
I reincarnated in the world of Re: Zero (Animé Multiverse)

Kaito was a simple university student who unfortunately had a traffic accident and died. But to his surprise he did not die but a God gave his life to give him a new one, he decided to enjoy this new opportunity as much as he could and do what he wants. Thus he began the history of him in other worlds.

Max_Reven · Anime & Comics
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Foreword: Ice Cream Awakening


In a small room a young man could be seen lying on a bed. He was delicate-looking, not so masculine and not so feminine, but he still had a very beautiful image. He was accompanied by long black hair that was light blue at the ends and some parts of it.

He was wearing a blue coat and black pants.

A while passed which he was still asleep but then he moved slowly until he opened his eyes little by little which were a deep golden color without ripples in them. Just seeing them you knew how indifferent this person was.

"... Apparently if I crossed"

As imagined, the young man crossed over and made it to the world of re:zero.

He was Kaito who just a few seconds ago was a university student and now he is an invincible being in this world.

And he knows that because he can feel the power inside of him. He doesn't know why but he found the classic encounter with God and he told him that he would give him back what was his.

Until this moment he still doesn't understand what he said but he knows that he has some similarities with Rimuru in terms of looks, clothes and powers.

Although he didn't know why he resembled the cute slime that eventually became God, he has no complaints as he still has the appearance of him.

As he looked at himself in a mirror that he found in the room when he was looking at the place he also got to thinking about the powers that he had.

In Kaito's mind there was endless information about his powers such as the power of laws as well as the different energies from other worlds that combined to become one.

The Great Demon Lord Title that he has as well as his dragon blood made him feel that he became more and more like Rimuru.

"Maybe I subconsciously wanted to be like Rimuru or admired him too much so that God gave me similar or more powerful powers"

He muttered Kaito to himself as he looked at himself in the mirror with a narcissistic look on his face.

"Anyways at least I have a great power in this dangerous world which the main character dies all the time"

These words came out of Kaito's mouth since God himself told him that he would send him to this world. So far he doesn't understand Zack's thoughts, so he calls himself the God who sent him here.

"In short, it is better that I got used to this body and then see what to do"

Out of the corner of his eye Kaito glanced at the dark blue boots on the corner of the bed and in one corner he saw a Katana which was simply identical to Rimuru's.

"... Anyway, it's better that I start at once, I want to see how my skills are"

Without any delay Kaito put on his boots and placed the Katana on his waist and left the room.

Leaving he was surprised at the luxurious place with a touch of antiquity that he could see with the naked eye.

Seeing all this his gaze fell on the balcony at the end of the hall so he slowly walked towards it. And upon reaching the place a shock appeared in his eyes.

Since he saw that in the place that he was, it was nothing more and nothing less than in the Garden of Babylon.

That one of myths or stories that he had seen before, he could not believe that he was in a place and that it was his.

This he can assure with certainty since with his understanding of the laws of space he was able to see the connection he had with this place.

That same feeling he had with the Katana the first time he took it, like it was made for him.

He immediately thought if he was Zack's son or something like that for him to give him these things because he didn't understand why he gave so much to someone he had never seen.

But thinking more about this situation Kaito almost got a headache so he decided to think about troublesome things later and focus on getting used to his powers and looking at the place.

Some time later.

"Ah….Ah….Really amazing"

exclaimed Kaito who was sweating a bit as he stood in a white room which had a lot of potholes and rubble.

A long time ago Kaito was training in this room which was an identical replica of the time room.

This room he found while he was walking through the Garden of Babylon. Of course, in addition to the room, he also found a room to make objects, another to make potions, and the last one that keeps all kinds of information about magic, the laws, among other things.

When he first saw him he was a little shocked but after so many things had happened to him he put the shock aside and started training.

"I think he already trained enough and I don't know how long I've done it, I think he should go out"

Talking to himself, Kaito left the room to take a shower and rest for a while.

While he was taking a shower he wondered if he would have something similar to Rimuru's great sage, since he practically has similar powers he would be surprised if he didn't have something like that.

