
I reincarnated in the anime world

A guy who died in earth and reincarnated in the world of anime. Wishfulfillment  Warning before reading: I don't recommend this to anyone. Also please watch your words and might hurt someone's feelings. If you lonely and depressed please don't make my work as the punching bag to relieved your anger. THIS DOESN'T HAVE ANY SINGLE PLOT THE STORY WILL GO ON WHAT THE READERS REQUESTED.

sigufo · Anime & Comics
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76 Chs

Chapter 21

3rd POV

Utaha who was listening to Shun's explaining was shocked and surprise he didn't expect that both of the twins have an ability they called copy.

She realized the world is not simple as it seems, especially when Shun displayed a superhuman like strength.

When Shun explained what technique he was using she was surprise again and that Shun have a secret master or something like that.

Especially when he explained that this technique was way back in Taisho Era, where demons still exist.

She wasn't interested of learning the technique but the origin of it.

But Shun only said that he will tell it in the future.


Few hours later, it was already 10 o'clock other than Ryõta who was lying in the floor in their house with cheeks swollen like a pig.

Shun tried to imitate the training in the demon slayer although it was lesser than the original it was still effective.

Instead of gourd needed to blow up he used big plastic container, so durable that it can take a blow from a gun.

But he thinks if it was that durable in the anime, it was never showed how durable gourd was.

But the container was too durable so he change it to a 1 Liter plastic bottle.

He then showed it to him how to blow that up, it was harder than he expected but it explode after a few tries.

Anyways after explaning what other training Shun then left the paled face Ryõta who was looking at his training workout planned that he noted from Shun's words.

Utaha and Shun was now in Shun's room.

Utaha couldn't help but asked why he didn't helping her and only giving advice.

Shun then responded "Its you're work, I respect your work If intervine its not your work anymore it will ours."

"Wouldn't you want it? It will be 'ours'" said with a smile.

She wants to have a memento of their work, and looking forward what will happened if you combined the two geniuses writer creating a novel.

"You started it alone, and you will finish it alone"

"Like I already told you, I respect your work if I do something like it will not be your work anymore" I said as I take a bite on the cookies I made.

Utaha hearing those words felt thankful to Shun how he said he respect her work.

"Are you sure you don't want to help me, I'll let you touch anywhere on my body if you help me" Utaha said as she take a bite on the cookie that Shun bitten before.

Hearing those words, Shun would be lying if he wasn't interested in her body but.

"I refuse"

He wants it but, they only met a few days ago it wouldn't be appropriate if he do the deed now.

Utaha pouted and turned her head, she then focused on her novel.

it was already 6 pm.

Utaha finally finished her last chapter of her novel.

She immediately jumped towards Shun who fall asleep in the bed.


Shun groaned with pain when Utaha jumped on her hitting his stomach.

Utaha giggle and immediately kiss him on the cheeks, Shun who was feeling on pain was surprise how things are working out.

"You need to be discipline" He then grabbed Utaha's waist and let her stomach rested in his lap.

"Kyaahhh" Utaha let out a cute squeal.

Pak Pak Pak

Shun spank Utaha's ass three times, Utaha was wearing only a casual dress. Her ass jiggle a little before stopping.

'Man I'm turning into a sadist day by day, I wonder if its a good thing?'

When Shun stops, Utaha bite her fingers and said with a hurried and seductive voice

"Spank me harder daddy."

He already knew that Utaha has a pervert side, her voice it was like a devil whispering into his ears.

'find inner piece my little brother'

'don't let the devils voice sway you'

'I need to stop or Utaha will awaken something something I don't want to imagine'

Shun was stabilizing his breathing, and forgeting what he just heard.

When he opened his eyes he saw Utaha pouting and there was clearly disappointment in her eyes.

"Am I not attractive? Do you dislike me?" She said as tears was falling in her eyes.

"No, wouldn't it be inappropriate if we do it, we only met a few days ago" He sincerely said those words.

It was no available Utaha only cried more.

"How about a date this weekend? It will definitely help our relationship to be more closer, maybe we do that after the date." Shun said.

"Great! You just said it don't go back on your words"

Shun stared blankly at Utaha who was leaving the room with her ass swaying. The Utaha who was crying was now an energetic girl like she got a present from his father.

'Did I just fallen to her trap?'

Shun sighed as he follow Utaha.

The next day

It was now Wednesday April 18, 20XX.

The school already started 2 weeks from now, and I'll get the result of my examination at Friday.

Utaha and Ryõta was in school while Shun was in the living room eating a home made pizza.

'I'm bored'

Without anyone to spend time Shun was extremely bored,he already done with his routine.

He doesn't know what he is supposed to do to kill some time it would be better if there is someone to spend some time with.

"Uhm... Hello! Kise-san! We come to play"

The cheerful voice sounded in the room, Shun who was lying down in the sofa suddenly stand up and walk towards the CCTV.

He saw 4 individuals, all of them have the same faces except accessories and dresses.

That's right its the quintuplets, It was yotsuba's voice that sounded in the room.

Shun was surprised and excited since he has someone to spend with time with. He then press the a certain button to opened up the door.

Then he dashed out towards the door and wait for them to come on this floor.