
I Reincarnated in an alternative world, where martial arts are Supreme

**Freedom. All I Want Is Freedom.** Noah Neemr, a lifelong soldier, had little choice but to serve his country, sacrificing his youth and love in the process. Forced into the unforgiving streets, he endured a life of hardship and met a futile end. Yet, hope remains in this new world. As Noah awakens, he makes a solemn vow: to seize this second chance at life and live it to the fullest.

killzoldik · Fantasy
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61 Chs

The Neemr family.

Noah had gathered his belongings and returned to his hotel, realizing that staying there was no longer safe, even though he was confident they couldn't find him. He changed into casual clothing, a pink shirt and white shorts, and equipped himself with his Nimsha sword and gun, securing them with his belt.

Two hours later, Hiba arrived at his hotel accompanied by an older woman, whom Noah recognized as Latifa, Hiba's mother. Noah opened the door to greet them.

"Good afternoon, sir. Sorry for bothering you," Hiba greeted.

Hiba was a light-skinned girl with big black eyes, long black curly hair, and clean, comfortable clothing. Her mother, Latifa, stood behind her, her eyes filled with wariness, her heart racing. She resembled a slightly older version of Hiba, with short hair. Both women had slim, beautiful figures, and they were quite tall, with Hiba standing at about 184 cm and Latifa at 187 cm.

Noah smiled gently and welcomed them into his room. As they entered, they saw a neatly made bed, a large sack of money, and a stack of documents on a round table. There were three chairs, and another table held the remnants of a finished meal. The room was not large, but it was comfortable for one person to live in.

Latifa breathed a sigh of relief when she realized that the room was open, with no hidden places to ambush them. Thus, they only had to deal with Noah's requests or questions.

Noah took a seat and signaled for the women to do the same.

"You're both from Maghrebian, too. It's rare for me to meet someone from the same kingdom," Noah mentioned.

Their hearts tightened, and Hiba prepared for a possible confrontation. However, Noah quickly noticed their unease.

"Relax. I'm an orphan with no powerful family. I'm not here for revenge or to harm you," Noah chuckled, trying to put them at ease.

Hiba sighed in relief, but Latifa remained on guard, still wary of Noah's intentions.

"If I wanted to kill you, I would have done it already. I don't have time to waste," Noah added, reassuring them.

"You and my daughter are at the same level. What makes you so sure you can handle both of us?" Latifa questioned, seeking to protect her daughter.

Noah chuckled again. He placed his right hand on his Nimsha sword and emitted a hint of pressure. Hiba fell to the ground, and Latifa was nearly incapacitated by the immense force. The pressure lasted only a second, but it felt like an eternity.

"See, I didn't even attack," Noah teased, emphasizing his superiority.

Hiba got up, her frown reflecting her frustration, while Latifa's face was pale.

"We can't have a conversation if you interpret every word I say as a threat or an attempt to manipulate you. I don't have all day to waste," Noah explained, his voice flat.

"We're sorry. It's just that we've suffered greatly because of those gangs," Latifa explained, finally letting her guard down.

Hiba nodded in agreement. Both women finally felt safe enough to sit down.

"Thank you for retrieving the documents," Hiba thanked Noah with a bow.

"It's fine. As I said, I was there to eliminate the gang. When I saw the documents, I thought I might as well help," Noah explained, beginning a potentially crucial conversation.

Noah's focus shifted to Latifa as he suddenly asked, "What caused you to become crippled?"

Latifa let out a heavy sigh, no longer trying to comprehend this enigmatic young man. "I had a fight with an enemy while we were fleeing. She crippled me and sealed my cultivation," she explained with a weighted tone.

"No problem. I've treated the president's daughter before; your case is similar," Noah casually claimed, as if it were a trivial matter.

Both Hiba and Latifa were taken aback by such a significant claim. Noah mentioned it as if it were an everyday occurrence.

"Really? You did that?" Hiba inquired.

"Yeah, I met Clara before and helped her recover. It's not a big deal," Noah confirmed nonchalantly.

"Can you help me too?" Latifa asked, hope filling her voice.

"Yeah, I can, but I don't think you have the money for it, considering everything the gang took from you," Noah replied, his tone tinged with understanding.

The two women lowered their heads in acknowledgment of their dire financial situation.

"Anyway, let's talk about that later. My name is Noah Neemr. I want to ask, does my last name ring a bell?"

Hiba remained silent, pondering whether she had ever heard of the name before. Latifa, on the other hand, was trembling.

"Ne... Neemr! Are you sure?" Latifa choked out.

Noah couldn't help but notice her intense reaction.

"Yeah, that's my last name. Before my parents died, they left me with a considerable amount of money and the last name, but no other documents," Noah explained. His curiosity stemmed from the desire to ensure his safety once his name became known, preventing any possible revenge or drama involving a powerful family.

Latifa clarified, "Yes, Neemr used to be a prominent family in the eastern Maghrebian Empire. They were known for their expertise in medicine. However, over the last 20 years, each member of the family left the empire, going their separate ways."

Noah raised an eyebrow. "I see. But why the strong reaction earlier? I thought maybe I was from some royal family or something."

Hiba chuckled, and Latifa's face turned slightly red. "No, it's because there's still a branch of the family residing in the empire. There are four of them: a father and his three children. What's frightening is that the father is a Grandmaster, and his three children are at the Master level," she explained.

Noah was genuinely surprised. "How come such a powerful family declined?" he inquired.

Latifa shook her head. "They didn't decline; it's just that the Neemr family is renowned for their peaceful nature. They only care about medicine and travel the world in search of new knowledge," she elucidated.

"Now, I think I know why Sir Noah can help the president's daughter," Hiba chimed in.

Noah didn't know whether to laugh or cry at her statement.

"Reve, come on. This body's life was so miserable. He had a great family and a ton of money, yet he became so useless," Noah said, expressing his frustration to the only one who understood him.

"Try leaving a ton of money to a kid in a free society like here with no guidance and see why they might become so useless," Reve scoffed in response.

Noah sighed at the truth in her words. He then turned his attention back to Hiba and Latifa.

"Alright, now that I know my family's history, I need to properly thank you," Noah said. He walked over to the stack of money. "This is the money I found in the gang's headquarters. It's all yours," Noah declared, offering them the recovered funds.