So with expectation I speak in his mind.

[Hello is there anyone?]


"Indeed there is no one"

Mumbling disappointed to himself Kaito decided to finish the bath but when he was ready to do so a white light appeared in front of him and then a beautiful young woman appeared on the spot.

With beautiful silver hair and deep blue eyes with a black outfit made her look splendid.

"Hello teacher"

"... Who are you?"

"I am his assistant who will guide him along the way"


An explanation later.

"I already understand your role, Akemi"

"I'm glad to hear that"

After Kaito heard who Akemi is he understood his purpose. She literally is like Ciel but she has her own consciousness and can materialize his body on the outside with his power as well as having even more powerful abilities than Ciel's is something like that.

"Well I'm glad you're happy but would you let me get dressed"

For a moment Akemi blinked but then she realized what she was doing so with a slight blush on her cheeks she quickly left the place.

Kaito couldn't help but blank out at this scene. He then sighed slightly and a black flame covered him so that the clothes he was wearing before appeared on his body.

It didn't take long for him to leave the place and outside was Akemi who apparently had already calmed down.

"Well it seems you're fine now so let's go"


So Kaito and Akemi disappeared from the place to later appear in the middle of a forest full of snow.

"Indeed it looks like kamui space"

Muttering to himself, Kaito took Akemi's hand and headed towards a direction where he could feel a slight magical disturbance.

And Akemi didn't say a word about Kaito's actions but on the contrary it seemed that she was happy that Kaito did that.

While Akemi was still in the fantasy of him Kaito had a guess of what was going on and to confirm it he extended the perception of him.

And indeed it was what he thought. He just got past Emilia's accident and now she's sealed in ice.

With a slight sigh Kaito grabbed Akemi and carried her like a princess. Not having time to see her reaction, Kaito disappeared from the place instantly and then appeared in a small frozen meadow with ice.

And in the center was an ice crystal which housed a little half elf girl and next to her was another elf woman who was barely holding on to the last breath of her life.

Kaito slowly lowered Akemi to the ground and then walked up to the figure next to Emilia. Seeing her a hint of surprise appeared on Kaito's face as she saw Fortuna the woman who raised Emilia.

He really didn't expect him to still be in this place. According to the Pandora she should take her away and make her the Archbishop of Ira.

Oh well those were theories that the fans of the series were saying about the Archbishop of anger who seemed to be Fortuna. But she was also surprised that he still had a trace of life in her.

"You really want to go on living"

Saying that Kaito put his hand on the ice that covered Fortuna causing it to evaporate in seconds.

He immediately used her power to heal her as well as her control over her soul or for Fortuna's soul to repair itself and stably fuse with her body.

This lasted a short time and Fortuna's pale face had color again and Kaito immediately carried her slowly.

As he looked at the beautiful woman in his arms his gaze strayed to the girl lying on the glass.

For a moment Kaito thought of unfreezing her but remembering that later Puck would find her that idea dissipated.

So with one last look Kaito left the place with an Akemi who at first didn't understand what Kaito was doing but in the end he could see his intentions.

So without saying a word he followed him in silence without asking anything.

As the two walked through the snow Kaito paused for a moment and Akemi behind him did the same as he could feel a presence a few steps ahead of them.

And looking carefully at who Kaito was, he saw the figure of him that was nothing more and nothing less than Pandora, the witch of Vainglory.


In the snowy forest the cold air hit the body of the three people in the place.

As the scarf around Kaito's neck moved he looked at Pandora for a brief moment and had to accept that she really is beautiful.

Although she has a slightly small figure, that does not take away from the charm that she has, of course it is only her appearance.

Since she was the cause of the attack against Garkla. also the failed battle against Hakugei where Reinhard's grandmother Thearesia fought, who was killed by Pandora and then turned into a puppet.

And looking at the appearance she is a short woman with the appearance of a child, she has long, transparent platinum hair with dark blue eyes, and long eyelashes. She only wears a white cloth over her small body.

