
Chapter 13

In the mind scape Susannah,Kelly and Adam were now staring at their ally who told them his name is Tony.Susannah said"I thought the communicator you gave us was not working."

Tony(Alex) smile and replied"My tech is not that bad.Also did you want ask something."

Susannah was curious and questioned"Are you the one who attacked the Mexico base?"

Tony(Alex) nodded and answered"Yes,your fathers men had captured a Garde and her Cepan.So I had to get her out."

Kelly questioned"Are you trying to help the Loric by cause a civil war between our people."

Tony(Alex) shook his head and replied"No,actually I am just trying to help both Loric and Mogs.Setrakus Ra already captured Lorien his objective should have been finished then and their,but for unknown reason he is so obsessed with 9 children and 9 cepan who barely have any allies or weapons.Why?"Kelly,Adam and Susannah were all in deep thought as they couldn't come up with any sort of reason as Tony (Alex) explained"That is because he is trying to make the best soldier possible he already made vatborns from Mogadorian DNA once he gets the Garde he will be able to provide them with Legacies,after that he has no need for your people after he had strong loyal vatborn who are stronger than your normal mogs."

All three now were shocked at hearing the new info as they could actually see this happen after all Mogs still have a free will and their is still chances of rebellion happening.But with Vatborns who have no free will of their own who is the better choice.

Susannah nodded and asked"So what are you planning?"

Tony(Alex) was thoughtful and replied"For now we are gathering all the Loric Garde and Cepan,only after getting them to together will Setrakus Ra become nervous and come to earth."

Susannah and Kelly nodded as Adam questioned"What about the Humans they are working with us?"

Tony (Alex) answered"Only way we can make this work is by killing Setrakus Ra as he brainwashed your people.Also I know many of your people are fanatically loyal to him.You will have to create a faction for yourself,tell them the truth about their saviour."

All three nodded as we discussed more about at the issue at hand which was the fact Adam needed to join in on the hunt of number three and their was an investigation about the attack on the base,which won't be traced back to Alex or Loric.

After that Alex woke up from the meeting he went down to train more,to his surprise he saw Hilde,Katrina and Conrad training their respective wards.Six seemed awed by the simulation room and the high tech weapons as she asked"I can't believe he built this."

Conrad smile and said"Yes,it is hard to believe.But I was just thinking how far would have our planet advanced if we had someone like him."

Hilde and Katrina nodded as they saw Alex who just gestured them to continue the training.They nodded and went back to training which included different martial arts and weapons training.

Alex noticed Freya and Six or Jane as she goes by now were very good with hand to hand combat and weapons.While Maggie was thinker than fighter,but she was really good with her gun.

Jane or six noticed Alex studying them as she asked"Do you want to train with is?"

Alex shrugged agreeing with it as all decided to do a battle simulation with Alex being the leader of the Mogs,Freya,Jane and Maggie.The simulation started as Alex sent his first group and observed the fight from the roof of one of the buildings the room had created, looking through a sniper scope, with a sound suppressor on the end of the barrel. The ammo was a mixed bag, with a stunner bullets that would hurt like hell,He looked through his rifle,he saw the girls easily take them down with either their weapon or abilities.

He the followed Jane for a while who was scouting out the place with her invisibility,which is good in way.But if her power is known to the Mogs then they would use heat signature to find her.

Alex then used the moms to lure them into an open space as he nodded and thought. "They are good,but the only problem is with their teamwork which will get better overtime.They also need to look out for their surroundings."

Jane felt some sort of danger sense as they destroyed the last mog on the playground,but before she could react the she was smacked into her chest with force, followed swiftly by another, this time a stun bullet that stunned her as she moaned in pain"What the hell?How did he see me?.

Freya acted quickly, turning toward the way the bullet had to have come from and slammed her foot into ground generating an earthquake in that direction demolishing the building. But Alex had already changed location,it didn't take long as delayed grenade was thrown their way making them blind,which quickly followed with them getting shot with stun bullets.

All three were soon taken to med bay as Jane sighed in irritation and said"He took us out without even using his powers."

Freya added"Join the club,I have not defeated him in hand to hand till now."Maggie just nodded as Conrad smiled said"Don't worry you will get their eventually,but you have work on your teamwork.Also as Alex showed you can't always rely on your abilities."

All three nodded they needed to improve more.