
I Reincarnated in Douluo and Became a Member of Multiverse Chat Group.

A young man named Rayne had a dream about having a harem, and just when he was about to achieve it, a meteor put an end to his absurd dream. or so he thought. It turns out, he was given an another chance at life. With a system and cheats at that. And his destination for reincarnation is Douluo continent! What sort of adventures are awaiting him? Please support me in Patreon.com/Nightsky076 to get earlier access to more chapters. Disclaimer: I do not own Douluo Dalu or the other fictional works mentioned in the story, other than the Original. The works belong to their respective authors. This is only a fanfiction.

Chaotic_Sovereign · Anime & Comics
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62 Chs

Chapter 20 Quest Complete.

"Say, your name is Tang San, correct? Since you have acknowledged this trash as your teacher, do you know anything about him?" Rayne suddenly asked Tang San with an evil smile.

"What…?" Tang San looked at him confusedly.

Rayne continued with a smile, "Do you not want to know how your teacher compiled his Ten Great Core Spirit Competencies?"

Yu Xiaogang's heartbeat sped up in anxiety after hearing Rayne speak. He looked at Rayne in shock.

At this moment, he noticed Rayne's vibrant blue eyes. He fell into deep thought. As he thought of some possibilities, his eyes widened in shock, then it turned into ecstasy.

Rayne thought to himself about the quest details.

He has slapped Yu Xiaogang twice in the face and even broke his hand. This should suffice as completing one of the three tasks of the elite quest.

'Now there are two tasks remaining. Negatively impacting Yu Xiaogang's reputation, and reducing his favourability with Xiao Wu below stranger level. Basically negative favourability.'

'Actually, it's not really hard. I can even finish this in one go. But I will most likely be targeted by Bibi Dong after I do this. Well, it doesn't really matter. Once I have refined a Bright Soul Cleansing Pill, I can heal my mother. With my means, it will only take about seven years to push her to level 99 demigod Titled Douluo. If I get some helpful resources from system quests, then I can do it even faster.'

'Then I can start to build my own force with my mother as the core. She's the one person who will never betray me. There is no need to take unnecessary risks by looking for Titled Douluo like Dugu Bo to form my force. I can recruit him after I have enough deterrent force.'

Rayne thought to himself, contemplating the risks and countermeasures.

Rayne truly doesn't have much difficulty in cultivating his mother to level 99. It's not like she is cultivating nine-turn energy.

When he thinks of his nine-turn energy cultivation, his head hurts.

The dozens of Superior Grade Mystic Water Pill he had devoured using Kāma seal, was enough to push him to somewhere near level 60 or higher, if he was cultivating a one-turn energy technique.

But his nine-turn energy only gave him a mere ten levels of soul power improvement. Although cultivating this unparalleled quality of energy gives him the strongest combat power… The Record of Primordial Evil technique is simply a money burning technique.

If he didn't have the system, he didn't have the confidence to cultivate this technique. The Douluo continent isn't exaggeratedly rich in cultivation resources like most of the xianxia worlds.

There is also the choice of devouring other spirit master using Kāma seal. Unlike with medicinal energy, his body won't adapt to an original energy like life force. As he himself is a life form with flesh and blood, there is no incompatibility with life force and cultivated soul power.

So, technically he can improve infinitely by devouring other high level life forms.

But his conscience wouldn't allow him to do such a thing. Unless he is truly forced into a corner, Rayne won't resort to this method.


"Young man- no, Rayne." Yu Xiaogang stood up with great difficulty, regardless of his injuries and broken arm.

He called out Rayne's name with a firm and gentle tone.

"Huh?" Rayne looked at him in confusion, snapping out of his thoughts.

Why did this guy who was just beaten up by him, suddenly call out to him in a gentle voice?

"Rayne, accept me as your teacher. I can forgive your mistakes and teach you well. Only I can teach you to reach the top." Yu Xiaogang said with conviction and a proud expression.

"…Did I hit you too hard to have concussion? But I don't seem to have hit you in the head?" Rayne said in an irritated, yet confused manner.

Tang San, confused as well, "Teacher…?"