All these details make Kaito admire more the beauty of women in this world. Right now, though, he doesn't want to deal with a madwoman who's wreaking havoc with the witch cult all over the world.

So, taking one last look at Pandora, Kaito decided to continue walking next to her and ignore her for the moment.

But dreams are so beautiful but reality is cruel so when Kaito was walking he could feel Pandora approaching him step by step.

Seeing this situation Kaito knew that he had to deal with this little woman or they would not leave him alone.

"Akemi can you hold her for a moment"

Turning to see Akemi Kaito asked.

"Of course I don't see the problem"

Akemi answered in understanding since he knew that the person who appeared wanted to talk to Kaito.

So he gently handed Fortuna over to Akemi and Akemi held onto her without any difficulty.

But instead he looked at Fortuna and pouted as if she was jealous of her for some reason.

Ignoring Akemi's childish behavior Kaito looked at the small figure of Pandora who was a few steps away from him.

When she was only 5 steps away from Kaito he stopped. At that moment the golden eyes and blue eyes exchanged glances making it seem that only the two of them were in the place.

As if nothing was around them but them in his world. But it only lasted a moment before Pandora spoke.

"Could you give me that woman?"

[As I imagined...]

Kaito thought to himself knowing Pandora's intentions in taking Fortuna.

However he has no intention of handing over Fortuna. Firstly, he doesn't want to and secondly, he has enough power to refuse.

So with an indifferent look Kaito answered Pandora.

"Why should I do it?"

When Pandora heard Kaito's words she was stunned at the place. He didn't know why the man in front of her responded that way.

He expected more like he adored her or followed her orders but it didn't. Also now he himself is using her authority however it didn't affect him at all.

Even the woman who is carrying the elf has no change. And for all of Pandora's doubts, Kaito gave her an answer.

"Don't try to use your authority with me, that won't do"


"Besides, I will not give you this woman, Pandora"

Hearing how they called her pandora she looked at Kaito again with a look of caution in her eyes. He didn't know why the young man knew who he was but that wasn't a good thing.

"Heh, you don't have to be like this, I won't do anything to you but... Don't mess with me, I know how you are. You make chaos everywhere but don't try it with me, and lastly maybe I bother you in some matters so don't do it." take as personal

Not wanting to talk to Pandora anymore, Kaito turned around ready to leave. The main reason for doing so is because he doesn't want to argue with Pandora even though he admires her beauty that doesn't mean he won't treat her like an enemy if the situation calls for it.

But suddenly Kaito felt how Pandora was walking towards him and grabbed the sleeve of her coat. Turning his head Kaito saw Pandora near him with curious eyes. In this closeness Kaito could also smell Pandora's scent and if it wasn't for her strength he would already be delighted with it.

But shaking his head inside him Kaito turned and stared at Pandora.

"What's going on?"

"... Apparently if it's true that it doesn't work"

"Did you expect your authority to work if you were closer to me?"


"Wait, did you really expect that to work?"

Frowning at the embarrassing situation now, Pandora spoke quickly to dispel her embarrassment.

"May I ask, what's your name?"

"My name is Kaito"

Kaito answered without any expression. He wasn't afraid that there was some kind of curse in the world that worked by name or something.

Besides, if he existed, he wouldn't care. He has the 'Curse Manipulation' skill so no curses can affect him.

"It seems we can only see each other for the moment, I hope to see you again in the future"

Pandora said that she already had a great interest in Kaito. She also knows that she can't do anything at the moment his authority doesn't work against Kaito so she can't stop him.

"I also hope so, however she wished that at that moment you are not making a scandal"

"Maybe I let you down"


Rolling his eyes Kaito put his hand over Pandora's to release her from her coat. When he did he felt the softness of Pandora's hands.

He again was glad he had complete control of her mood or else he would already be delighted by it alone.

Taking one last look at Pandora, Kaito returned to Akemi's side and disappeared from the scene. Leaving a Pandora with a small smile on the spot.

And unknowingly Kaito made Pandora obsess over him and later think why he has to deal with such troublesome women over and over again.