
I reincarnated in another world, but my dad's the harem protagonist

The entire world is in shambles because of the sudden disappearance of their young males. But why is this happening?  Yes, you guessed right: they are being reincarnated into other worlds! That's the conclusion that our Main Character came to. But there wouldn't be anybody stupid (or smart) enough to actually throw themselves in front of a truck... right? Content warning: drug abuse, truck abuse, sexual tension with a pig, and so much more (: Whoever gets all the references can have as much sexual tension with a pig as he/she wants (write your guesses in the comments!) Also uploaded at Royal Road

TheNewRuler · Fantasy
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5 Chs

The new world

'I must have slept in on the way here... Dammed, I knew that stuff like this was just skipped in the stories, but who would have thought that it would take so long... If this was a comedy story, I would have a long beard by now.'

Emcy opened his eyes. Above him was a blue sky, only a few small clouds here and there.

But then, suddenly, everything turned dark.

'What is happening? The introduction of the demon lord? No, that can't be, a lot of people got reincarnated into this world, there is no way the demon lord could visit every single one of them. But then what...'

At that moment, the clear sky returned as if nothing had happened. Surprised, Emcy sat up.

But when he saw the fat pink bodies all around him, he understood. 'To just tramble on your local hero, do you pigs have no manners?'

They kept their snouts buried in the mud, completely ignoring Emcy.

'What am I even doing here?' He was sitting in a small muddy garden full of pigs that was connected to a wooden hut. But everything looked old and almost rotten.

Only when he looked down on himself, he understood. His body was that of a skinny man, only covered in rags and a lot of dirt. And a little higher... a long black beard.

'No, this thing didn't grow because I had to wait so long. I was reincarnated into the body of another man. They usually have to leave the body before a new soul can enter it... so how did he die?'

Emcy searched his body, but he couldn't find any wounds. The only thing out of the ordinary was that this body was lying in the dirt with the pigs.

'No, don't tell me... did this man drown in the mud? Falling down in this field, hitting his head and becoming unconscious, to then suffocate in the mud? This seems like the most logical death... for somebody very unlucky or very stupid. And I gravitate towards the latter.

Does that mean that I got reincarnated as the good for nothing?

Nice, that's one of the possibilities I prepared for.

But I have to confirm it first. So let's look for somebody who knew this man.'

Emcy cleaned up a little before approaching the hut.

'Somebody must be living with this idiot. Otherwise, the hut would probably not stand anymore.'

And indeed, when Emcy opened the little door, the conversation of the two women inside suddenly stopped.

They sat at a small wooden table, the only real furniture in this entire house. Even the 'chairs' they were sitting on could better be described as tree trunks.

'Since it looks like this, I can assume that I am the only man in this house. The pigs outside are probably their only food source. That's how it is in medieval times when the working man isn't there to support his family.'

The younger woman turned towards the older woman again.

"Please, Mother... Is there a way to at least get me a dress for the marriage? Maybe his family would accept me then. I would do anything... but I can't sell my body. Josh wouldn't like that."

The older lady laughed. "Then what would you want to offer? Your strong arms? You are probably stronger than your idiot brother, but that doesn't mean anything.

I'm sorry, but even if I could, I wouldn't let you go. What do you think would happen to me if you were to leave. I wouldn't even survive a week."

'They are just ignoring me... was this guy really that bad? But anyway, there is something much more important right now. Since this is my sister, she may be a very valuable archetype.'

Emcy cleared his throat. "Who is Josh?"

They both flinched before looking at Emcy with wide eyes.

"Who the f*ck are you, and what did you do to my son?!" the older lady shouted. She catapulted up from her trunk to go pick up the broom, but before she could even take a step...


Her arms darted towards her back, and she stopped in motion. The three looked at each other in dead silence.

This body's sister slowly stood up and walked towards her mother. While she brought her back to the 'chair', Emcy just stood there.

'Thankfully, she didn't reach the broom, she probably could have killed me with my current body... But this is a bad situation nonetheless. They can't find out that I was reincarnated, that never happens in this kind of story. I have to try something out, it worked for somebody in a quite similar situation, so why shouldn't it work for me?'

"Mom, we talked about that, please stop jumping around every time something happens. You know that it's not good for your back," my sister said. Then she turned towards Emcy. "But don't think you are off of the hook jet, the question remains. Who are you?"

'She has quite the temperament, and she is pretty. Since she is my sister, she is a must-have for my future harem. It's disgusting, but if I want to become the story's protagonist, I will have to do things like that. I can't go off-script, or I won't have any idea what happens next.'

"Do you not even recognise your own brother?" Emcy asked.

"What are you talking about? My brother couldn't even speak one coherent sentence, so don't..."

"Oh, I'm sorry if I had worried you. I fell down in the mud and hit my head on a rock, and suddenly, everything became clear," Emcy said.

'Come on, there is no way you could withstand the power of the 'hitting my head and suddenly becoming smart' trope as a mere sister.'

Her eyes became wide in shock. "So it's really you? Thank god! I thought I would never be able to get a dress. You will help me, right?"

Their mother's eyes were shining as well.

' 'He can finally provide' is probably what she is thinking. I would love to let you two rot here, but if I want to reach my goal of becoming the main character, I will need you. I guess you could say that you are lucky today.'

Emcy walked towards his sister and embraced her. "Of course I will help you," he whispered in her ear.

'Ewwww, f*cking disgusting.'

And then louder: "You two can count on me, I will do everything I can. As long as I'm here, you won't have to worry about anything anymore."