
I reincarnated in a magical world

A world of countless races and various unknown powers awaits, wait I reincarnated into one?

Dabrol · Fantasy
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1 Chs

Dead but alive


Where I am, I see nothing! I only see an endless darkness, what happened...

Oh yes, I was crossing the street when I saw a lady who seemed to be waiting for the light to close, normally I would just ignore it, but recently I had been getting scolded by my parents about being a bad person, so on that occasion I decided to help the lady to cross the street.

The signal was closed but the street was deserted there was not even a soul besides us, there was no need to wait for the signal, at least that's what I thought, I took the hand of the lady who seemed a little hesitant and I was guiding her as she crossed the street. street, its movement was very slow, but it was expected of a lady, everything was normal however, as soon as we arrived in the middle of the street, suddenly...


A loud horn sounded, I quickly looked to the side and saw a big truck coming towards us, I could see the desperate driver behind the glass, I saw the despair in his eyes probably the truck was without brakes, the world seemed on camera slow, understanding the situation, all I had to do was throw myself forward like this, getting out of the truck's collision course, the problem was the lady, thinking about it, the problem was I wanted to help if I had just crossed, the truck would have passed later, the light was open the lady would probably only cross when the light closed, and to think that the only time I tried to be a good person resulted in this, thinking about that I pushed the lady with all my strength, I could see her crashing to the ground but outside from the truck line, sighing, I could only look at the truck again and instantly everything went dark.

So that's what I died, and this place is all dark, is it? well i was not a good person, in my past life i was a delinquent who bullied the weakest and skipped classes, even my last act being a relatively good thing i don't think it would make me go to a good place ...


weird, on second thought i can feel i have a body *starts groping* wait.. short legs, short arms is it? that situation I read in mangas I, I.. reincarnated!! on a baby?


It can only be that, I can even think about what happened, probably someone abandoned this baby's body in this dark place to die, but he didn't count on me reincarnating


Does my body look a little flabby? weird.. it's a problem that i can't see anything, i think i can walk *raises* o... i'm standing is it because i'm a reincarnation? *step, step* still this place.. the floor looks rocky, or something is it that i'm in some kind of cave, anyway i better get out of here..




How long have I been walking?, I feel like I'm a few hours away, but everything is still completely dark, from what I realized I'm really in a cave the place is very narrow it's like a big tunnel, and the strange thing is that I don't feel tired after all this walking, am I really a child?, still, even an adult would get tired after this walk, but I don't feel tired, it must be because I am a reincarnation.





Oh, am I getting used to the dark, can I see myself a little wait for a light


while running, the environment became more and more clear as my body revealed itself, but I didn't stop to analyze myself, I was more curious to see what was at the end of the tunnel, so I ran, ran, until finally I came to a scene that revealed itself in front of me.

A large underground city, with several tunnels around it, but not only that, a war seemed to be happening, in the distance I couldn't see well because my attention was taken


A woman a lady, strange in her own right, she had everything a human would have arms, legs, head, her appearance was nice, the only really strange thing was her small body, she was very short, and besides that her body was a so muscular, yet it all seemed to fit her well, as if that wasn't abnormal, seeing her look, I turned my attention to my body


I understood...

so that was it...

this whole time i was...

A dwarf.