
I reincarnated from a nobody to a.. dragon?

(It’s pretty bad at the start of this novel but it’ll get better gradually, id hope at least T-T) A girl that was walking home from school got taken away an experimented on before dying after 4 years and lost her emotions and sense of pain. A goddess gave her a system and a new life in a fantasy world where she was reborn as a female dragon while she trains to protect herself from harms reach. … “Huh where is this? Did I die, it was about time really.” “Hey darling” “Huh? Who’s that” “I’m a goddess dearie” “Oh, cool” “I’ve decided to reincarnate you because you seemed.. well.. let’s say interesting. Is there anything you want before you reincarnate?” “Nothing really, can’t I just rest I can’t be bothered to deal with this.” “Hm you sure you don’t want anything?” “Do I have to reincarnate?” “I’ve already decided to there is no going back on this” “Fine. Well, you know those systems from games and manga that make people overpowered, can I have one of them? I use to read stuff like that before I was taken and tortured.” “Sure, I’ll allow another thing before you go” “Can I not be human, I’d rather not be one again. They are really messed up” “We’ll all done off you go bye!” “Wait no info, oh for fu- … I’ve never written a novel before so I’m going to try it out I’ll write a few chapters or so before I quit but if people enjoy it I guess I’ll continue. No planning was put into this what so ever but that doesn’t matter, you’ll have to read it to find out if you like it or not. Chapter lengths vary around 1500-2400 words but the first chapter is only 900 words. I will try to make at least a chapter a day. I have school work so i might not be able to post on some days. The main character gets strong quick as well just to let you know.

W_D_Y_W_F_M · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
109 Chs

A bunch of levels.

It is now morning and Violet hasn't woken up yet while on the other hand I haven't slept at all. I needed to stay awake to protect us if anything found out where we were and decided to attack while we were asleep.

Surprisingly I'm not tired and we only got attacked by 3 wolves giving me 21 EXP bringing you stats to this,














Mental force/power:[ERROR]



Skills - [Scratch] , [Thrust] , [Inspect] , [Bow mastery: 36%] , [Perfect aim: 36%]


Passive skills - [Night vision]


Titles - NONE


Blessings - [Blessed by goddess of reincarnation] , [Blessed by goddess of space]

So I'm looking really good on that part. Anyway I gently moved Violet off me and started training my strength stat as it was further behind all my other stats but I am only 2 years old in this body, what a pain.

I was outside the tree trunk now and was doing as many push ups I could before my arms went all wobbly and I couldn't continue and then I had a quick break and leant my back against the trunk sighing to myself.

'Mother is probably searching for us, I hope she isn't too scared.' I thought rubbing my head.

I got up and jumped to reach a low branch on the tree. I then started doing pull-ups and once my arms started hurting I swung my legs up and over the branch to do sit ups. Kind of. I continued to do that until I heard Violet shout my name from inside the trunk. I swiftly got down and entered the trunk saying, "What's wrong, are you alright?"

Thankfully she was and she was just scared when she woke up in a tree and I wasn't there.

"*sigh* it's alright I'm here now, are you hungry or perhaps your thirsty?" I asked.

"I am a little thirsty not so much hungry." Violet replied truthfully as I picked her up in my arms.

"Alright then, let's go find a river."

And with that I started running towards the closest mountain, which wasn't ours. The reason I knew which mountain was ours was because the tip of ours was through the clouds unlike most in our location and ours was probably the widest mountain around. That I was aware of that is. I have no idea how my wings managed to glide us so far away but it happened and there is no point in thinking about that now as we need to find a source of water.

"Violet is it alright if I speed up a bit?" I asked her as I was only in a light jog.

"Yeah, I'm fine with you speeding up but don't go too fast please." She said tightly gripping my clothes.


I sped up to a run and I had completely forgot about how fast I was thanks to my agility and strength stats. I was now zipping past trees and bushes darting my eyes around looking for a river or perhaps a lake or pond.

After running for about 40 minutes Violet said she was getting dizzy from how fast I was going so we decided to take a quick break but I hadn't even broken a sweat yet. This body is definitely strong, is that because I'm a dragon? Probably, that probably explain my fast growth in certain areas.

I sat with Violet looking towards the sky with one leg laying straight down on the ground the other bent up and my back resting on a tree. While I was gazing at the sky I noticed many of the clouds were grey signalling It could rain very soon.

"Violet I think it might rain soon. We should probably start moving and make another base before it starts pouring. Violet?"

Looking over to Violet I noticed she was asleep again so I just decided to pick her up and run at full speed. I was jumping from tree to tree and continued running in the more open areas with barely any trees until I noticed a river with a small woods on the other side. I crouched down trying to make myself less noticeable.

Looking around I saw what seemed to be blue and grey balls of jelly with eyes which were called slimes, these in particular were water and stone variants of the slimes. I'm addition to the slimes in the forest I saw these beige coloured monkeys and small green men with pointed ears, red eyes and were slightly taller than me which wore wolf pelt around their more private parts of the body.

