
I Reincarnated in a sitcom

A boy with a broken past and tough life gets reincarnated into a sitcom. ***** Based in the world of an American sitcom Reba.

Eklavya_Uniyal · TV
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9 Chs

Well, Here we go again

Darkness... this was all that surrounded me for my entire life up until the end and now from metaphorical darkness it converted into literal darkness after my end.

My entire life I lived like a NPC, doing my 9 to 5 job looking after the kids in the orphanage near my house yet all I got was a cheating gf, a backstabbing friend and a corrupt boss.

How long have I been here, I cannot feel any clothes on me. At least I can move my arms and legs....not that this does me any good.

"Hi" came a male voice


"you seem remarkably calm"-mv (Male voice)

"Yeah well I had time to collect my thoughts"-mc

"Good good it seems gods in this universe are just as lazy..... nevermind that, please tell me your name"-mv


"ok Yash, I am the god of good guys and you my friend are a good guy so as a fellow under my ..... umbrella? eh you get the point. I am here to help you out."-mv

"heh a good guy huh, so its true that good guys finish last"-mc

"Oh yeah that's true..... you see we good guys are idiots who a sympathetic to way too many people which results in us being taken advantage of and....well you know the rest."-mv

"Yeah I know the rest it was pretty much my life that happened next."-mc

"That's the thing bro.... I can call you bro right"-mv

"You are god aren't you, you can call me what you want"-mc

"Hey not all gods are rude, anyways as I was saying your life is such a prime example of a good guy that it was actually hilarious to the many gods who saw it. Your life attracted quite a lot of attention from the new gods which in turn resulted in increasing the casualty of the 'Good guys' and since I too was a good guy before I received that causality."-mv

"So in a way I gifted you this causality or whatever it is by simply living this sucky life?"-mc

"Yeah therefore I came to help you out by sending you to another world with a few blessings which will enable you to live a happy life"-mv

".....there is a catch isn't there"-mc

"No there is no catch this time but if you wish to take more than one blessing there will be more difficulties in your life. Of course you can take a system likethevariousotherculturedmendid, with you but that will mess with your life quite a lot in the beginning..... later on it will have no repercussions."-mv

"I think I will just take the bless"-mc

"Take the system bro"-mv

"But the bless"-mc

"The system bro"-mv

"Sigh..... just give me the system then"-mc

"Good now be on your way to your new life. Also remember that while this new world is currently unknown to you it is of one the various series that you watched and the world will revolve around the series..... so try to be as close to the cast of the shows as possible. Well goodbye, bro and this time do not stay just a nice guy.

saying this a flash of light came and I felt myself being pulled somewhere before blacking out.


[unknown place]

"Don't you think you should have told him the exact details since that was what we decided." said a blindfolded goddess

sitting in front of her was a man in a black suit and brown skin.

"nahhhh having the system is the best deal he can get but the start of his life ...or more like the start of the body he is reincarnating into is bad."

"what's done is done, I hope he pulls through for he is someone we both are indebted to.... I should never have let you take the lead in talking to him."



Yash woke up after some time in an empty Bedroom.

"Where did they send me, At least give me some clothes before teleporting me.... sigh"

Yash scanned the bedroom which practically had nothing other than a mattress and a lightbulb.

"Ok first things first, System?"



A blue window popped up.

{Welcome to the Karmic system}


NAME: Yash





Luck: -10

Skills:High-IQ, High-EQ


"Isn't this a bit short?.... sigh this system does not even the ability to reply, which is a blessing compared to some of the shitty ones out there."

"And what is with that Luck, eh who cares not like I was ever lucky."

"ok I have high IQ and EQ which should be .....not possible since I sure as hell was not a genius in my previous life."

then Yash saw a small email icon on the bottom left corner with a +1 next to it.

"ha never read about a system with an email system" Yash said as he clicked the icon.

{ Yash If you see this then it means you have made it safely into your new body which is good. Now listen closely, the bad start I told you about is worse than you think but It will not affect you till the memories are closed up...other than the weird reflexes the body might remember from past trauma. Well I wanted you to take the system because this way I can give you the high EQ and IQ perk plus the system... thanking your bro now eh eh.

PS: the world is a combination of various sitcoms but try not to entangle yourself in more than 1 ok.}

"I suppose it's all good till those memories fuck up my life..... well that's a problem for future Yash."

"Hmmm there should be a inventory?"

a new screen pops up with 100 boxes and two of those boxes filled with question marks.

"What are these 'Surprise from the goddess of Justice and vengeance and 'Starter package'."

Yash clicks the first one

{High-stock trader skills acquired}

then the second one

{5000 dollars+all legal documents+1 set of clothes and shoes}

"Alright let's get going"

Yash wears the clothes grabs the bag and walks out of the room to an even more abandoned-looking living room.

"I am getting nauseous being here... must be the trauma let's leave and figure out where I am."

Yash leaves the house to a busy street.

"By the looks of it I am in India.... which is good since I know the Country but I now have no usable money!!"

Yash slaps his forehead and curses his 'bro' before going towards the nearest bank.

After depositing the money he found out he had no money in his account for a month now.

"What were you going through boy" Yash said as he moved towards the grocery store.

He spent the rest of the day buying essentials and then went back to the house to clean up the kitchen and the bedroom.

//A few hours later//

Yash was lying in his bed..... mattress looking through the function of the system.

"Alright let's see"

{Karmic system- AKA good guy bad guy system

Good Karma points- do good deeds. Any good deed

Bad Karma Points- do bad deeds. Any bad deed

There is no repercussions to doing bad deeds but if at the end of the month your bad karma exceeds the good karma then your luck will take a hit and visa versa.

If the bad karma exceeds the good karma by 10,000 then a bad event will take place but if the good karma exceeds the bad karma by 10,000 then a good event will take place.

your current stats are:

GK - 0

BK - 2000

These karmic points can be spent in shop.}

"What the shit did this little fu*ker do to have 2000 bk"

During the day Krishna got to know that he was just 14 years old which made the bank proceeding a bit difficult but luckily the documents that he had enabled him to take and deposit money without a guardian but anything else will need an adult's help.

"So life's fucked if I don't do good deeds soon. System open shop"

{Karmic Shop:

GK-Shop: not available since GK=0


1>penis enlargement-4000BK

2>bad smell for a day-100BK

3>bad luck for a week-2000BK

4>lusty aura-5000BK


"Hmmm it seems BK shop only has either sexual options or bad options.... well let's sleep for today

Just getting started so I am giving the skills and setting up the world in the first few chapters..... bear with me

Eklavya_Uniyalcreators' thoughts