
I rely on medical skills to cut the dragon

After I was haunted, I learned witchcraft in order to survive. I will try my best to live.Of course, as a doctor, or a witch doctor. Of course, I will help the patient. Including patients who are sick because of ghosts.

liang_zhang · Horror
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56 Chs

Mysterious helper

Seeing me coming, this strange man with white hair and different pupils nodded at me and said, "Dr. Lin, we met at the funeral."

I also nodded, "sure. Let's talk to the side!"

So we came outside. At this time, the whole village was shrouded in Yin, and there were ghosts everywhere. One after another, screams made people unbearable.

I asked, "what can I do for you, sir?"

The man said, "it's inconvenient for my master to come forward, so let me help you. You can call me sichen."

I was pleasantly surprised. "OK, thank you! Thank your master, too."

I felt a little comforted. After all, there was still one of the five immortals who was willing to help. I thought this person might be the subordinate of the hedgehog immortal, who was also called white fairy, and he was dressed in white.

"Without delay, you have also seen the situation in our village. Can you help me find the person behind it?" I asked.

Si Chen took out a yellow piece of talisman paper and put it in his left palm. Then his right hand quickly drew a talisman on it. After drawing it, he handed it to me. On the talisman was painted a mouth, an ear and some symbols that he couldn't understand. He said, "put this away for convenient contact."


"I'll see you later."

After talking about Sichen's hands, his body actually split into countless "himself" and flew around. The more he split, the lighter the figure became, and it became like a ghost. This is a quite advanced Taoist magic.

His body also lightly jumped onto the nearby roof, looked at it for a moment in the bright moonlight, and then flew away with a swish. His action was as agile and vigorous as a trained assassin.

I breathed a sigh of relief. It seemed that this helper was quite powerful. Thanks to saving the hedgehog when I was a child, I made a good relationship.


I called Li Youtian out. He put a pair of underwear on his head, with a toilet plunger in his left hand and a coke bottle in his right hand. When I saw this shape, I almost vomited blood and said in surprise, "You... What are you doing?"

Li Youtian said, "exorcise evil spirits! Don't you mean that ghosts are afraid of dirty things? I haven't washed my underwear for seven days, and the toilet plunger has just been used. Smell it!"

I covered my nose. "No, no! What's in that bottle?"

"Boy pee!"

"Where did the boy come from?"

He pointed to himself, "I'm still that... as a virgin, just peed, and still warm!"

I was amused by him, "YouTian, boy pee... Actually refers to the urine of a little boy under the age of 10. Adult adults, whether virgin or not, don't call you boy! And you'd better put down this Neiku and toilet carriage, not to mention whether you can ward off evil spirits. My spell will lose its effect first when it touches them. Isn't it killing eight thousand enemies and losing ten thousand by itself?"

"Alas!" Li Youtian sighed, "Miaomiao, I see you working so hard alone, and I want to help you!"

I smiled, "I just want to ask you for help now. Put these down quickly, wash your hands, and then go and help me stick a spell! By the way, bring me a kitchen knife, the one that often kills chickens and fish in your family."

"Yes, wait a minute."

Li Youtian promised to go in. After a while, he ran out, wiped the water stains on his hands, and handed me an old kitchen knife.

I gave him all the wolf postscript charms on my body. In fact, there were not many, just a dozen. I told him, "stick these charms on the door door door by door. If the number is not large, you can choose those door stickers with only the elderly in your home."

Li Youtian hesitated and whispered, "what if the ghost finds me?"

I patted him on the shoulder, "as long as you don't afraid, no ghost can hurt you..."

"But I'm not as brave as you!" Li Youtian stammered.

I took out a blank piece of paper, deliberately stuck it on Li Youtian's back, and said, "I stuck the most powerful one for you. Don't be afraid now. Don't look back when you hear strange movements."

"OK!" Li Youtian seemed to inject courage at once, nod heavily, and then went.

I closed my eyes and recited the pheasant Sutra once to boost the shine of my body. After reciting, I felt a warm current flowing all over my body.

Then I grabbed the kitchen knife with both hands, stepped on the vigorous steps, and recited the curse of eliminating ghosts and evil spirits. A blast of evil spirit was aroused from the kitchen knife.

Finally, the wolf lection ended, and the kitchen knife in his hand was full of pure shine, and the blade was slightly red.

I looked up and saw that those green faced and tusked imps on the roof were still waving soul attracting flags. I shouted, "brother dog, clean up those leading the way first."


Brother dog couldn't wait. He rushed out of me screaming, ran in the sky in the moonlight, and bit the nearest green faced and fanged imp. after struggling in vain, the imp was bitten off his neck by brother dog, which turned into a wisp of shade and dissipated.

Unexpectedly, the ghost kids around were alert and shook the soul attracting flags together desperately. Brother dog rushed to the roof and killed two ghost kids like lightning.

At this time, the ground shook, and a large group of fierce ghosts rushed out from the corner of the alley. They were grotesque and evil, just like the Halloween Parade in foreign countries. I was so surprised that my eyes widened. The ghosts even shook the ground at night, which was too exaggerated.

These were summoned by the green faced fanged imps for support. Some of them jumped onto the roof and surrounded brother dog.

"Come back! Come back!"

I shouted orders.

Brother dog roared and rushed out of the siege of ghosts, ran towards me, and the evil spirits also rushed to me like a terrible tide. They stretched out their claws, exposed their fangs, and their translucent ferocious faces superimposed together, like an endless strange white fog.

I picked up the red kitchen knife in my hand and chopped it against them. Wherever the kitchen knife went, it killed dozens of ghosts like a broken bamboo.

Although I was overwhelmingly dominant at the moment when I rushed up, when I killed dozens of ghosts in one breath, suddenly the situation reversed, the shine attached to the kitchen knife began to be greatly reduced, and the shine in my body began to resist the attack of bursts of shade. I felt that my hands were almost numb, my joints were tingling, my body was covered with goose bumps, and I couldn't help exhaling white.

Then several translucent ghost hands stretched out and grabbed my wrists. Suddenly, like ice needles into muscles and bones, the place they held actually began to turn white... No, look carefully, it was a thin layer of ice on the body surface!

At this time, the black dog skin I was wearing flew up by myself, and the "seal" behind me was suddenly untied. shine air flowed all over my body. The speed of warming my hands was too fast, and there was even an illusion of hot blood and itchy skin. With this momentum, I wielded a knife and slashed indiscriminately, sweeping out these rampant evil spirits.

The dog skin only left the body for a few seconds, and then fell back on me. I quickly retreated and rubbed my wrist, which was still a little stinging. I frowned and said, "no, there are too many, too many!"

No matter how vigorous my shine is, I will be dissolved by a large number of ghosts, because tonight is the full moon, and the purest shade in heaven and Earth continues to supplement each other's morale. The ghosts just killed by my kitchen knife soon stood up slowly in the moonlight and recovered their bodies.

This is simply an ant trying to shake the tree. No matter how many times I read the pheasant Sutra, I can't resist the huge shade air brought by the full moon. I must find the mastermind behind it!

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