
I reincarnated into a cow

I'M A REAL MAN! Real note here: This series doesn't have a giga brain mc or anything like that and they will be smart, but at the same times fairly dumb too. The MC will basically be unable to keep a train of solid thought hence his stupidity. Second thing, reason why being^^ something something cow. Something something past life problems and head trauma equals something something something.

ZeOwl · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
28 Chs

The shaman

I spoke, projecting my voice as best I can. "I am Gnar! You all know me as the Shaman head and brother of Tuk."

I let the clan's whispers died down. I sighed, I always had to do this when Knonak talked as no one respected the fool. I spoke again, "With Knonak gone and the last chiefs blood no longer with us... I am sad to admit I betrayed the past chief. By going behind his back me and my brother Tuk decided to investigate the Tauren who our new clan members had mentioned."

Many looked at the goblins, and I watched a few of the older ones translate what I was saying to their families. "This was because I knew the truth! Knonak had poisoned his father, our previous chief did not die due to the ahem... diarrhea. Knonak had found a poison plant when he was with the gathering party and finding it with his high vitality."

The hunters all went wide eyed and begun to whisper and I found them all spreading the idea. I continued, "We kept by the rules, we made are peace and thought the clan would die with us. Some had left before, but we stayed strong." I looked at the women who had been pulled in by Knonak's whims and gave them a pitiable look.

"Even on his final moments Knonak asked... No demanded we place the Ten Fold blessing onto him."

The clan members gasped those who knew the blessing understood. I saw the small Kirin seemingly explaining what the blessing was to the Tauren. I looked to the crowd, "Even if he had won he would've left us without a leader."

The clan had gasps, but I wasn't done. "As per the rules of the Veni-Tura the winner dictates a new era for the clan. Choosing the new chieftain, making or changing the rules of the clan, and ordering the clan into battle if necessary. The only restriction is that it can no harm the growth of the clan."

I new the plan before the Tauren and won, but we had made a show of discussion. So I raised my hands, "I will discuss the major changes to the tribe now! The Tribe will be lead by my brother Tuk temporarily...." A few Orcs were about to protest, but I spoke above them. "Until we elect a new chieftain democratically. This will be the new method for the position. Second no longer will the chief have all the power of the tribe. We can all see how that turned out with Alba, may he be glorious."

Many of the tribe nodded and said their own prayers for the late chief before Knonak. "The chief can no longer take multiple wives at once. Thus to prevent the problem of bloodlines. Along with the the struggles of the clan trading."

Many of the orcs had lost siblings to the clan trades. Me and my brother were originally from the Eastern Clan of the Western Mountains. We had enjoyed the rule under Alba however who was a just chief. "It is time to look up brothers! We should've implemented theses rules long ago, it was Alba's only flaw. Now if you have a love, it would be right."

Many of the clan had agreed with this point, but now was the hard sell. "We will change our ways from the path of glory..."

One of the Hunters gasped and shouted, "It is our way of life!"

Another spoke this time it was one of the women. "What about the children? Are we no long-"

Before she finished I cut her off. "I DID NOT SAY WE WOULD FORSAKE OUR PATH TO GLORY!"

Everyone froze up and even the Tauren looked at me. So I spoke again without losing my momentum. "We will began a strict routine to grow the tribe. No longer will the hunters be, instead they will stay at camp. The gathering of berries will not sustain us and the other tribes restrict our hunting grounds."

Tuk took my que and walked next to me and held a basket up. I pointed to the plants inside, "These are Baga Roots. We will began cultivating them to eat instead." I saw some feeling dissatisfied, but those who were hungry seemed hopeful. "We will refine ourselves, starting with the food we eat. From this point on we will make bread from the stalks of theses roots and eat the roots in stews when we acquire meat. This will feed more of us at once and no longer will we starve!"

"SECOND, We will begin organized training. Every! Single! Clan MEMBER! From this day forth will train." The same looks from different faces, "If one Tauren can beat our best? What will our tribe do against the numbers of the other tribes? Who will fight! The starved? The hunters who may not be at the camp? What of the Chief? From this point on we will train, even the shamans, even the women."

The clan had wide eyes and and open mouths, but now was the end. "Finally, we shall work to reinforce the walls, the buildings and even our paths. The Tauren, Akira, has said he will make a list of goals we should aspire to do. I will post this list within the middle of the clan. The rest of the changes will be included on this list. As they will also be goals we wills strive to achieve. As per our Honor As PER OUR GLORY!"

The clan raised fists in the air, and I stepped away leaving my brother to speak on his own. I looked at the kirin and tauren. I walked over to the odd looking duo. "My job is done, Akira, Merli, Will you head back to your camp?"

The Tauren nodded, "Yeah, I had realized some things."

I nodded, "The training, you added that in early did you not. What made you think about it?"

Akira spoke, "Knonak, he was clearly lacking in many ways. How did he win against his siblings?"

I held my chin in thought. "He had incredible vitality, so after he had poisoned Alba he used his father's axe to kill his siblings as they couldn't harm him due to his high health."

Akira nodded, "But he had no achievements, no useful skills, yet how did he gain such high vitality? Was it his evolutions, sure it had helped, but you can do the math can't you? How would he get 100 vitality as he said."

I stroked the scruff on my chin this time. It was true, even with the evolution Taunting Orc it was hard to achieve his vitiality. I raised an eyebrow, "He trained? I understand, he likely did it on accident by just recovering from wounds and such. However nonetheless it was trained."

The Kirin spoke, "Indeed, Humans train swordsmanship to acquire their skills along with their stats and classes. Monster's just don't think about training, and those that do...."

My eyes sparked, "They became demon lords or guardians."

Merli nodded, "Indeed just like my mother. Though..."

I sighed, I understood. I had heard of the guardian's death. "She passed before being able to give you the method to train your abilities as a kirin."

"I don't get it?"

I looked to the Tauren, "Merli is a Kirin, they have special ways to use mana. Shamans like myself use our cores as our mana source. From my understanding humans use their hearts or veins. While Kirins...."

The Tauren nodded, "They are psychic so they utilize their nerves or even brains."

The Kirin looked shocked so he likely hadn't said anything. This Tauren was smarter than the average one. "If you don't mind, Could I accompany you to your camp? I wish to learn more about you Akira. You are smart, smarter than the usual monster."

The Kirin had a proud look while the Tauren had a dismissive one. Akira spoke, "Yeah, but you have to make your own place to stay."

I clapped, "I will gather my books!"