administered, the seven stone powder had to stop, so that the flood dragon poison in the patient's body would return to normal. In addition, to seize the right time, the decoction was still too slow. It was better to use acupuncture to directly plunge the centipede toxin into the tripe!"

I said happily, "in this way, it only needs ordinary centipede poison. As long as there is no big mistake in the steps, the flood dragon poison can be cured! Then it is easy to remove the centipede poison!"

Zhang geqi was stunned and said incredulously, "Hey, I'm not dreaming, am I? flood dragon disease has troubled many generations of flood dragon catcher, so suddenly there is a way?! the brain circuit of witch doctor is amazing? If you can successfully solve flood dragon disease, I don't know how many colleagues can retire normally!"

I laughed happily and said, "in short, in my territory, I don't allow any diseases I can't cure! Li Youtian's body is obviously a water-based flood dragon poison, so the one who restrains it is soil-based. We need to hunt a land-based flood dragon poison!"

"Hahahaha!" Hearing this, Zhang geqi clapped his hands and laughed, "what a coincidence! The one who swallowed my knife on the mountain is the flood dragon with earth attribute. commonly known as the king of earth dragons!"