
I rely on fantasy to play games

noias · Games
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Chapter 29: Rewards and Youth Fantasy

Lin Jie was not very interested in what he was thinking about.

Instead, he turned his body slightly to one side, perfectly blocking the outside view.

He played with his mobile phone under the table.

It seems that even after graduating from the previous life for many years, it has experienced countless pains, and the top card vision ability that has been trained has not gone back.

Lin Jie sighed.

Then a news suddenly appeared on his mobile phone: "Emergency notice, emergency notice, residents living near Qiaotang Bay have noticed..."

Seeing this title, Lin Jie went in with a little curiosity.

The general content of this news is as follows:

On August 28, 2022, near the ancient town of Chang'an, 10 kilometers away from Qiaotang Bay, there was a vicious homicide. The prisoner held a murder weapon and slashed wildly at passers-by, resulting in five minor injuries, two serious injuries and one death. Then the prisoner escaped without trace.

On August 31, 2022, in Shehua Street, 6 kilometers away from Qiaotang Bay, the prisoner who disappeared for three days committed another crime, and escaped again after the death of two people.

The police are now making every effort to hunt down the vicious serial killer. The residents near Wangqiaotang Bay pay more attention to their personal safety these days and try to take the main road

The characteristics of this serial killer are:

Holding two kitchen knives with a handle as the murder weapon, he is thin and small, with a little bent back and pale face. He is about thirty years old

If you encounter this person, please call the police at the first time, provide clues and finally make him arrested, reward: 50w soft coin.


Lin Jie looked at it for more than 50w, then murmured softly: "serial killer..."

I haven't been caught for so many days, which is really very rare in the era of cameras all over the streets.

Be careful when going out. Lin Jie thought.

However, because he is running very fast now, it is estimated that few people can run him, so he is not too flustered about the news.

However, he can still run.

Of course, it's the best thing not to meet him.

Even if the reward is 50w soft sister coins, the money is too small compared with his life.

No, they are not comparable at all.

"Lin Jie, Wen Bin, we have summer homework."

Hearing this sound, Lin Jiecai put away his mobile phone, took out the summer assignments from his schoolbag and handed them to the study committee members who came to collect them one by one.

Seeing that Lin Jie was so straightforward, the learning committee member's eyes showed some surprise.

After all, in the past, neither of these two people could hold off for ten and a half days, and how long could they hold off.

The Wenbin beside him, of course, pinched his fat face and grabbed his schoolbag for a long time. Suddenly, he said, "Alas, I forgot to bring it with me. I have finished writing it, really!"

... This is normal.

The study committee member watched Wen Bin's "exquisite" performance and silently roast in his heart.

Then he said, "I'll collect it tomorrow."

Put the summer homework of Lin Jie together with that of others, and turn around and walk towards the teacher's office.

As soon as the study committee member left, Wenbin immediately leaned over his fat head and said plaintively, "Brother Jie, you have changed. You didn't do that before. You have finished your summer homework."

However, Lin Jie shook his head and said, "I haven't finished writing."

He has done some challenging questions these days.

The rest of the questions that can be answered at a glance, as well as the questions that account for the majority and are repeated repeatedly, he did not touch them. The main reason is that these questions are really not challenging, even if they belong to the college entrance examination.

Wen Bin was surprised to hear this. He said, "How dare you hand it in? When the teacher sees it, it will be terrible."

Lin Jie laughed. After all kinds of psychological training in college, such as skipping classes and not writing homework, Lin Jie's psychological quality has been very good for this kind of homework.

Don't panic at all.

He explained: "Don't be afraid. With so many summer assignments, the teacher doesn't bother to read one book at all. He can turn over the previous pages at most."

Hearing this, Wen Bin immediately became enlightened!

He said, "Brother Jie is awesome! Why didn't I think of it?"

So he immediately took out the "left at home" summer homework from the "different dimension" schoolbag, and ran to hand it in.


After a while.

Wenbin, who was "seriously injured", fled back in desperation.

His head was covered with bags, and he was obviously greeted by the teacher.

As a result, his head, which was not small, became even more red.

His face was full of resentment and he said: "Brother Jie, you lied to me!

"As soon as I handed it in, the teacher immediately turned over and looked at it. When he saw that there was white behind me, I felt like I was going to be eaten!"

Lin Jie looked at his picture of Sakyamuni, and immediately laughed unkindly.

He said, "You must look. If you haven't handed in your homework for hundreds of years, any teacher will look at you curiously.

"You should go with the crowd and hand it in. This is the surest way."

But it's useless to say anything at this time,

The bitterness in Wenbin's small eyes, I'm afraid, will not go down for a while.


"So let's start today's class here. The day students should pay attention to safety on the way home. They must be picked up by their parents. Now Qiaotang Bay is not flat."

The head teacher standing on the platform said.

Hearing this, Lin Jie naturally knows what it means:

The serial killer.

Wenbin also immediately packed up his bag and said to Lin Jie, "Brother Jie, let's go quickly. There will be too many people at the school gate later."

After nodding, Lin Jie also picked up his schoolbag and followed up. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com

"Brother Jie, we will start to take the exam again tomorrow. It's really annoying. After the exam results come out, we will not be able to play the game for several days."

Wenbin complained to Lin Jie as he walked.

Lin Jie didn't say anything, but now he has a little expectation for the exam.

At my current level, how many points can I get on these college entrance examination questions? 700? 730?

All the way.

Any student, especially the female student, who meets him, even looks at Lin Jie secretly with a slight side of his head. Some are bold, but they stare at him like a fool.

See this Wen Binli is joking:

"Brother Jie, I think it won't be long before you replace Li Yihang and become the object of youth fantasy for all girls in our school!"

But when he heard this, Lin Jie suddenly froze.

Then he asked Wenbin with a little urgency, "What did you say? Repeat it again."

"I said you won't be long..."

"Next sentence."

"... has become the object of youth fantasy for girls in our school."

Youth fantasy Youth fantasy


Hearing this word, Lin Jie's mind flashed with inspiration.

It suddenly occurred to me which game to play next.

So he said to Wen Bin, "I have something urgent, so I'll go first."

Then Lin Jie immediately rode his bike and returned home.

Turn on the computer and open the document.

Started to write the game production planning book of the second game.

The game is one of the most representative works in the history of Japanese rpg:

Final Fantasy!