
I Reincarnated in an alternative world, where martial arts are Supreme

**Freedom. All I Want Is Freedom.** Noah Neemr, a lifelong soldier, had little choice but to serve his country, sacrificing his youth and love in the process. Forced into the unforgiving streets, he endured a life of hardship and met a futile end. Yet, hope remains in this new world. As Noah awakens, he makes a solemn vow: to seize this second chance at life and live it to the fullest.

killzoldik · Fantasy
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61 Chs

2 months.

Morning of August 3, 2012

It's been two months since I began my training journey. The first step I took was to acquire various techniques, carefully study them, and ultimately master them. This part didn't prove too challenging for me, given my naturally strong mind.

I purchased the 'Zephyr Whispering Art,' a sword technique comprised of three moves. The first move, 'Gentle Breeze Slice,' involves drawing the sword and executing swift, gentle slashes to target weak points. The second, 'Evasion Mirage,' is primarily a defensive counter-attack. It entails evading with swift, graceful movements and then using the opponent's momentum against them. The third move, 'Cyclone's Dance,' is the most intricate in this technique. It requires moving the sword in a circular motion, creating a whirlwind effect to disorient your opponent while maintaining control of the battle.

I dedicated myself to mastering these moves in the shortest time possible, focusing on improving my speed and agility during the first month. Surprisingly, my saber technique progressed relatively quickly, possibly due to my pre-existing power.

The saber technique, 'Blade Dancer's Gambit,' also comprises three moves. 'Whirlwind Strike' involves swiftly spinning the saber in a circular motion to generate momentum, followed by a powerful horizontal slash. 'Guardian's Parry' focuses on using the flat side of the saber for defense and the edge for counter-attacks. My favorite move, 'Thunderous Cleave,' requires engaging the opponent in close combat, raising the saber above your head, and executing a forceful downward cleave to break their guard through sheer power.

Mastering the saber didn't take long, and I already possessed the 'Leaping Dragon' technique for both my arm and saber. However, I needed a new technique for the sword, so I acquired 'Graceful Avian Flourish.' This movement technique imitates a swan on water, emphasizing agility and balance.

I also acquired a finger technique known as 'Pressure Point Precision.' It involves precise finger strikes targeting vulnerable pressure points to paralyze or inflict severe pain.

With these techniques mastered, I achieved a breakthrough to Rank 3 High, with a power level of 876. My rapid improvement stemmed from a unique approach: consuming pills and employing meditation techniques to circulate qi through my body. Though I couldn't absorb qi directly, I harnessed the energy's effects to strengthen my skin, bones, and organs. Even Reve was impressed by my innovative methods.

The drawback to this approach lies in its inherent risks, requiring a high level of mastery over the meditation technique and unwavering focus—qualities I fortunately possess thanks to my powerful mind.

No longer bound to gyms, my training regimen now revolves around ample funds and hours of meditation. The excess qi emitted from my body is not wasted; instead, I invested in an array-equipped box to absorb the qi. Placing my sword and saber within this box has significantly enhanced their sharpness and strength, making them even more formidable.

My training was about to continue, but my hotel stay was drawing to a close, and both Margaret and Sofia expressed their concerns for my well-being. Consequently, I decided to pause my training here.

Taking stock of my situation:

- Name: Noah Neemr

- Rank: Warrior High

- Power: 876

- Funds: 107 million.

Reflecting on the costs of the pills, I commented, "These pills do consume a considerable amount of money."

Reve offered some perspective, "Well, at least they work, and the cleaning pill keeps your body pure."

I nodded in agreement, concluding, "Yes, a shower is in order. Let's assess what comes next."


"Hey Margaret, I need a big car or a truck; there are a lot of weapons I want to move," I sent her a text.

She replied immediately, "Okay boss."

I hadn't seen Sofia in a long time, so I went to Margaret's house after finishing my work. Margaret wasn't home, but that wasn't an issue.

Without knocking, I walked right in, and a chilling pressure assaulted me. I chuckled. "It's just your big brother; how dare you attack me," I teased.

"Brother!" she yelled. I heard her door open violently, hurried steps, and then I saw a girl flying towards me for a hug.

I opened my arms and accepted the hug. "It's been a while; you've grown so strong, Sofia," I said gently.

"I missed you so much, brother," she sniffed.

"I missed you too. When we go to Skyride City, we'll live in the same house, so you'll get bored of me," I joked.

"Never, I will never be bored of you. Oh, brother, I'm now a Rank 1 peak," she declared with a proud smile.

"Good, one step closer to your breakthrough. I'm proud of you," I praised.

We chatted the whole evening, after which Margaret returned with dinner.

"There she is, my favorite assistant," I praised.

"Hahaha, well, I really didn't have anything to do aside from checking on the lab and ordering materials for some weapons you told me about," she replied. She placed the dinner on the table and greeted me with a warm hug. We had talked over the past two months but hadn't met in person.

I spent the whole day with them. Margaret and Sofia were family now, and we all agreed on it. It was perfect – I was an orphan with a strong family, she was a divorced woman with a strong family, and Sofia had a mother and a brother, all with strong families. If she wanted, she could really live like a princess.

"Did you make sure the library is big and comfortable? I have a lot of books," I explained.

"Yeah, I made sure of that. The lab will surprise you; you might not need a house anymore," she joked.

"No, a house is important," I replied.

Then I took my phone and sent her 80 million. "Buy a big house, close to the mountains. Get me four cars – two sportscars in indigo and black, and two SUVs in black. Also, buy a fast motorcycle and paint it black," I ordered.

"Alright, boss. We will live in the same house, right?" She inquired.

I nodded. "Yes, and make sure it's big and classy. I love luxury, so I want to enjoy myself," I requested.

"That's what we call a generous boss," Sofia joked.

"Yeah, ahaha. Oh, one more thing – make sure to treat yourself. We're family now; don't be shy. You're my assistant, and you know money is not something I find hard to get," I added.

We had a great time, and I went back to my hotel to prepare for my move tomorrow.