Not only Rayne, even Tang San was utterly baffled by Yu Xiaogang's sudden change of behavior.

Xiao Wu, the students and teachers were also confused at Yu Xiaogang's bizarre behavior. They even suspect if this guy is a masochist, and is purposely irritating Rayne for more beating.

Yu Xiaogang didn't care about others reaction to him. Rather, he turned to Tang San and nodded at him confidently, indicating that he knew what he's doing.

Although he couldn't understand his teacher's intention, Tang San could only hold back from saying something.

Yu Xiaogang looked at Rayne and continued saying, "Rayne, if I'm not wrong, You were only a half-level soul apprentice with a Blue Silver Grass martial soul? The skills you just used seems to have no relation to Blue Silver Grass. So, where did it come from? Or, where did you get the soul power to use those powerful soul skills?"

Rayne: "…"

"That's right! Just when did that guy become so strong? When I met him a few days ago, he could barely do some very basic training!" An aristocrat student voiced his doubt.

"Me too! I too saw him being too weak to even complete a set of ten push ups!"

"A few days ago, he could barely complete a lap of running!"

After the first student voiced out his doubt about Rayne's sudden gain in strength, many others also followed along.

Yu Xiaogang heard the discussion, then looked at the indifferent and calm Rayne, who was looking at him with a scrutinizing look.

Yu Xiaogang smiled with confidence and said to Rayne,

"Rayne, how about we move to another location and continue our conversation?"

Rayne: "If you have anything to say, just say it here. And finish it quickly. I have other things to do."

Yu Xiaogang: "Are you sure? It's your secret after all."

"What does it matter? If my so-called secret can be guessed by you, then many others will also be able to guess it, after hearing about the things happened here. If you have something to say, just spit it out, before I break your other limbs as well. Just so you know, I'm including your fifth 'limb' as well." Rayne said with a menacing grin.

"..!!" Yu Xiaogang inadvertently took a step back in fright. But he tried to persuade Rayne again.

Yu Xiaogang was sure that Rayne's vibrant blue eyes were his second martial soul. He guessed that Rayne must have awakened it yesterday. Although, he didn't know what kind of martial soul it is, he judged that it is very good.

There are many records of the re-awakening of martial souls. Although not a second martial soul, the re-awakened martial souls are all incredibly powerful.

With what Rayne has shown so far, this second martial soul of his is incredibly powerful. And this is without a soul ring. Yu Xiaogang estimated that this martial soul might even be superior to Clear Sky Hammer. As far as he is aware, Clear Sky Hammer isn't capable of the same feats as Rayne when it doesn't have a soul ring.

Yu Xiaogang even suspects that Rayne's second martial soul is a god-level martial soul. The reason for this guess is that, the powerful skills Rayne used before couldn't possibly be used by even a level 30 soul elder. That attack power even reached the level of 1,000-year-old soul ring skill.

Even with the bonus of god-level martial soul, such attack power shouldn't be possible with just level 10 soul power. According to his guess, Rayne might have even upgraded his innate soul power to level 20. Just like the god-level martial spirit of Qian family, the Seraphim!

Thinking of the possibility that Rayne's second martial soul might be a god-level martial soul, Yu Xiaogang felt extremely excited. If he could accept Rayne as his disciple and train him along with Tang San…

Ah, the glory, prestige and great reputation are all at hand. He can then proudly return to Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Sect and tell his father that, he is not a waste.

Even though Yu Xiaogang felt very displeased and angry at Rayne's violent behavior towards him, he still tried to gently persuade him.

"Young man, you're being very impulsive. This matter concerns your future. It is better to discuss in private. Just trust me and become my disciple. I can train you to be a strongman."

Yu Xiaogang said with a gentle voice like an elder, and tried to pat Rayne on his head. But his hand stopped right before Rayne, unable to move forward.

"Annoying!" Rayne finally got annoyed and kicked Yu Xiaogang flying.


The unsuspecting Yu Xiaogang was kicked by Rayne and was sent flying, crashing into the wall, unconscious.

"…" Tang San.

"…" Xiao Wu and others.

