
I reincarnated in Mobuseka

The World of Otome Games is Tough for a Orphan I died due to circumstances I couldn't control and was reincarnated in the world of the last novel I read. Maybe this would be cool if I was a noble or even a common commoner, but unfortunately I'm an orphan who they try to sell as a toy for the noble ladies!!! In order to escape this bad way of life, I will do whatever it takes. -------------------------------------------------- All rights reserved to the characters and images to their respective authors/creators. I do not give my authorization for this or any other of my fics to be uploaded to any digital platform and in any presentation. Unless the respective credits are given and they put a link that takes them to the original publication. -------------------------------------------------- Note: Temporary makeshift cover until I find someone who will take pity on making me one... Note: I am translating this from my fanfic in Spanish

MALC_GO · Book&Literature
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28 Chs

10: Encounters 2

This meeting happened a year or so ago and it was quite brief:


I was doing a joint monster subjugation mission, I did missions like this often when I had free time from the army, after all I held the title as the youngest adventurer, as such I had to do guild missions from time to time, that was the only condition they gave me to register before being of legal age.

The problem with the guild is that they only give out quests, record adventurer's achievements, and protect adventurers, but they don't have a ranking system, which brings me to my current situation.

"A lot of newbies shouldn't come on these kinds of joint missions, they just make the job harder. I'm not saying it out loud just because I didn't want to create fiction in the group, it was bad enough that they were inexperienced, yeah I say something without thinking too much now I'll just make them hostile to me"

To my surprise there was someone else in the group, it was Aaron, he is a year older than me, but due to my early registration, the guild decided to lower the minimum age to 12 years. So Aaron was able to officially become an adventurer early.

If I remember correctly this guy was supposed to be cocky and a pseudo-criminal, but right now he was just an annoying guy who wouldn't stop asking me questions and clinging to me like an abandoned puppy.

-Hey and what weapon do you think is the most suitable for an adventurer?

-The most appropriate weapon is the one with which you feel most comfortable.

I only answered him out of consideration that he was a character in the novel.


A boy who decided to go to the front screamed, only to be slaughtered in the next moment.

Take aim with my rifle and fire the first round of bullets

--Ta! Ta! Ta! Ta! Ta!

... ... ...

After several hours, the battle was ending, it had been more difficult than expected because there were more monsters, they were stronger than reported and the rookies acted without any kind of plan.

I had run out of ammunition, a short time ago I had bought a whip to integrate it into my fighting style, but now I was completely destroyed, the bayonet of my rifle was broken, and my axes were nicked from cutting and finally my mana was almost depleted.

I have naively asked Clare to do other tasks and she wasn't in immediate communication range, I have sent her a message, but even if she received it, it would take a while for her to arrive.


I heard the scream and to my surprise it was Aaron. Without thinking, I just jumped in to save him.

-Move idiot!!!

Apart from Aaron and I received the attack that the monster had made, it threw me crashing into a tree. Normally I wouldn't have flinched at that attack, but I was exhausted from fighting so long and saving these useless, even so several had died.

"Shit I wasn't in this state since I was in those ruins where Clare was, I almost died that time"


I let out a guttural scream and moved to finish off the remaining monsters.

... ... ...

"Am I dead? The last thing I remember was Aaron's screams, well that's depressing, I couldn't claim my title, go to the academy, much less intervene in the plot as I wanted"

But mysteriously this didn't feel like my death from my previous life, I felt very comfortable right now.

-Hey, it's time to open your eyes.

I heard a sweet voice, I did what she told me. When I opened my eyes I saw a beautiful girl, blue eyes, wheat-colored hair, white skin and a pretty face.

-What is your name?- I asked without thinking about it too much.

-I'm Olivia and I'm glad you're okay.

"Oh she's an angel"

I did my best to get up a little and get on my knees

-Olivia marry me!

The girl was shocked and then she turned completely red. I was about to insist more, when I felt a blow to my neck and I fell unconscious again.

-I really can't take my eyes off of you, Master- It was the last thing I heard before I lost my consciousness.

"Damn you Kyle!!!"

