
I Rejected a CEO

Happy has been deceitful to someone in the past and now he's back as her boss. The new CEO has done everything to make the love of his life love him back except for one thing, suffering her. _____ I'll update twice a day if you want, you just have to comment you want a double update.

Anita_Badei · Urban
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104 Chs

How strange


Happy walked aimnessly on the side walks on the street. The printed part on her dress bonced along. She had passed a sign stating clearly that if she continued along that path straight ahead she'll be STEPPING foot on 'HOLY GROUNDS' Street

She had walked straight ahead. 'HOLY GROUNDS' Street was a place she knew very well. A nice beautiful street in Eden

Yes she knows that street very well as it was the street she had grown up in. Every second she spent in her childhood was spent there. Her school, church and house, no correction, mansion, were there

The street is called 'HOLY GROUNDS' Street because it was believed especially by Christians, that it was a place god visited regularly in the early days of creation and no one knew who gave them that idea that they believed

Nevertheless, the rich had seen the beauties in the street and had dominated on the street

The rent on that street, now that she has little money, was stupidly high in her opinion and everyone who valued their money which was earned through hard work and sweat left leaving only the rich people

The rich people like Happiness's parents

The environment around her wasn't new but familiar yet she felt a pit in her stomach as anxiety and uncertainty overwhelmed her in the territory

As lasted cars like Ferrari, Mercedes etc zoomed by, she felt her temperature go u

Nevertheless, she continued ahead. She needs a job and she'll get one

Rin had given her the address of the mansion looking for workers

She knew that place by heart


Right after the house at 55 HOLY GROUNDS STREET

What was this? Was her past indirectly taunting her


She stopped exactly at house 56 and for no reason, glance at house 55

The huge silver like gate was open widely for anyone to ente

She let herself in and walked through it. It was then the noise hit her

Everyone was busy moving here and there and no one even noticed she stepped i

"Shouldn't there be a security guard?" She thought out loud

"And there is." Someone said behind her and she jumped. She turned back to face a pot bellied man in his thirties. He wore a uniform, blue top and black for his pants

His hazel eyes, brown hair and warm smile on his face was all too familiar

"Ezekiel!" She exclaimed in joy and recognition

"The one and only guard." He said. "Now what are you doing here? How's your mother? Where do you stay now?" He asked excitedly. It has been a while since he has seen them

"I'm happy to see you too Ezekiel." She said instead. But no, referring to him by his first name won't do now. "Sir." She corrected

"Ezekiel." He corrected as well. "You'll always be the little ma'am to me no matter your status." He replied

"Really now? So you'll always regard me superior to you?" She inquired sadly. The fact that she's at the same level...no lesser his level is saddening and heart stabbing for her. The fact is that she is and that's that. No need for any pity

"No that's not what I meant sweetie." He tired explaining but Happy caught him off short

"You don't need to regard me any higher than yourself, right now I believe I'm even less." She confessed

Ezekiel looked sadly down at the broken girl in front of him. Happy was and is like a daughter to her. She's broken yes but that's just now. It's now his mission to rise her spirits

"I came here for a cleaning job." She added

"So? I still don't get why you're this down because you came here to clean? I've been working as a guard for the longest time possible but I don't care. It's a honest way of making money and it helped take care of my family." He placed a hand on her right shoulder then continued. "As far as you're not selling drugs or anything illegal, it's good money. Oh and cleaning where people step doesn't makes you less, it only humbles you. Just because we work for people doesn't mean we're less okay? Our bodies and mind are the same." Ezekiel said inclusion of his sermon

Happy smiled. He was right! She has to fight and humble herself. How could she still think about status at this time? Haven't she learn anything

She hugged him tightly. "Thank you for your sermon." She said and he laughed. She joined with a smile then added, "It was really needed. Thank you." She appreciated

"Don't worry about it dear. I'll from now on be there for you okay?" He inquired. He very well knows how Happy gets when someone says something not agreeing with her current emotions

She nodded. She knew better now. She's not like before and she's trying to be better. What better way to do that than for someone as good as him to help out

"Now enough of the boring sermons." He chuckled. "Let me show you to where you need to be.

She nodded and was then lead by Ezekiel forward

It was then she took in the place she was

There was a path cemented which lead from the gate to the main entrance of the mansion. Grasses, trees, flowers were all around the area which wasn't cemented

The house was painted in silver white

It was very huge, beautiful and familiar. Too familiar

"Guess maybe it was the same architect?" Ezekiel said interrupting her thoughts

"Huh?" She furrowed her brows in confusion

"The house. It's just exactly the same as yours." He explained. "The same decorations and interior design. I believe our new boss is a copycat.

"Who is he?" She aske

"No one knows but I have a strange feeling we all know him. Very well.

How strange

She has a hunch now that he's right. So right

. . " d." . . . . . . . " ? . . ? . . . . . . . . . . . . . n.. r.. **? . . . . . p.. . . . . . . . we all know him. Very well."

How strange.

She has a hunch now that he's right. So right.