
I rely on medical skills to cut the dragon

After I was haunted, I learned witchcraft in order to survive. I will try my best to live.Of course, as a doctor, or a witch doctor. Of course, I will help the patient. Including patients who are sick because of ghosts.

liang_zhang · Horror
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56 Chs

Strange house

When everyone saw the master coming, they were so scared that they knelt down and saluted.

The brave servant looked up, and sure enough, the master looked better, there were a few more black hairs in his temples and beard, and his muddy eyes became energetic.

Is that bowl of disgusting medicine soup really effective?

The master scolded the servants and rebuked them. That night, he went to the Taoist priest to drink and eat, and praised the medicine for being really effective. After drinking the medicine, he immediately felt full of energy, and my appetite increased greatly. he asked the Taoist priest what was "next"?

The Taoist smiled but didn't answer. He just picked up his glass and said some birthday compliments.

After that, the host drank this "stealing shade soup" every day. Although he felt sick and nauseated when drinking it, the efficacy appeared day by day.

The owner, who is nearly 80 years old, began to turn black, looked better and better, and her legs and feet were flexible. Even during this period, another concubine was pregnant with a child, and his family had not had a new recruit for many years.

The Taoist priest was more arrogant and domineering in the Li mansion, and secretly did some dirty activities.

Although the family members were very unhappy with him, they could only swallow it in the face of their master and treat him as a vicious dog.

The tall maid also felt that under this false peace, something bad will about to happen.

Three months later, the owner found that the effect of "stealing shade soup" became worse, and his body began to be weak again. As before, he coughed with phlegm, was sleepy and had no appetite, and even had the symptoms of coughing up blood.

The master was frightened and hurriedly asked the Taoist what was going on.

The Taoist pretended to pinch his fingers, frowned, and said, "it seems that the 'Stealing Yin soup' has been drunk to the end. The Lord of hell found you stealing longevity, and took it all back in one breath. Now all the work is wasted!"

The master's legs softened when he heard this, and he asked him what to do with it. After three months of drinking this shit like soup with his nose in his hands, wouldn't it be for nothing?

The Taoist hypocritically said, "don't panic, Lord Li. I have a martial uncle who became a magistrate in the underworld after his death because of his virtue and good deeds. When my soul get out of my body, I will talk to the magistrate about the conditions."

The host was overjoyed and hurriedly said, "good, good."

At this time, the maid who always followed the master knew that the master was controlled by the Taoist and got into the trap!

But at this time, no matter what the Taoist said, the master would believe unconditionally.

The Taoist asked people to prepare incense and offerings. He sat on the ground and said something. In the process, his body fell back without warning and did not move!

The bystanders looked at each other, wondering what tricks the Taoist was playing.

After waiting for a long time, someone went up to sniff and found that there was no breath. Someone said that the Taoist's soul was really out of the body.

All the people watched the "soul inducing lamp" all night long. The Taoist priest who had died for a long time suddenly had a movement. He took a deep breath, then suddenly sat up, stroked his beard and laughed, and said, "I have returned from hell, go and invite your master."

After the master came, the Taoist insisted that everyone leave and talk secretly, so the tall maid had to leave, but it was easy to eavesdrop.

The Taoist also urged, "the ancients buried their children and worshipped their mother. Filial piety is the first of all good things. Isn't it natural for the old father to die and the children to sacrifice their lives?"

The host shook his head again. "It's not possible. You said there were other ways before. What is this way?"

The Taoist sighed, "stealing life is only a trick after all, and it can't last long. If you really want to live forever, you have to practice the 'Dharma of the great way'."

The host asked, "what is the 'Dharma of the great way'?"

"Naturally, I cultivate this' white bone mental skill '. To be honest, I look very young. In fact, I have lived for 300 years. I am the youngest in our school, and my master has lived for more than 1000 years."

The master was surprised, "I see. It seems that there is no shortcut for everything. Dare to ask how to practice this white bone mental skill? I am old and tired of the world. Can I learn it?"

The Taoist smiled, "it doesn't matter, you and I have destiny. As long as you are sincere and have my teaching, you will be able to cultivate, but I have said before, if you want to jump out of reincarnation, regardless of life and death, you are bound to put down children's affection, otherwise you can't cultivate."

The Master seemed to make a great determination and said, "I'm... Dying. It's a luxury to survive for another day. Today, enlightened by the Taoist priest, as long as I can cultivate the art of immortality, I'm willing to give up my wealth and travel around the world with the Taoist priest."

"Well, well, let's start today."

In the view of the tall maid, the master was finally cheated into the sinister thief ship. She saw it in her eyes and felt pain in her heart, but she had no way to stop the master. No matter how she persuaded, the master couldn't listen.

The master began to practice with the Taoist priest. The so-called art of longevity has no scriptures. Every day, he just meditates or takes pills. Soon, the host's body changed significantly, becoming younger and younger, but his temperament also became more and more indifferent.

Sometimes the tall maid even suspects that the master's inner side is no longer the former master!

The owner was crazy about the so-called practice, cast a huge Dan stove at home, and built a mausoleum on a large scale. All the fields in the village were deserted, and skinny dogs ran around in the weeds, because all the villagers were tied up and dragged to the mountains to repair the mausoleum.

This matter is very strange. The owner is obviously practicing the art of longevity, but he wants to build a tomb. Whose tomb is it?!

Once, the tall maid saw many babies brought by the housemaid, and they were quacking and crying.

All the servants showed an expression of intolerance on their faces, but they still put them in sacks. The tall maid, who had always been silent, hurried to ask, "what are you doing?"

An old slave wiped his tears and said, "the master wants the child's heart and liver to be used as medicine, and he can't kill it with a knife or touch the soil."

At this time, the housekeeper gave an order, and everyone lifted the sack high and threw it hard to the ground!

Listening to the sharp cry from inside, many people sobbed.

The maid suddenly realized that everything was out of control at this time!

Some servants really couldn't stand it and ran away overnight, but when they came to the entrance of the village, they would die suddenly for no reason, and many large insects wrapped in black smoke came out of their mouths and noses.

In the long run, piles of bones near the entrance of the village, together with the whole village, are shrouded in an ominous and weird atmosphere.

Until one day, the master suddenly announced that he would take all his concubines and children to visit the newly completed tomb!