Whether it is Tang San or others, they just had one thought when they saw the unconscious Yu Xiaogang.

'In the end, what was he even trying to do?'

In the end, Tang San moved towards the unconscious Yu Xiaogang to check up on his condition.

"This stiff faced bastard! All that blabbering without getting to the point!" Rayne spat in annoyance.

After taking a deep breath, he turned his attention to Tang San.

"Now that the distraction is gone, let's get back to what I was about to say." Rayne said to Tang San.

"…" Tang San gritted his teeth in anger. His teacher was humiliated like this, but he couldn't do anything about it.

"Tang San, how much do you know about your teacher? I'm guessing not much?" Rayne asked with a smile.

Tang San remained silent without saying anything.

"You might be wondering why I'm being so hateful towards Yu Xiaogang, right? Well, that's because he's a true trash of a man."

"Stop insulting my teacher!" Tang San couldn't help but shout in anger.

Rayne shook his head slightly and continued, "I'm not lying when I said that he's a trash. Do you know how he got all the materials for his so-called Ten Great Core Spirit Competencies?"

"It's all stolen from Spirit Hall's collection. This guy fooled Bibi Dong, Saintess of Spirit Hall back then, who is now the Supreme Pontiff, through planning, and was able to get access to the higher levels of the library, which is only normally accessible to high-level members of Spirit Hall."

"As if that wasn't enough, he compiled the data in Spirit Hall and summarized them into his own theory. He named himself the creator of those theories while just adding some nonsense of his own to them. As you can see, he's completely plagiarizing the theories of Spirit Hall. As for why he's fine after plagiarizing the books from Spirit Hall? Well, I won't go into that detail as it concerns some higher ups of Spirit Hall."

"He was later forcibly driven away by the former supreme pontiff Qian Xunji. Since then, he's been hating Spirit Hall and even instigate others into hating Spirit Hall. This guy literally stole a lot of confidential information of the top force in the continent, and he thinks Spirit Hall is the villainous party here. This kind of guy that bites the hand that fed him, I truly dislike him."

After saying all that, Rayne looked at Tang San and asked.

"So, Tang San, how do you feel about your teacher now?"

"…" Truthfully speaking, Tang San didn't feel that Yu Xiaogang did anything wrong here. He even felt that his teacher was similar to himself in the past life.

'Teacher is talented, but couldn't get into contact with what he needed to realize his talents. So he could only use some tricks to get what he wants. Just like me. I was so talented, but I was not allowed to cultivate Mysterious Heaven Treasure Records, just because I was an outer disciple. So, I too had to use some tricks(steal) to learn the skills and realize my talent in my past life.'

Tang San thought in reminiscing. He felt that his meeting with Yu Xiaogang was a wonderful fate. They both have somewhat similar experience. Subconsciously, his bond with Yu Xiaogang has deepened.

Rayne didn't know Tang San's thoughts, and didn't care. What he cared about was worsening Yu Xiaogang's impression on Xiao Wu and ruining his reputation.

'I guess Xiao Wu is a long-lived person after all. Just this much won't have her negatively view Yu Xiaogang. Stealing food and treasures is a common place in Soul Beast world. I will come up with something better. As for the reputation, what happened here will definitely spread outside, so there's no concern there. Not to mention, there are more than fifty people here right now.'

Rayne thought as he secretly glanced at Xiao Wu's expression.

After thinking for a bit, Rayne started talking again.

"To be honest, there is another reason I absolutely loathe this guy." Rayne said with a sigh.

The people around him were curious and patiently listened.

"After this guy was chased away from Spirit Hall, he met two people in his travels. A man and a woman. I won't be saying their names here. Anyway, as the three decided to travel together, their relationship got better. They even developed an unprecedented Three-in-one Martial Soul Fusion Skill."

"Wow!" The people were amazed at hearing the Three-in-one martial soul fusion skill. They now felt that maybe, Yu Xiaogang isn't actually that bad?

Tang San also felt a sign of pride. It seems his teacher is great after all.

