
I reincarnated in the anime world

A guy who died in earth and reincarnated in the world of anime. Wishfulfillment  Warning before reading: I don't recommend this to anyone. Also please watch your words and might hurt someone's feelings. If you lonely and depressed please don't make my work as the punching bag to relieved your anger. THIS DOESN'T HAVE ANY SINGLE PLOT THE STORY WILL GO ON WHAT THE READERS REQUESTED.

sigufo · Anime & Comics
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76 Chs

Chapter 19

A/N: I'm trying what POV I'm gonna use it may change a few times :v


Shun's POV

[Congratulations! You have acquired]

- Headphones+ 1x

- Thunder Breathing

'Thunder Breathing?'

If I'm not mistaken it should be from the anime called Demon Slayers.

A sword style that help them 'Humans' fight against vampires who eat humans instead of sucking them.

Thunder breathing, it should be the sword style of the friend of the MC in the story.

It actually quite surprising to get something like this it would be better if the system give me the Sun Breathing instead of Thunder breathing.

Well why not asked it?

"System is it possible to exchange my Thunder breathing to Sun breathing"


I lean heavily on my chair making it Bend a little.


I sighed as I press accept.

After a minutes passed.

I stand up in my chair and opened my mouth like a big O.

How could I forget one of the best things in the anime, Total Concentration Breathing.

Total Concentration Breathing is an advanced and esoteric breathing technique where a user inhales the maximum amount of oxygen within a specific breath pattern to raise their physical and mental prowess to their utmost limits. The effects include a plethora of enhanced physical and mental abilities, like superhuman physical characteristics (i.e. strength, speed, stamina, durability and agility), faster thought processes, maximizing concentration and hyper-information processing. At a more advanced level, Total Concentration is also capable of clotting wounds from severe injuries and slowing down the circulation of poison in the bloodstream.

Along with the total concentration breathing, I also got thunder sword style.

Thunder Breathing is a Breathing Style that mimics lightning, specifically swift strikes and movements akin to lightning ripping through the sky, and replicates it with the user's movements, techniques and abilities. Users of Thunder Breathing also visualize themselves seemingly creating and manipulating lightning and electricity when unleashing its techniques.

Although I can't release and manipulate lightning like Zenitsu since that guy got hit by a lightning and survive.

Although I like the idea of getting hit by a lightning and survive, I'm not crazy enough to do that and besides it was due to luck that he survive from that.


If my luck stat increase more, I can survive the lightning and have the ability to manipulate thunder and lightning and and maybe I can be like flash where he can surpass the speed of light.

My mind was constantly thinking new things if I get hit my lightning, I like the idea who knows if I get powers from it this the world of anime, anywhere every fantasy you dream is real.

Anyways what is a Headphones? A headphone?

System can you give the description of that Headphones?




-An headphone that doesn't need to be charged and can play any songs that are available in every dimensions.

Cool, I immediately put it in head and think about the song that I wanted to hear ever since I come to this new world.

You're Still the One - Shanks Twain

Hearing those music I couldn't help but feel nostalgic.

Ahh I feels like I'm home.

I look at the window and saw stars shining in the starry sky.

"Mother, Father how you been? Do you miss me? I miss you two" I murmured as I look at stars in the sky thinking if one of them is earth.

Although I was loving my new life, they're still my parents who ones taking care of me.

It was quite regretful that didn't even got the chance to repay the care and love they did for me before I died.

Only ungrateful guys will forget where they originally from and forgets those who once you love.

If I was given another wish, I wish to repay those debt I owe you guys.

I was definitely not a good guy in my past life, but I'm not a bad guy that hurts people for fun.


I slump again in chair thinking something.

Anyways I'm quite tired now, I need sleep.

I put down the headphones in my desk and lie down to the bed near beside Utaha.


Utaha's POV

Utaha slowly opened her eyes after having a nice sleep. But her heart stopped when she saw Shun's face was right in front of her.

There was little to no space between their faces, and their lips were almost touching each other. If any of them moved, even a little, they would end up kissing.

She very grateful for what last and her mind and body was lighter like a big rock that she was carrying was lifted up.

'I remember the few words he said before I fell asleep.'

"Utaha I'm your boyfriend now you should rely on me and I will rely on you"

"If there's a problems both of us will face it together"

"Even if only its a few days that we meet, I have fallen deeply for you"

"I love you Utaha"

By just remembering those words my heartbeat becoming more faster and faster.

I look at his very enticing lips.

Utaga looked at Shun's lips and wondered, 'Should I do it?'

'Only our lips will touch. It won't be the deep kiss like they do in the movies, but a kiss is still a kiss, right?' Utaha asked herself.

'Do I want my first kiss and our first kiss to be like this? I always thought my first skill would be special and romantic. If I kiss him now, not only will I miss the special feelings, but I will lose my first kiss too.'

'It's as though I am taking advantage of him sleeping.'

Utaha slowly approach Shun's face, she then kiss him in his cheeks.

"It's your reward for what you did" Utaha murmured.

She couldn't help but get blushed and carefully dig deeper into his embraced then fell asleep.

Shun opened his eyes and smile, he was already awake earlier when Utaha slightly move.