
I reincarnated in Mobuseka

The World of Otome Games is Tough for a Orphan I died due to circumstances I couldn't control and was reincarnated in the world of the last novel I read. Maybe this would be cool if I was a noble or even a common commoner, but unfortunately I'm an orphan who they try to sell as a toy for the noble ladies!!! In order to escape this bad way of life, I will do whatever it takes. -------------------------------------------------- All rights reserved to the characters and images to their respective authors/creators. I do not give my authorization for this or any other of my fics to be uploaded to any digital platform and in any presentation. Unless the respective credits are given and they put a link that takes them to the original publication. -------------------------------------------------- Note: Temporary makeshift cover until I find someone who will take pity on making me one... Note: I am translating this from my fanfic in Spanish

MALC_GO · Book&Literature
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28 Chs

12: Another Point of View




The sound of various kinds of explosions and impacts echoed through the place.

And to think that just a month ago I was a medical student and now I'm in this hellhole as a field medic. My country has been preparing for this invasion for years, but for me it was nothing more than a ridiculous scenario, the world was living in an era of relative peace, no one expected this conflict and out of simple pride I refused to escape and decided to stay in this place.

I was moving on to my next destination, after we treated several wounded soldiers near the front line.

"This Never Ends"


I turn to that unfamiliar sound and see smoke spreading through the area.

"The bastards dropped chemical bombs!!!"

It was fortunate that my partner forced me long ago to buy a protective mask anticipating this.



-It burns me!!!

He listened to the cries of the soldiers he had just treated, there was nothing he could do for them anymore.

"Dammit! Does what I do even help?"

We ran as far as we could, but the attack was not over.


"Chemical weapons are not enough for those bastards, you want to finish us off with artillery"


"Is it over?" I asked aloud without really waiting for an answer.

I looked around and saw how my comrade in arms had lost his left arm from the elbow down.

-Curse! I was yelling all kinds of curses while making a tourniquet for him.

... ... ...

-Stay with me, we're almost there, just hold on for one more minute and we'll get to the medical care center.

I don't know how long I had run carrying my partner on my back, but I could finally save him.

"We are one street away, I won't take another 30 seconds!"



I quickly got out of bed, I was sweating a lot.

-Another nightmare your highness?

"You already know the answer to that"

Several years have passed since I was reincarnated, I find it a bit curious how I went from dying in a bombing to being the seventh prince of the Holy Kingdom of Rachelle.

Apparently the original owner of this body died of poisoning and I took his place, or so I theorize, since I woke up in this body after being poisoned. Those were very confusing times, I really didn't know how to adapt to this new world, but I didn't have time to think about it since I had to continually avoid assassination attempts.

When I showed my talent with healing magic and my medical knowledge I gained some influence, I finally managed to be safe or at least no longer afraid of being assassinated at any moment. It was then that I had time to think and reviewing the memories of my previous life I finally realized:

"This is the world of that novel"

During my time in the war, my partner, who for some reason I no longer remember his name, used to talk to me a lot about that novel about a Mob not so Mob, although I never paid much attention to him and I let him talk so he could relax a bit, now I regret not listening seriously.

I don't remember the details but I'm sure of one thing:

"The Holfault Kingdom is a threat to the Holy Kingdom of Rachelle"

I remember hearing from my partner that there were a couple of subroutes in the story that changed the plot a lot, but it doesn't matter, I won't let a foreign nation threaten and destroy my home again.

"I must not fail"

-Your highness should not have that face before starting the invasion that yourself proposed.

The one who spoke to me was a Paladin or Holy Knight, someone who is capable of wearing the legendary magic armor and who swore allegiance to me after being moved by my "miracles" that I performed using my healing magic and medical knowledge, saving several people, who otherwise would have died.

-I did not gather all these people to obtain achievements, I did it for the future of our nation.

-The prophecy of evils...

I gained the "Saint" status recently and used it to tell everyone that God had given me prophecy of how "The Holy Kingdom of Rachelle will be destroyed unless we wipe out the demons that have been born in the Holfault Kingdom before mature".

My false prophecy was surprisingly taken seriously and quickly those most fervent to me gathered their forces, forming an army to end future threats: The crown prince, his entourage made up of the heirs of the most influential house, his fiancée and Baltfault.

Right now I command the first wave, once we succeed in this attack, more forces will come to support us.

-How long until our first battle?- I asked getting out of bed

-According to our spy, we should meet a fleet of 30 ships at dawn. So there's still a couple of hours to go.

-It's still early in the morning...- I said to myself as I thought about how by my own will I'm leading these people to a hell like the one that ended my past life.



--Poom!!! Poom!!! Poom!!!

Among all this scandal an officer rushed into my room and the paladin points his sword at him, immediately the officer stands still and begins to speak.

-Your highness! We are under attack, I beg you to take refuge in a more suitable place.

-How is it possible that no one noticed?

-I don't know, Your Highness, the situation is chaotic and we can't coordinate, please hide in the security room.

-No, I'll go bridge, my holy knight, get ready to go out if necessary.

-As his highness orders- The paladin shows a greeting and bows before me to show me his determination.

-But his safety, your highness.

-If I was so worried about my safety, I wouldn't have come with the fleet from the beginning.

-I understand your highness.

"Now let's see if I can change my destiny and that of my nation"

With those thoughts I headed to the bridge to witness what I believed would be the first battle of many more to come.

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