
I Reincarnated in a Fantasy World And Now I Have To Marry Four Girls

One day a 24 Years old Man called Peter was playing video games in his room. Suddenly a weird circle appeared under him and he fell through it. "Huuuuuhhhh? What Do You Mean I have to marry 4 girls to defeat the Demon King?" Peter was chosen as the holder of the RING OF ELEMENTS. He Must journey Across the World of Nyland on Crazy and Wild Adventures In order to Marry 4 Princesses From Different Races To Acquire All The Elements and Defeat The Demon King.

Rage_1 · Fantasy
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16 Chs


After traveling for days. Peter and the old man finally arrived at the water nation, but the city was on lockdown, and no one was allowed to enter. Ther were stopped by a female guard.

Female Guard: "You there, halt, this city is under lockdown. No one is allowed to enter or leave."

Peter: "This again?"

Old man: "What's the issue?"

Female Guard: "There have been Succubus attacks recently. It got so bad, that all men are hidden inside their homes."

Peter: "Did you just say Succubus?"

Inside peter's head: "OHH MAA GAWWD, I bet these Succubuses are hot as hell, and with huge Boobs. I must see them."

Peter: "I can help you deal with these Succubuses."

Female Guard: "You? and who are you exactly?"

Peter: "Ahahah, who am I, you say? It's I, Peter, The Hero Of Nyland." Shows the guard the Ring Of Elements.

Female Guard: "I can't believe it. It's really you. Please follow me."

While Peter and the old man were following the guard, they noticed that the city was empty of men. Only Females were outside.

Peter: "Wow, it's this bad?"

Old man: "This is a serious issue Peter, you have to take it seriously."

Peter: "As long as I get to see with Succubus Boobs."

Old man: "Peter, you must not fall for the Succubus magic."

Peter: "Old man, have you seen Succubus Boobs before?"

Old man: "N... No, But."

Peter: "Exactly, you didn't, so don't tell me that nonsense. I'm trying to see some Big and Soft Succubus Boobs."

Female Guard: "Ahem, We are here."

Epic and dramatic shot of the castle.

Peter: "Whoaaa, that castle is HUGE!"

Old man: "This is where the Royal Family of the water kingdom lives."

Female Guard: "Wait here I'll be back."

The Guard went to inform her captain about the situation. Her captain came in a hurry to see me.

Malena: "You must be the hero? Can I see the ring of elements, please?"

Peter: "Umm, Sure."

Melena: "By the gods, you're the real deal."

Peter: "of course, and I've come to meet the princess."

She took peter and the old man inside the castle to meet the king.

Melena: "Your Highness. This person claims to be the Hero Of Nyland, and he wants to meet the princess."

The king: "What kind of nonsense is this? We have serious issues going on right now in the kingdom. I don't have time for this."

Old man: "Your Highness, we can help you deal with the Succubus attacks."

Peter: "Yes, your highness, I Peter, Hero of Nyland, will save your kingdom from these Succubuses."

The King: "Really? Fine then. If you kill the Succubus Queen, I'll let you meet the princess."

Peter: "And where can I find the succubus queen?"

Melena: "We managed to locate her castle. Our guards, we'll take you there."

Peter and the old man followed the guards to the Succubus queen castle. The weather started getting gloomy and windy all of sudden. Her castle was not huge, but it looked creepy.

Female guard: "This is as far we can take you. The rest is on you."

Old man: "Peter, The Ring Of Elements will protect you from the Succubus Magic. Don't remove it. Also, here, take this sword."

Peter: "Not the sword again."

Old man: "No, this sword is special. It's infused with light magic. It's super effective against demons."

Peter took the Sword and went inside the castle. The castle was dark and cold, but peter was more determined than ever. He wanted to see Succubus boobs.

Peter: "The Old man said the Ring Magic will protect me. I have nothing to fear."

The Succubus Queen felt the hero's presence.

Succubus Queen: "Ahahahah "Licks her lips" Looks like the hero is here."

She orders her servants to seduce the hero.

While Peter was walking, he started hearing noises coming from a room in the castle. He walked slowly towards the room and opened the door to peek inside the room.


Peter saw three topless succubuses laying on a bed. He busted the door open.

Succubus: "We've been waiting for you, hero."

Peter: "Gulp" Point at himself. "Me?"

Succubus: "We know what you desire hero."

The Succubus grabbed her boobs. "You want to touch them right?"

Peter Nodded My Head. "YES!" This is a dream come true for peter.

Succubus: "Then come hero, join us at the bed."

Peter: "YAA HOOOO" He jumped on the bed and started playing with the Succubus boobs. "They are so SOFT AHAHAHAHA."

"Will peter Stop playing with Succubus Boobs? will he manages to break free and kill the Succubus Queen? Find out in the next chapter."

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