

Abell Miller is an introverted and shy boy who unfortunately died and ended up being reborn as his favorite animal: A Bat! Follow this story and maybe you will have fun.

batbatbatthree · Fantasy
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8 Chs

Chapter Three: Humir, an amazing god... Rabbit?

Abell began to dream of the days he spent with his mother, a forty-year-old woman, but still very beautiful, she had black hair like the twilight of the night, blue eyes as clear as the sky, her gentle and warm personality always it made people comfortable, she looked about 20 years old, her beauty was resplendent. Miller loves his mother more than anything, she was the only one who treated him well, the only person who cared about him, what was she going through now that he was dead? Was she suffering? Did she care? His dreams continued and he continued to sleep soundly. After some time he woke up, his eyes opened slowly and he noticed that he was in a totally different place from the cave, now he was on a green plain that stretched infinitely, already standing he noticed the presence of a small creature, a rabbit with eyes as green as an emerald, he conveyed a mysterious feeling to the boy. Suddenly, Abell hears a voice resound in his mind.

– Hey boy, are you surprised by my beauty? Alright, I know I'm awesome! Anyway, leaving that aside... Shall I introduce myself to you? Yeah, Magdalena asked me to be nice to people. – Abell could have sworn he heard the rabbit clear his throat, but he decided to keep silent, he was waiting for the rabbit to speak his name.

– My name is Humir! I am the god who takes care of reincarnation in the lower floors of the Tower and I brought you here because you lived a tragic life, but also because of your personality. You can adapt very quickly to your situation! You are cold and hard on yourself, an example of this was when you chose to be beaten rather than retaliate for the simple fact of not wanting to hurt others! Sigh… – It was strange to have his personality analyzed by a rabbit who claimed to be a god, but Miller just resigned himself to his fate, remaining silent as he waited for Humir to continue talking.

- Well, as you may have noticed your new body makes you more ferocious and aggressive, you also know you can't stand still, you decided some time ago that hurting someone isn't as horrible as you think! Ah, that's my fault too, I left you with cloudy thoughts and messed around with your head because unfortunately it's not possible for you to survive the way you used to on Earth here on this planet! And well, I don't want you to die so fast here... - The rabbit chuckled and moved a little closer to Abell.

– Despite having changed your personality a little, you must not have changed much, so relax! Well, this world is called Io and as you may have noticed there are many worlds beyond this one! These worlds exist inside the Tower, the Tower is divided into about three floors and their names are quite predictable: Floor Low, Floor Medium and Floor High! You're currently on the Lower Floor and the only way you can go up to the next floor is basically to max out that place. Humir stopped for a while and fixed his gaze on Miller for a few seconds.

– You're really quiet, kid! Whatever, as you may have noticed you have a system and it is basically unique in the entire Tower for the simple fact that it was made by me! I gave you some bonuses for coming here, like this body that has infinite potential, unlike other monsters you can evolve indefinitely... The other bonuses? You will see them later. Why did I give you these things? Because I find you interesting, that's all! That world of yours was just limiting you and I would like to see you as a being as confused as you would in this world, simple! Very well, I would like to know what you are going to do from now on! Then what you will do?

Abell pondered for some time and decided to answer the rabbit, his soft and calm voice sounding in the no longer quiet place. – I would like to know if my mother is alright before I answer this… – The bunny god was quiet for some time until he started to laugh, his laughs didn't irritate Miller at all, the latter just waited for Humir's answer.

– Boy, your mother is doing very well! She remarried and had two more boys, one named Abell and one named Miller! Although she felt very sad about her death, she still found happiness, so don't worry. - Upon learning this Abell just sighed and smiled, which made the scene a little strange for the simple fact that he was a bat. Anyway, leaving that aside, Miller felt especially happy for the success of his dear mother, he could now move on without any worries about wanting to return to her world, he prefers to let her live happily with her new family.

– Thank you for telling me this, Mr Humir… I will just explore this world, I have lived very little and seen very few things in my short life! Honestly I'll just follow my heart and hope it leads me to a good place, maybe I can meet your expectations or not, anyway I thank you for the opportunity of a new life despite being born like a bat... Thank you very much thanks! - The boy bat said those words with the maximum sincerity he could convey. As Humir said, he was still confused, but moving on and living seemed like a great option now, especially now that his burdens were lifted off his back, he decided to live to the fullest!

– That's great, boy! Haha, I hope to see the changes you will bring to this world. Well, I'll give you one last goodbye gift, I hope you like it! - Dictating this a dazzling light covered the entire plain and so Abell woke up in the real world, leaving that world of dreams. He was surprised by the message that appeared in front of him, but he thanked the little rabbit with green eyes in his heart.

[Congratulations! You unlocked the inventory! Initially only 10 spaces are open, to open more you must use bioenergy to open them!]

With this gift Abell felt even more confident in going on with his journey, he stood up and his face looked even firmer than before. Your adventure has just begun!