"Okay so there are slimes, goblins and apes." I should be fine staying this side of the river as I doubt the monkeys would leave the trees. On the other hand I know that goblins are known to be aggressive, if they know your there and if you look weak they'll attack. They might be a little troublesome if we are found but I should be able to deal with them depending on levels and how many come at me. Slimes are fine as they are weak unless they use magic, the only problem is you have to destroy the crystal at the centre of their body to kill them and my arrows will be ineffective on their bodies." I muttered to myself evaluating everything around me. I decided to jump into a tree on the side of the river where there were only slimes present.

I placed Violet in the tree making sure there was nothing that could hurt her up there. I then jumped down and walked towards the river. The apes and goblins shouldn't notice me as they are too far into the woods so I'll only be dealing with the slimes. Perfect.

I was dealing with this whole scenario as if it was just training and I felt that this would get me a nice amount of experience in battle and EXP points so I can gain levels.

The 4 slimes closest to me noticed me and started hopping towards me. Painfully slow that is. I walked forward and used [Scratch] and sliced diagonally splitting a slimes body into two before grabbing the slimes crystal core and shattered it in my palm before doing it to the other 3 in quick succession.


< You have killed water slime x 3 >

< You have killed stone slime x 1 >

< You have gained 4 EXP >

< You have gained 1 level >

'Okay so not the greatest source of EXP then in that case. Not that it matters as there are a ton here and they are easy to kill.'

I then proceeded to kill all the slimes present on this side of the river.


< You have killed water slime x 23 >

< You have killed stone slime x 20 >

< You have gained 43 EXP >

< You have gained 8 levels >

Okay let's check my status then.
















Mental force/power:[ERROR]



Skills - [Scratch] , [Thrust] , [Inspect] , [Bow mastery: 36%] , [Perfect aim: 36%]


Passive skills - [Night vision]


Titles - NONE


Blessings - [Blessed by goddess of reincarnation] , [Blessed by goddess of space]

'Holy crap that's amazing stats. I'm so close to level 30, I assume I evolve but I don't want to risk evolving when I'm out in the forest.'

I ran towards Violet and sat in the tree waiting for her to wake up.

After an hour, maybe a bit more, she woke up and rubbed her eyes.

"Sissy where is this."

"Well you fell asleep after you said you were dizzy so I ran to find a river so here we are. Want a drink?" I asked her and she nodded vigorously.

I picked her up gently and walked to the rivers edge with her. I scooped up some water in my hands and let her drink it. I didn't want her shoving her face in or getting in the water as something could hurt her and she is very weak. Also if she bleeds from getting scratched by something sharp the goblins will be able to smell her blood drawing them to us and I don't know if I can fight them all of while protecting her.

Anyway once she was pleased with the amount she drank she decided to make a flower necklace for me with some daisies that were growing by the trees.

I decided it would be in my best interest to get some wolf meat and cook it but doing so may draw in the goblins so I said to Violet,

"We can do that after we eat okay?"

"Okay sissy." She said nodding her head looking a little disappointed.

Eventually after running in a straight line with Violet on my back we encountered a wolf so Violet climbed of my back and I jumped full speed at the wolf and kicked it in the face knocking It unconscious. I then used [Scratch] and jabbed it into its throat killing it.

I returned to Violet and set down the wolf while collecting some sticks to start a fire. Once I got the fire going I sliced the wolf with my claws and shoved pieces of meat onto the ends of some sticks hovering it over the fire. Once it looked cooked I gave one to Violet ate she gladly took, gobbling it down.

After finishing I left the wolf corpse and picked up violet and ran back to the river where Violet made her flower necklace and she messed around until night fall where she fell asleep in my lap.

'She's asleep.' I thought patting my hand on her head.

"Sweet dreams." I whispered then darting my head around after hearing a rustle approximately 28 metres away from my current position.

'What was that? A slime? Or perhaps a goblin got over here.' I thought concentrating on that singular point where I heard noise closest. Thankfully it was just the wind when a bird flew from there and I was just being paranoid. I closed my eyes focusing on my surroundings and expanding my awareness then..



< new passive skill gained: [Spacial awareness] >

[Spacial awareness]

The user passively knows where and what's happening in a 50 metre radius around you and heightens your senses by 10 fold. While asleep this skill is not active but this skill can evolve into [Mastered Spacial awareness] which is active while sleeping.


'Okay.. didn't expect there to be a skill, also 50 metre radius? Damn thats amazing. The only downside is that it's not active while I'm asleep but it says it can evolve? if I concentrate more while using it will it evolve? I'll try that then and hopefully it'll evolve.'

(A/N - at the end of each chapter I'm going to put Kiera's full status.)














Mental force/power:[ERROR]



Skills - [Scratch] , [Thrust] , [Inspect] , [Bow mastery: 36%] , [Perfect aim: 36%]


Passive skills - [Night vision] , [Spacial awareness]


Titles - NONE


Blessings - [Blessed by goddess of reincarnation] , [Blessed by goddess of space]

(A/N - if you think the status is ever wrong please tell me also if you scroll up you'll see she was on level 24 and had 4/5 EXP but remember that was her status before she killed a wolf for her and Violet to eat.)

Thanks for reading

W_D_Y_W_F_Mcreators' thoughts