
I Reincarnated in Martial Peak

A poor portoguese guy named Ryota worked as hard as he could to pay his mothers bill, but as soon as she got better he was killed by Truck-kun. But God gave him four wishes and from there Ryota became the strongest in the world of Martial Peak. *** Reminder: I don't own Martial Peak Warning (R18) Read at your own risk.

STNove · Anime & Comics
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46 Chs


The treasurer then said "I have something we need your help with, young master..."

"What?" Nie Yong asked, to which Meng Wu Ya replied "Well, on the 7th July, there will appear the Nine Yin Dew Crystals in the middle of the Black Wind Forests"

"And what is that?" Nie Yong asked once again.

"Well, it's a concentration of Yin Qi that only happens once a year in a certain area. It can be consumed in the transition from Separation and Reunion realm to True Element realm, generating a stronger and purer True Qi, making the cultivator stronger in the short and long term. It can also be used by an already True Element realm cultivator for the same purpose, but with less of its effect." Meng Wu Ya gave an exhausting and detailed explanation.

"A great treasure and i suppose you want me to help you get it for Chang'er, right?" Said Nie Yong.

"Yes, you got it right, she needs it to advance to the True Element realm and i suppressed her cultivation too, so it is more difficult for her to breakthrough" exclaimed the treasurer to Nie Yong.

"And why would you suppress her cultivation?" Asked the handsome guy to the old fart, who replied "Because she has a Special Physique, the Sacred Spirit Medicine Body, a rare physique that makes her able to refine pills without a cauldron and so i did it to make her foundation more stable"

"Wow, so my Chang'er is special even in cultivation other than my heart" Nie Yong teased Xia Ning Chang, who immediately became red from embarass while still hugging her husband and hiding her head in his sculptured chest.

"So cute" Nie Yong as he patted his wife's head "Well, when do we depart? Because there are only twelve days remaining and it's pretty far"

"We, will depart in four days if the young master is willing..." Treasurer Meng said

"Treasurer, can you please stop calling me young master and instead... i don't know... son in law?" Proposed the majestic looking guy.

"Son in law?" Meng Wu Ya was in confusion, which Nie Yong cleared for him "Well, yes since my Chang'er is like a daughter to you and, obviously, i'll call you father in law, too"

"Oh...ok, son in law, hahahaha" Meng Wu Ya said laughing with his hand placed on Nie Yong's defined shoulder.


After four days, Nie Yong's mansion

"Let's check the notification that the system sent me during my training"

[The host has reached the 2nd Stage Initial Element!]

[Martial skill, Immovable Will, has levelled up to level 11!]

[Martial skill, Dual Wielding, has reached max level!]

[Martial skill, Yin Blade, has reached max level!]

[Martial skill, Yang Blade, has reached max level!]

[Martial skill, Eight Devil's Storm Style, has reached level 21!]

[Martial skill, Mystic Yang Arts, has reached level 39!]

[Martial skill, Thunder Howling Sword Style , has reached level 92!]

[Martial skill, Swordsmanship, has reached level max and evolved to martial skill, True Swordmanship lv.1!]

[The martial skills, Yin Blade and Yang Blade have reached the max level and have fused into the martial skill, Yin Yang Blade lv.1!]

[Swordsman occupation has been acquired!]

[Title gained: True Swordsman!]

[The host combat power has risen to the True Peak of the Separation and Reunion realm!]

"I advanced so much in just four days? This system is too OP" Nie Yong said looking at the notification "System, please show me the title and the occupation"

[Title: True Swordsman]

[You have reached the peak of what a normal swordsman can and surpassed it, becoming a true swordsman and finally really stepping onto the Sword Dao!

Effect: Sword-related skill ×4 power, ×4 levelling! (Title enhanced by the occupation)]

[Occupation: Swordsman]

[You're an incredible being, who despite being from such a low world, has really stepped on the path of Sword Dao!

Effect: ×2 all sword-related things, enhanches Sword talent, being able to use Sword Qi.]

"Then, i should head to the treasury, Chang'er and father in law are waiting for me"


At the sect's treasury



Nie Yong was knocking on the treasury's door, until this opened and his fairy wife appeared.

"Nie Yong, can we depart right now?" The shy fairy asked to his husband that replied "I've come here for this other than seeing you, but where is father in law?"

"Master said that he won't come with us" She said with a red face.

"How come father in law lets his disciple go unprotected in such a dangerous place? Didn't you perhaps drug him or something?" Said Nie Yong with a joking face.

"I...I..." Xia Ning Chang stuttered, before Nie Yong interrupted her "It was just a joke, Chang'er" and he hugged her.

She was feeling really comfortable being embraced by his love.

Then, they got on the same horse and headed to the Black Wind Forests, leaving the High Heaven Pavilion.


Meanwhile, at Xie Hong Cheng's place

"Brother Xie, Nie Yong just left the High Heaven Pavilion a while ago!" A kid, member of the Disciplinary Hall, said to Xie Hong Cheng, who was lying on his bed still not recovered by Su Yan's attack.

"Then, bring a couple of people who are atleast at the Separation and Reunion realm with you, you're going avenge me!" He said so, because he couldn't go himself in that state.

"But brother Xie, the sect has been keeping us in check since that accident, so we can't act directly, but maybe we can indirectly!" The kid said chuckling.

"What do you mean?" Xie Hong Cheng asked and the kid replied "Well, there's a Immortal Ascension powerhouse who wants his head, he is the ex-vice leader of the Blood Battle Group, Long Zian Tian, who was banned from there because of Nie Yong!"

"Perfect, inform him about Nie Yong's departure! Let's see how long you can survive, Nie-" He was saying before being interrupted by a pain on his chest "Bastard!"

... to be continued



I hope you enjoyed this chapter.

By the way, can someone please tell me if I improved from the first chapters, even if only a little bit.

Also check my other works "Uniqueness Emperor" and "In Naruto as the Lust Emperor".

I hope all of you are having a good day and now i am going to watch the Solo Leveling's anime 🍿