

"Do you want to be my friend?"

Neo's question still echoed in my mind, like an annoying buzz that you can't ignore. Be his friend? That's asking for trouble. Problems are like puzzles, and I love a good puzzle, but friends… they're like puzzles that breathe, complain, and expect you to solve them on a socially acceptable schedule.

But I simply can't speak, can I? Right. That would be too rude, besides, he helped me against Viktor and I haven't even thanked him for that yet. A debt is a debt, even if it's with someone who has the charisma of a rusty scalpel.

But… Why the hell is the protagonist of the story so interested in an extra character like me? This completely deviates from the script I wrote. I'm the type of person who reads the manual before operating, and if there's something I didn't write in the manual, then it shouldn't be happening. Period.

I understand that he must be interested in something that shouldn't be here, but to the point of wanting to become friends? Friendship is a two-way street, and the last time I checked, I was on a lonely expressway.

Pondering, I looked at Neo, who was casually seated with his hands clasped behind his head, sporting a smile that could disarm as much as alarm. "Why do you want to become friends with someone like me? You're the elite of the freshman year and me? Well, I'm just me." My voice carried a mix of skepticism and a hint of curiosity – after all, it's not every day that the top 1 decides you're worth their time.

Neo understood my doubt. After all, seeing number one showing so much interest in someone ranked 230th, who prefers the company of firearms to people, is too peculiar. He smiled, that kind of smile that said he knew something I didn't. "You're an interesting person. And I like to keep interesting people by my side. It's as simple as that."

"Hmm, that justification is too strange," I grumbled, crossing my arms. Neo let out a few laughs, the sound seemed to dance in the air, light and carefree. "Listen, I just think you can make a difference, that's all. But if you don't want to be my friend, I'll understand."

Is being his friend really that bad? I know when there will be trouble, and at that moment, I just have to stay away from him. But friends… that's a strange word for me since I don't have any. So… Is it really so bad for me to stop thinking a little about the problems it can generate and think about the good things it can bring? Maybe, just maybe, I can learn something about this strange human phenomenon called friendship.

"I guess being friends with the top 1 isn't so bad. If someone starts bothering me, I just call him or something?" I joked, with a half-smile. The idea of having a personal bodyguard wasn't unpleasant, especially one that could intimidate with a glance.

"Well, or something like that," Neo replied, taking the cue. He had this way of speaking that made you think every word was a piece of a larger puzzle.

Back in the arena, Peter, with his imposing presence, let out some strategic coughs to draw everyone's attention in the stands. He knew how to command an audience. "Step up to the stage…" His voice resonated, filling the space with anticipation.

Well, Peter had called two extras like me, who put up a well-fought battle. I stayed there, with Neo by my side, commenting on the fight. It seems that after Taiho vs Neo, Peter, our teacher, decided there would be no more controversial fights for today. A wise decision, considering how close things came to getting out of control last time.

As time passed, the break time arrived.

Since today was the first day, we started classes later. But from tomorrow, this will be the schedule we'll have to follow:

First class: 7:30 in the morning - Ah, dawn, when even the sun seems to be wondering why the heck it's already awake. But hey, nothing like a good dose of knowledge to replace the dream you were having about… what was it again? Oh, right, sleeping.

Morning break: 9:30 - The brief interlude where you can contemplate the two hours of wisdom you've just absorbed or, more likely, run to the nearest restroom.

Second class: 10:00 - After a brief flirtation with freedom, it's time to return to reality. Two more hours of academic joy await you.

Lunch break: 12:00 - The sacred lunch hour, where you can nourish your body and mind… or just your body, because frankly, your mind is still trying to process the fact that it's awake.

Third class: 14:00 - The last leg of the educational triathlon. If you've made it this far, congratulations, you're almost there. Just a few more hours and you'll be free… until tomorrow.

Afternoon break: 16:30 - And finally, freedom. Or at least a limited version of it until you have to do homework, study for tests, or, you know, socialize.

Walking alongside Neo, I mentally wondered: "Who would have thought that the protagonist of this world would be by my side, huh?" Not that I'm comparing myself to him, but it's like Mario decided to team up with a Goomba.

"Nam-Sam," Neo called me, interrupting my thoughts. "Why do you use firearms?" He asked, with a look that could be as much curiosity as it was "I really need to know this?"

"Because they're practical and lethal," I replied, with a smile that could be as genuine as it was sarcastic. "Besides, one shot to the head and that's it, target eliminated." Because, at the end of the day, why use a sword when you can settle everything with a good old bang-bang?

"You're right, but…" Neo paused briefly and continued: "If you can't land the shots, defeat is certain."

He had a point. Neo was an example; I would never be able to hit him with a shot, never. He would dodge it with ease. And when he got close enough, just one punch from him would be enough to finish me off.

"You're right, but let's just say that my hand-to-hand combat isn't the best," I commented, making Neo raise an eyebrow in confusion.

"But what about your superpower? Why not fight using it?" He threw the question like a grenade. A grenade that I would rather not hold.

"Let's just say it's not very useful," I replied, dodging the subject. "So, the only thing left for me were these two firearms." I shrugged, trying to appear uninterested, but the truth is I would give anything for a superpower that was a cheat, or something like that.

"Hmm," Neo murmured, lost in thought as we walked side by side to the classroom. The silence that followed was the kind that filled the space with unspoken possibilities until he finally broke the ice. "I can help you train your hand-to-hand combat if you want."

The offer took me by surprise. It's not every day that someone with Neo's skills offers to be your mentor. I had some experience with martial arts, but nothing compared to the level practiced here. Training with Neo would not only improve my combat skills but also give me an edge if my bullets missed the target and the fight became personal.

"I think I can try training with you. Just try to go easy on me," I said, half-joking, half-serious. After all, training with the top 1 could be as dangerous as facing him in a real fight.

"Don't worry, I won't go hard on you," Neo said, but there was something in his tone that sounded… dubious. It was the kind of intonation that made you think twice, to ponder whether he was being sincere or preparing to throw you on the mat at the first opportunity.

"Hey, you're going to go easy, right?" I insisted, seeking some assurance.

"Of course, of course, of course," he replied, and the mischievous smile that formed on his face did nothing to calm my anxiety. It was the kind of smile that said I might be entering a training arena or a boxing ring without gloves. Either way, I knew I was about to learn, the easy way or the hard way.