After that I never saw Aaron again and Kyle refused to tell me where Olivia lived.


And finally this happened when I just turned 12 and had been promoted to lieutenant:


I had been called to the palace and I was waiting in a room, I thought they had discovered my ancestry and would involve me in some kind of scandal.

"This is bad, I'm not ready yet!!! Clare still not finished with the preparations for Schlacht to be a ship at the level of the old humanity or some lost object, Coin Adventure hasn't raised enough money or influence either"

I was thinking this while drinking the tea that had been served to me and making a serene face outside. Thanks to the fact that I learned manners and that James was a great teacher, I knew the etiquette to follow in the palace.

-I tell you it will be fun to meet him-(Julian).

Without warning six people entered the room, I recognized them immediately, they were the five idiots led by Julián and behind them was Angelica.

-You Highness you must announce yourself before entering a room- (Angelica).

-It doesn't matter, there are more pressing matters- (Julian).

I immediately put the cup of tea on the table and knelt down, right now I was just a commoner with a rank in the army and he was the crown prince.

-I present my respects to the royal family- (Kepa).

-You don't need to be so formal, after all you are my guest.

"Eh!? He was the one who summoned me to the castle? Well it's a relief to know that this isn't some kind of plot, but why did he call me?"

-I'm afraid it would be inappropriate, I'm just a mere commoner-(Kepa).

-His Highness said that it was not necessary to be formal, if you refuse you would only be insulting him-(Jilk).

-O come on Jilk don't scare him, after all he has come to tell us his stories-(Greg).

"Am I some kind of joker to entertain them?"

-It's true, get up, it's not beautiful to see you kneeling there- (Brad).

-I think the best thing would be to introduce ourselves first-(Chris).

-I'm Julian Rafia Holfault.

-I am Jilk Fier Memory.

-I'm Chris Fier Arkwright.

-I'm Greg Fou Seberg.

-I'm Brad Fou Field.

-I'm Angelica Rafia Redgrave.

-In that case if you allow me- I got up and prepared to introduce myself -I am Kepa, an army lieutenant and adventurer, it is an honor to meet you.

-With the introductions done, let's get to the point-(Jilk).

-It is true, I have invited you this day to know more about you, the one who became the youngest adventurer and who continues to accumulate achievements in the army-(Julian).

-Yes, tell us your stories- (Greg).

"Although I didn't expect to meet them this way, I guess it was better to take advantage and earn their trust now"

I began to tell them my stories from how I entered the ruins to looking for treasures and lost objects, like my battles against sky pirates and monsters. Everyone was fascinated by my stories, even Angelica had a shocked face when she listened to me.

They especially liked the story of my first ruin exploration(Clare), and my first fight against sky pirates, they also showed interest when I told them about my Barbatos armed unit.

-Or if I had already heard about your peculiar armed unit, is it a lost item?-(Julian).

-Not really, initially it was a standard armed unit of the army, but I modified it with several part of lost objects that I found in the ruins or bought from other adventurers-(Kepa).

-Oh that's interesting. How did you do it?-(Angelica).

-Well it was complicated to be honest, but luckily before embarking on my adventures I had been an apprentice to a blacksmith with some renown in the capital, so I was able to manage to make it work somehow.

... ... ...

We had already talked for a long time, I wonder when they plan to let me go...

-I really wish I could do the same as you and go venture into ruin, fight against sky pirates and monsters-(Julian).

-Your Highness, it would be worrying if the Crown Prince were to do things like that-(Angelica).

-I want us to enter the academy! So that we can go as a team to the dungeon of the capital-(Greg).

-Yes, I want to show you my abilities to kill monsters with my magic-(Brad).

--Knock Knock knock!

-Your Highness, it is time for you to end your meeting.

A servant came in and said that.

The somewhat reluctant boys said goodbye.

-I hope you tell me more of your stories in the future Kepa-(Julian).

-As long as you want to listen to them, I will, your highness-(Kepa).

With that I finally end my long meeting with the five idiots and Angelica.

After that I was invited back to the palace to entertain them again...

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Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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