
Chapter 15

Alex showed his weapons to the rest of the group as they were suprised and shocked he was able to create relics so easily and some of them looked every powerful.Six really wanted to test some of these out,but she already had her relic which was a Loric Sword with many logic runes engraved into it,which glows when grabbed with two hands it has the power to create shockwaves with a sword swing, When tested Six was able to send multiple armored mog soldiers flying away.

She got was illusion stone like the name suggests it creates an illusion of yourself,it is mostly for distraction purposes.

The Cepans decided to take any of the relics believing the garde needed or more,while Alex took the Ten rings,Freya had her staff and Maggie had a cloak of invisibilty from her chest add a gun to her arsenal and she is pretty deadly.

Alex while bringing the hologram of Plum island said"This is Plum island Plum Island is an island located off the shore in New York, United States.

The Island is the site of the Plum Island Animal Disease Center (PIADC) which was established by the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) in 1954.Plum Island is owned in its entirety by the United states Government. Access to the island is controlled by the United States Department of Homeland Security (DHS) which restricts access to orindary citizens. The Facility is occupied by Mogadorians and is the location of their Chimæra experimentation. The main annex is mostly staffed by Marines and human scientists while a separate warehouse-like building, off to one side, is staffed exclusively of Mogadorians."

Hilde who was thoughtful said"I have question,How did those Chiemera get here.I mean our ship definitely didn't have them and the moms would'n't have brought them all here from Lorien."

Alex suddenly remembered something as he told Eve to search for the blog named "Aliens Anonymous" which later adopted the name "They Walk Among Us".

Alex smirked and said"It seems you are not the only Loric who escaped Lorien."

Conrad,Hilde and Katrina looked at Alex with surprise as showed them a pic of a loric ship captured by a human.Conrad with worry said"Then we have to find them,this ship definitely a antique."

Katrina and Hilde nodded as Alex said"I will got plum base with Six and Katrina,you guys go find these Loric."

They agreed they Freya and Six were ready for mission,while Maggie needed more training.but she was their informer and eyes,if something went wrong.

While taking quinjet Alex,Katrina and Six now made their way to plum Island the place was filled with Mogs,human marines and scientists,They were able to land whitout alerting anyone due to cloaking tech the Quinjet had.Alex first took out a guard an then used shapeshifting ability take his form and with Six using her Invisbility Legacy they made their way towards a long, low building a few hundred feet from the harbor. Damn. It's not even in the main building Alex easily got past the security with help of memories form the guard.

Once he made his way towards where the Chimaera were being held as he brig's front door and glancing out before nodding and motioning me through. "It seems the main annex is mostly marines and human scientists. There's a second building off to the side, staffed entirely by Mogs. They're in there."

Alex could tell even if the Mogs had a deal with the U.S. government, they wouldn't want to let any of the humans close to anything that could be used against them. And the Chimæra would definitely qualify. "How do we get there?"

Alex,Six and Katrina made our way to the last building and our view of the harbor is swallowed up among the trees.It only takes a couple minutes to curve up and around to the Disease Center—the advantages of an island that's only a few miles in any direction. The main building is enormous and looks like a research lab crossed with a school, but sure enough there's a smaller, warehouse-like building off to one side. We head over that way. There are Mog soldiers standing guard outside, but Six easily knocks them out and Katrina decided stay back to watch for incoming Mogs.

Alex smiled and said"This is their main base on the island,"once we're through the doors and walking along a wide, rough, cement-floored hall. "Where they're keeping the Chimæra will require security clearance, but out here we're good." Which is obviously true, but Alex knew they we're going to have to fight past those same guards without setting off alarms when they return. Especially with 9 Chimæra's in tow.

We stop on the fourth floor and exit the stairwell. The ceilings up here are twelve feet tall at least, and enormous windows cover most of the walls, though they're barred. Despite the concrete floors and thick stone outer walls and corrugated metal inner walls, the space still has a light, airy feel.

And doors. Lots and lots of doors.

Opening the door at hand and peering into it we saw a large room that looks like an operating theater—there are instruments arrayed on trays positioned around a large exam table. It's also empty, which Alex considered a very good thing as he really wouldn't want to walk in on a surgery,

Six calls out"Over here!" , and as Alex see her one door down from him,but on the other side of the hall.He quickly and peer inside with her. It's like a big kennel, with wire cages lined up against the far wall.

Alex whispers"Shut the door," as he steps in to study the cages and their inhabitants. The first cage looks empty, save for some sort of goo smeared across the floor. But when he step a little closer, the goo suddenly rears up, flowing into a shape like a raccoon or maybe a weasel, narrow and wiry with dark, matted fur, a sharply pointed face and beady little eyes.

And then it screams.

Alex never heard anything like it. And hoped he never will again. It's high and shrill and made him feel sorry for the creature entire body feel like a glass that's about to shatter. I stumble back a pace, off balance, then another, until the screeching stops. The goo settles, dropping back to the cage floor.

Six questions"Is that really a chimera?"

Alex nodded and answered"Yes it seems they have been experimenting on them."Six let out a growl in anger.

Alex held his hand out and started healing it as the chemira changed in ferret and nuzzeled againt his hand.

The next cage is empty, though judging from the soiled newspapers on the bottom, it hasn't been that way for long.The third cage contains a bird. About the size of a parrot, it has blue feathers ranging from a deep purple so dark they look almost black to a pale blue-white like winter itself. The bird has no wings, though—where those appendages should be are two stumps, stitched and bandaged. It caws at Alex, a single long, chirp-like wail, and the sound brings tears to his eyes.He look over at Six and finds she looked just as horrified as he was as he did the same thing and healed it as it flew to Six's shoulder.