
I reincarnated with a delivery system(Finishing my other fanfic)

Kanashimi is the guy with a cheerful attitude an orphan and doesn't have a friend or basically a loner although he is quite handsome.His past time is reading a fanfic watching some anime Kanashimi just sleep at night and he got reincarnated as a delivery man. he got a delivery system which can travel many worlds (A/N:book cover not mine)

Wazzup18 · Anime & Comics
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3 Chs

Saving the parents of naruto?

After that kanashimi got straight in the company to get his next package, after getting the package he took off while he is driving.

[You have a delivery in naruto world.]

[do you want to accept or deny the delivery.] system said

*Sigh*"i guess since it's a system i must expect it, since system explanation is illogical too."kanashimi said.

[do you want to accept it or not?] system said

"I accept."kanashimi said.

[Host now will be transfer so host need find a secret place because it will cause a space and time warp.] system said as kanashimi started to find a secret place it in a dark alley.

[Host now will going to transfer in the world of naruto.]

Kanashimi can see a distortion in the air, and it open kanashimi knows that he need to enter in the distortion. After kanashimi entered he can see a destroyed house along with a trees, and he can see a yellow haired which must be the fourth hokage while fighting a super tall fox with nine tails maybe about same as 60 floor building , and a red hair beautiful woman holding a baby.

"The fourth hokage is fighting a kyubii, the one who is holding a baby must be kushina,hmmm how can i help? that's right system! open a starter pack if i have."kanashimi thought while watching the fight of minato and the kyubii.

[Does host want to open his novice gift pack.] system said

"It's just like any system have a novice, well anyway system open it. Maybe some martial arts or battle experience."kanashimi said hopefully in his mind while getting on the martial arts stance.

[Opening the novice gift pack host has received a namikaze seal:eight trigrams seal style. , temporary kage chakra.]system said.

"Only just a seal? that's it? isn't there additional skills like bruce lee martial arts. Well anyway i must seal half of naruto, and half for kushina.So that naruto will not experience what he just experience in anime."kanashimi said in his mind after that a knowledge of the seal, and the system giving him temporary kage chakra.

Kanashimi then dash towards the two after that he use the eight trigram seal, after that kanashimi said something.

"kyubii can't get on my way delivering a package to the fourth hokage."kanashimi shouted.

"Hakke no fūin shiki"kanashimi said then kurama was automatically seal bothof kushina and naruto. seeing this made kushina and minato dumbfounded even kanashimi.

"I'm impressed with this system it can automatically seal the kyubii then why did he even give me a knowledge, well whatsoever.As long as naruto have parents."kanashimi thought then someone call him.

"Hello there, thanks for the help, and by the way i'm the fourth hokage. What do you need to deliver for me, and what is the package?"minato said with a smile since he know that he feel a kage level chakra in kanashimi, but it suddenly disappeared like it doesn't exist it means that this man control and compressing the chakra is at monster level which a genius even like him look like a kid in front of kanashimi besides he know that this man is only just at his 15, and kanashimi helped them so the fourth hokage have a good opinion about him because he know why would he helped them if they are enemy. The fourth hokage didn't know that kanashimi really doesn't have a chakra.

"Oh hello there fourth hokage i'm here to deliver a package for you."kanashimi said while taking the box and a delivery signature.

"A package what is it?and why are you taking a box and a paper and pen."minato said with a curious tone.

"this box is the package, and you need to sign this."while giving the box to minato follow up by a delivery signature.

Minato then accept the box, and sign the delivery signature.Opening the box minato can see a scroll, opening it his eyes is shining.

[Host has completed the delivery. 1 minutes from now, the host will transfer back in his original world.]system said.

[Host can ask for star rating delivery.]

While hearing the system, kanashimi get the delivery signature,and was about to go he suddenly said.

"Fourth hokage don't forget about giving me a five star ok even if it's four it's ok."kanashimi said before disappeared in the thin air, leaving minato in daze since he is the fastest ninja in konoha now doubting his speed since he doesn't even see how he run or jump, even kanashimi presence he can't feel.


There's a some space distortion in a dark valley revealing a young man with white hair along with his hazel eyes, and his face is still ordinary, but one can see that it started to form a handsome face.

This is kanashimi receiving a it's first minor reward.

[Ding host deliver the package to the fourth hokage host will receive a minor reward +43 charm]

[Ding host just received a 5 normal,and 1 small gift pack from minato kamikaze in the world of naruto.]system said.

[Does host want to open it?]system asked.

A smile appeared in the face of kanashimi and he said excitedly.

" System open the 5 normal gift pack."

[Host just received a battle experience of the fourth hokage.]

[Host just received the physique of the fourth hokage.]

[Host just received a aura of the hokage.]

[Host just received a fourth hokage fighting instinct.]

[Host just received a taijutsu of the fourth hokage.]

"Well,this is awesome aren't it!!!?Although i need to face such a monste, but the reward is generous."kanashimi said excitedly.While kanashimi said that he didn't know that his skin became pale white,slimmer, and soft.

[Does host want to open the small gift pack?.]system ask

"Ok system open the small gift pack" kanashimi said excitedly and he wanted to try the taijutsu.

[Opening the small gift pack host received a grandmaster skill in piano.]system said.

"I thought it will be something like minato chakra or something, but with my reward do i need to complain, besides having a skill besides in battle is good too."kanashimi said in his self as he was about to hop and deliver the package he hear the system.

(A/N:I get some ideas in novel, fanfic and if my grammar is wrong the you can comment it.)