
Title is a Title

I sapt out the chunk of flesh. It tasted of salt and pork. I had to briefly wonder if that was one of the reasons why some Orcs looked piggish or could take on more pig like traits.

Gom Gom held his torn neck. He hadn't expect me to bite him, what Tauren would right? However my reddish stained teeth proved otherwise. "You ate your own kind?"

I gave a small shrug, "Something like that, but I didn't break any taboos."

Gom Gom's face was quickly getting paler and the blood coming out of his neck was quick, runny and thick. His face had a look of complete acceptance. Except it seemed he had one last trick as his veins buldged and his muscles got bigger.

"I underestimated what you are. So I will give you one warning. If you beat me, or more when I die. I suggest you do not try biting Tarluk, you will no doubt die. Now, IT IS TIME TO RAGE!"

My eyes widen as in a second he was on me. He threw a punch that knocked the wind out of me. I had gotten in some scraps as a kid and was a decent brawler. However I never felt the wind leave me like it had just now. I had to block and another punch slammed into my arm and I felt it fracture.

Gom Gom's neck was still bleeding, but it seemed the skill he used made his muscles distort so the wound was less open. Knowing that this was no longer the battle we had earlier with quick stabs and jabs, I grabbed my axe as it called to me.

I blocked another punch with my axe and I heard the wet crack of Gom Gom's fist. However he still pushed on trying to wound me mortally. He went for my throat like I had his. However I swung my axe on shared instinct and chopped straight through his shoulder. Gom Gom began bleeding more and his skin was now closer to a shade of white.

He stumbled and threw one last punch, but he lost his steam. His blood to thin and not enough oxygen was pumping in his body as his lips were blue. He dropped like a rock and I was left standing.

Taking the chance I roared, "YOUR LEADER IS DEAD, DO YOU STILL FIGHT!"

Enemy Orc's certainly wavered, but it seemed they were prepared to die. Looking over the area though most of the orcs were being handled by teams of kobolds. A few people looked like Porcupines, though I felt a little sad that I saw some kobold corpses among the battlefield.

I knew they would lose on this front so I charged forward. I ran toward the Orc Fortress we had built.


I was being watched, whoever it was they weren't hostile and I certainly had no idea who they were. Even as I arrived at the fortress they did nothing. Whoever was watching was closer to a real assassin so I had my hairs stand on in as I charged in.

Even as I swung my axe cutting through all the varying invaders the watcher did nothing. The invaders however caught me somewhat off guard. Gom Gom's tribe was clearly made of Orcs and some Hobgoblins. The invaders here however were crazy. I saw some of the piggy like Orcs as well as the Orcs I was used to.

A few invaders had different clubs and hammers. These invaders had blue skin and tusk much larger than the Orcs. I recognized these as Trolls. Watching them I realized they were just like the trolls I knew of.

High regeneration, stronger than normal, and extreme pain tolerance. I saw one Troll more of a porcupine than the Orc corpses I saw early. This guy though was a live.

What's worse was the siege weapons being pushed by Chubbier fellows that I thought might be Ogres or something. They were going all out on storming the fortress. It was a true terror to my eyes.

Gnar and his team of shamans were struggling to push back the siege weapons and the trolls were protecting the front. Gnar was the only shaman with the ability to summon fire balls. So I could see everything being barely being fended off. It seemed the invaders here were triple that of my outpost.

I breathed out in a long huff and slammed myself into a troll decapitating him. Using my axe I slammed through whoever I could see. A few arrows were shot at me and I was being surrounded. However as I was being closed in on, I heard the instincts from my axe call to me yet again.

However I couldn't accept what the Axe was suggesting. A skill similar to that of Earth render. Instead being called Life render, a deadly attack to living creatures, but it costed me a portion of my life span.

So I let myself be surrounded. I let them beat on me and I couldn't help but feel my life slowly pass. However, I let out a roar. I couldn't evolve or anything like that, but I could change my class.


As I shouted a black mist surrounded me. I laughed hysterically as I felt the change in me. I had chosen the class Dread knight, I matched most of the requirements previously. However it was only after my battle with Gom Gom that I fulfilled the last requirement. Warrior was a class that could carry one to level fifty however. Classes had no real level requirement thus as long as I killed enough creatures Dread Knight would unlock.

The class change stunned the invaders and the black mist that irradiated off me made them hesitant. It did looked like some kind of blight or something, however it was the skill I had shouted. A name that really sounded more scary than it was.

Truth was whatever wounds I caused to those who felt fear or dread would heal me. So my next move was to swing my axe cutting into the invaders. They fumbled away trying to not get affected by the black mist.

Too bad for them as soon as the formation they had weakened I ran. I ran and ran until I reached the fort's walls. I dug a heel into the ground and used the skill heel kick to slam into the wall and push upwards. The move was perfect letting me jump the wall and collapse on the other side.

"Nice moves, except now you trapped as well." Merli stared over my head.

I smiled, "The kobold got the outpost safe. A few extra might be lost, but overall HM has it handled I saw her sending orders. How is it going for you?"

Merli shrugged and then begun to explain.

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