
I rely on medical skills to cut the dragon

After I was haunted, I learned witchcraft in order to survive. I will try my best to live.Of course, as a doctor, or a witch doctor. Of course, I will help the patient. Including patients who are sick because of ghosts.

liang_zhang · Horror
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56 Chs

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These five clay sculptures of five immortals made by master Xie are not delicate enough, but they have an indescribable vividness. The crooked lines have an unexpected ethereal charm of the spirit, as if master Xie could see the five immortals and fabricate them.

In the folk of Northeast China, the five immortals have a higher status than almost any God and Buddha. From dignitaries to ordinary people, they worship them, and their spiritual deeds are countless. Almost the old people in every village can talk about several anecdotes related to the five immortals with relish.

Aunt Li naturally knew it, too. When she looked at the five sculptures, she was surprised and couldn't close her mouth, and advised me, "Dr. Lin, this is a little too much! These five are too big , invite one would be great,if five of them must fight!"

I smiled, "I'm going to invite one, but I haven't decided which one to invite, so I'm ready all."

I took out a wolf postscript and gave it to Aunt Li. "Go and stick this symbol on the door and come in later." I also need to be alone if I want to distract them.

After the mother and son went out, I moved the five immortals sculpture in the box to the table, and then took out the offerings at the bottom of the box - I gave Li Youtian 500 ¥ to buy it. As a result, he bought instant roast chicken, sausage, chicken feet, drunkard peanuts, and canned beer.

I look at these things in a daze. These sealed foods don't mean they can't be used as offerings. The problem is that they're not fragrant enough!

There is a standard for sacrificial food, which is "fragrant", because ghosts and gods only enjoy this fragrance.

"Youtian! Youtian!" I shouted from the window, "do you have a pot in your house?"

"What pot?" Li Youtian promised in the garden, "Doctor Lin, there seems to be something strange on the roof over there..."

"Don't worry about anything else. Give me one of your cooking pots and some Baijiu. Hurry up!"

After a while, Li Youtian ran in with an alcohol stove and a small iron pot.

I put the pot on the shelf, took apart all the food and poured it in. I poured canned beer into it as soup. As the fire became hotter and hotter, the pot began to boil. Although there were many food additives in it, it was still very delicious.

Li Youtian may be hungry. He couldn't help wiping his mouth and asked me, "what's this for? Is it for the gods?"

I nodded, "yes."

"Miaomiao, you're a real troublemaker, and use hot pot for God?"

"You don't understand that. The so-called 'human fireworks' first refers to the fireworks used to sacrifice gods on earth. The ancient tripod was used to cook offerings. If you have the opportunity to go to the temple of heaven, there must be something like a stove around. When the ancient emperor sacrificed to heaven, he would cook whole pigs and cows in a huge pot as big as a bathtub. Therefore, using hot pot for God is actually the most standard and classic ceremony. "

Li Youtian thumbed up in admiration, "Miaomiao, you're too good. How can you know everything!"

I smiled, modest a few words, and then said: "Youtian, I have to stay alone for a while."

Li Youtian closed the door wisely and went out. At this time, the pot was boiling hot, and the aroma filled the whole room. I turned down the fire of the alcohol stove a little, and then poured five cups of wine in front of the five gods in turn.

Then I folded my palms, kept my mind, and recited the pithy formula of asking God to move the troops. This set of words was spoken by many people in Northeast China.

The reason why I want to invite five people in one breath is that I'm not sure whether grandma has offended anyone in her long medical career, or that grandma has never offended anyone. With my strength, I should be able to invite them.

After reading the "please God move the troops" formula three times, suddenly the table shook, and some soup splashed out of the iron pot. I was afraid that the pot would fall and burn something, so I first put out the fire, and then politely said, "younger generation Lin respectfully invites the five immortals to come."

As soon as the words fell, I saw the wine cup in front of the rat fairy fly up, wipe my ears and fly by, smashing on the wall behind me, and the wine was as obliterated as blood.

Brother dog growled angrily, and I whispered, "don't quarrel with them!"

These five are of noble status, but their virtue is very general, because they are not on the right path.

Then, the table shook more and more violently, and the sculptures of the five immortals also swayed. The wine cups of three of them fell, and only the wine cups of fox immortal did not fall, but half of them were scattered.

I hugged my fist and said, "since the five immortals have come, please show your holiness!"

The only thing that answered me was the strange shaking sound of the table, and a wisp of Yin wind whirled around my feet, making my ankle chilly.

After thinking for a while, I said, "there are outsiders in the village, which is very rampant. The northeast is your territory. You immortals will not sit idly by?"

As soon as my voice fell, the shaking stopped immediately, and the electric light in the room began to flicker. When the light went out, the faces of the five immortals became more and more strange, as if there were five demon immortals squatting there. Thanks to my good psychological quality, ordinary people were estimated to collapse when they saw this scene.

The light suddenly went out, and a voice in the dark said, "well, old five, don't scare the younger generation."

"Younger? Hum hum!" A sharp woman's voice said, "this guy is a witch doctor,. What kind of Junior is he? Little witch doctor, don't pretend to be here. In those days, the master only joked with a little girl, and your grandmother chopped the my tail with a knife. I haven't counted this revenge!"

This sharp voice is obviously rat fairy. I remember that grandma once treated a disease. She did chop in the air with a kitchen knife sprayed with Rune water. She heard something scream. There were some blood stains on the kitchen knife, and then the girl who had been unconscious for half a year woke up.

This mouse calls this "kidding"!?

It's really like some villains' self-defense. Anyway, as long as something is "joking", it can make a big deal smaller, and others' scolding is unreasonable.

The first voice said again, "that thing can't be completely said to be the fault of someone else's witch doctor."

Rat immortal's voice became more sharp. "Third, what do you mean, that's my fault? In my power, it's easy to kill that little girl. I'm just kidding. That smelly witch doctor will hurt my immortal body. Which can't bear it! I'll cut off one ear of this guy first to vent my anger."

Suddenly something flew in the dark, and I was so scared that I quickly retreated. Then another "hidden weapon" quickly shot from the foot of the idol and knocked away the thing that attacked me.

Two things hit the wall from left to right. Judging from the movement, it should be two wine cups. I was scared out of a cold sweat.

Then a gloomy voice said, "mouse, pay attention to me. Immortals should look like immortals." After saying that, the voice made a strange sound of "sizzling".

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