
I reincarnated, but where?

I had a good life, I was an artist in my 20 years of life, I didn't lack anything, I read a lot of novels and books, the last one was the hero of decency, a hero with a lot of lovers, when I opened my eyes, I saw that I was in the body of Tom Breach, an unfortunate side character who fell prey to the hero's lover, he died and I Now I had to prevent the second death of myself and Tom Breach, this is my story in the hero of decency

Daoistna3RhA · Action
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24 Chs

Part 2

Season 1 Part 2 What should I do to survive?

A few days had passed since I was reincarnated into the world of the hero of decency.

In these few days, I had to help the old man clean the garden of the church and then go to sister Eva to heal the wounds caused by working on my body.

The dinner we had with the old man, what can I say about the dinner, a dry bread with a soup that I didn't like, what was it made of.

I thought when I was lying down to sleep with the old man.In my mind: No, it can't be like this, I can't live like this. If I want to live like this, I have to wait to die for my beloved hero.

I wondered why I was reincarnated, I didn't have a system to help me, no strength, no one to guide me, I'm miserable, and besides all this, it was justifiable, why am I the way I am.

I have a history of dying once, but I don't want it to happen twice because I didn't understand anything about life.

Well, I have to check all the ways through which they can survive.First of all, I can continue to live inside the church through gardening, but the possibility of my dying is high because the possibility of contagious diseases like plague or something like that is high considering that I am in the renaissance period, so no, it won't happen.

There is another way to become a servant of the church because I don't like these things.

Another way is to become a member of the royal knights, which, considering that I am a subject, will send me directly to the wall of death, where mutated monsters will most likely attack, and as a result, I will be condemned to certain death.

This can't be done unless...And yes, finally, after a lot of thinking, I understood why it didn't come to my mind from the beginning

Why not make a living from my art?

From the art of painting...

...The next day..

But everything didn't go as I thought. First of all, besides the fact that I didn't have any painting tools, the old man didn't let me leave the church either.

Of course, I had the right. In this world, the nobles had the right to have slaves, and considering that I was a serf, the possibility of being a slave was high because people like me did not have anything like a birth certificate.

"After the work is done."I sat on the floor from exhaustion.

O God, look at what misery you have caused me. Did I have a bad life? Good family, good income, I had no need to reincarnate.

No, this is from the curse of my father, who said that I should follow the family business, but I did not follow it, no, father, can such a thing happen, but they say that the father's curse is up to seven backs, no, what can he curse for?

I cut off my voice with the old man saying how much I talk to myself in order to be quiet.

But I became pure since I was reincarnated...

The next morning....While I was shoveling with the old man, I was thinking about what to do and where to find painting tools.

From what I saw, the old man did not have a pen or paper around him.

I can ....

What can I do? What can I do? Finally..

The old man again scolded me to work instead of talking to myself.

That is, the problem I had was that I used to talk about both my previous life and this new life when I was thinking aloud to myself. I got into so much trouble because of it.

When I forgot my thoughts again, I say that I am clean, but I deny it.Forgetting the idea I had, actually remembering it.

I remembered that at the end of the night, I can't think anymore.

That is, to use the coals that are created by burning the wood of the fireplace instead of coal.

Thank God, there was a fireplace here, so I could make a profit. I thank God for the lack of facilities here.

In the end, I got into trouble once again because of my characteristic, and this time the old man covered my mouth with a cloth so that I wouldn't speak anymore.

Morning ...

When I opened my eyes, the old man had left the room. ..

Taking advantage of his absence, I quickly went to the fireplace to get some coal.

Well, it was beautiful, the wood had burned and turned into coal, now it was time to take it away, my moaning reached the sky...Ah, oh, I was burned, I was burned, it was so hot, I put my fingers in my mouth to reduce the pain of the burn, but it didn't help at all.

Thank God that I was not an old man to get into trouble.

With the same injured hand, I quickly picked up some burnt sticks, which were already cold, and left them somewhere in the room.

I endured the burn pain until the end of the work and after that I quickly went to Eva's sister to treat me.

Inside the monastery...

I could see surprise on Eva's sister's face.

He must have been saying to himself, how did this whole affair with Khake come to such a day that he didn't end up being a bully, he asked.

Sister Eva: Can I ask a question?

Me: Yes you can.Eva's sister: How did you end up on such a day!?

When he asked such a question, I remembered the time when my father first found out that I smoke, he asked me why I smoke, and I answered:

If our voice did not reach the sky, at least our lineage will reach, as my father did, my Arab reached Mars.

Let go of this.

Me: Well, I wanted something.

Eva's sister: What did you want?

Me: Well, I wanted to take coal from the fireplace and my hand got burnt.

Eva's sister was surprised, I don't know why, but I decided to tell her everything from garlic to onions, of course, about the painting and ask her for help.Eva's sister was surprised, I don't know why, but I decided to tell her everything from garlic to onions, of course, about the painting and ask her for help.

Eva's sister said with her hand under her chin.

So, this was your intention, I can help you with the paper, I can give you some papers, but it was difficult for you to go out.

who finally consulted with the father and went to the old man with the father's middle father and pledged that nothing would happen to me, he would give me my ID card, from these stories I was allowed to enter the world outside the church.

Well, now I can go out to...

The end of part 2