"Then soon after, a love triangle was born. The woman likes Yu Xiaogang. The other man likes the woman, and Yu Xiaogang also liked the woman. After knowing that the woman likes Yu Xiaogang and he also liked her in return, the other man voluntarily gave up."

"Afterwards, the woman and Yu Xiaogang decided to get married. The marriage itself wasn't anything grand, just a small marriage with just some close friends of the three of them."

"But before the marriage could proceed, the girl's father appeared to interrupt it. What do you guys think Yu Xiaogang called after seeing the woman's father?" Rayne asked with a teasing smile.

"Father-in-law…?" Xiao Wu said doubtfully.

Rayne just snickered a bit and continued.

"Hehe, no. Yu Xiaogang called the woman's father in surprise, 'Uncle'!"

"…" The people were stunned, their jaws almost dropped.

Even Tang San was stunned.

"That's right! The girl's father is Yu Xiaogang's uncle. His father's younger brother. It turns out, the girl is the illegitimate daughter of Yu Xiaogang's uncle."

"…" Tang San and others.

Rayne continued.

"The woman was in shock, but still decided to go on with the marriage. To her, her love for Yu Xiaogang mattered more than her reputation and social moral views."

"But, that wasn't the case for Yu Xiaogang. He couldn't accept the fact that the woman he was about to marry was his blood related cousin. He broke down and ran away."

"No explanation, nothing. He just ran away, abandoning the woman, causing her to bear all the shame and insults by herself."

"He didn't make a proper ending to their relationship. The woman kept searching for Yu Xiaogang, but he insisted on hiding from her. The woman later lost her mind and massacred an entire soul beast forest."

At this point, even Rayne sighed in pity.

"That woman is still waiting for this trash. It's been almost fifteen years. That poor and pathetic woman doesn't know that this trash has no intention of meeting her. While she can ignore social moral views and damage to her reputation, Yu Xiaogang is incapable of such a thing."

"Well, there you have it. This guy's indecisiveness has ruined almost 15 years of a woman's life. He didn't decisively cut off the relationship with the woman and kept hanging her, even though he has no intention of being with her after learning her true identity. This kind of coward who won't face up to his problems and just runs away. I really dislike this guy."

"…" The cafeteria was silent. But after hearing from Rayne, their impression of Yu Xiaogang has changed drastically.

They didn't hate Yu Xiaogang for not marrying the woman/Liu Erlong. But rather that, he made that woman suffer everything on her own without clarifying anything.

On the other hand, Tang San was relieved that his teacher didn't marry that cousin. He comes from a rather ancient and pendatic era. Incest is heavily looked down upon by Tang San.

Tang San thinks his teacher Yu Xiaogang did the right thing by running away from such a matter. Although he too feels that Yu Xiaogang's handling of the matter could've been better, he still very much supports his teacher.

[Ding! The elite quest has been completed.]

[Reward: Supreme Grade Soul Ascension Pill, 10,000-year-old Whale Glue, Critical Strike Reward Card.]

The sudden system notification brought Rayne great surprise. He subconsciously looked at Xiao Wu, and sure enough, he saw a look of disgust on her petite face as she glared at the unconscious Yu Xiaogang.

'No critical strike. I guess the last time was just pure luck. Now that the mission has been completed, I have nothing else to do here. Better go back and increase my soul power level before Tang Hao comes to check up on Tang San again.'

Rayne thought as he walked away from the crowd towards the counter. He gave hundred gold coins as compensation for the property damage he caused. Way more than necessary.

He then ignored others and left the cafeteria by himself and returned to his dormitory.

As he walked out of the cafeteria, he saw a middle-aged man in his fifties rushing towards the cafeteria from a distance. There was also a teacher with him.

This middle aged man is the dean of Nuoding Junior Academy, Han Mu. A close friend of Yu Xiaogang.

The two people passed by him and rushed into the cafeteria.

Rayne just ignored them and kept moving forward.

"Now that I think about it, wasn't Yu Xiaogang supposed to take Tang San to get his soul ring today? With his current condition, he won't be able to take Tang San to soul hunting forest anytime soon. So no 400-year-old Datura Snake for Tang San? I don't know if it's a good or bad thing for him."

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