
I reincarnated as an OP Class, so what?

Hey, hey, are we live already? We are? Good hello there, reader. This is Akira, AKA your best host and protagonist. This story follows Yui, the less critical protagonist. As per the primary goal, it depends on who you ask. Some seek pleasure on this land, and others seek glory. However, some want a quiet life as an ordinary individual, and while I respect that, I don't get it. As per me? Well, what I want is to find my old master and friend that left me behind. I want to see them again, and I will do everything to find them. This story is somewhat based on real-life events but is not historical fiction, so don't worry. Written by: Misami_ne Artwork by: MistyTheWolf Note to reader: You might have noticed a drop in chapter updates. I ask for your forgiveness. This drawback is temporary. Recently, I have been working 80+ hours without much time to work on my novel. I still try to keep up with updates, but as more and more expenses keep pouring into me, I have been struggling to keep up. I’m sorry you have to wait so long for chapter updates, and I will try to perform better. Please have patience with me. With love and care Misami_ne

Misami_ne · Fantasy
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31 Chs

Is Hawaiian pizza, Pizza?

"Wake up, Akira, it's time to go home," is that you, Lady Maxie? Please talk again. I need to hear your voice. "Akira, you've been a good boy all along. It's time to rest. Give up trying to save and join me instead. You can't beat them." You want me to surrender? Is that really you, Maxie? No, it can't be. She would never encourage me to lose. Get out of my mind, administrator E! As soon as I said that, I woke up from my dreams. I was in my room, but that encounter felt all too real. I could not go back to sleep after it.

It was dusk, so since I couldn't get back to sleep, I chose to go for a night walk around the town. All the shops were closed at this hour, so it was fairly dark outside without moonlight. Only the stars illuminated my path; even so, I felt no fear. I wonder if that being, E, arouses himself by torturing me in my dreams. He knows I'm not strong enough to beat him. God dammit! If only I had more power. Administrator E would be a problem alone, but he also has friends who are as powerful as him. I'm fighting an uphill battle, and it's all rigged against me, Dammit!

During my unexpected night stroll, I met with none other than Mr. Hero by mere chance. He looked highly drunk and stenched of alcohol and women. "Hey, you! Yeah, you, the kid from that crazy lady's party! I'm talking to you!" Ugh, he recognized me and called me out. I wanted to ignore him and keep walking, but he blocked my path. "What do you want? I'm just walking around. Please leave me alone". The hero looked slightly annoyed at my request, letting me know immediately. "You will pay for what your master did to me. She not only beat me but had the indecency to bring me back while knocked out. I won't forgive her for it."

 I sighed, then answered quickly, "I didn't beat you up; if you have an issue with Akane, solve it with her; I have nothing to do with it." Leon stared at me annoyedly but then moved out of the way. "Sorry kid, what the fuck am I doing intimidating a little kid? I know I can't say this, but be careful with whom you ally yourself. She smells like trouble." I nodded at his words. "I know that's why I'm with her. In case she needs to flee, she will need me." He looked concerned now and said. "Is she like your mother or something? I'm sorry for calling her crazy if that's the case." No, she was only my friend for now. "No, she's simply my Master for now. May I ask you something?" Leon nodded at my answer. "Do you have any real friends besides your teammates? You always move around a lot." 

Leon moved his head, signaling a no. "No, almost all of them say I move too much, and since almost all adventurers have families, they don't want to leave them for long periods." I never saw it that way, so as the hero, he has to go around the world clearing challenging quests in all cities because that's his duty. I did not want to keep bothering Mr. Hero, so I said goodbye and left. Being a hero sounds excellent, but I owe the guy an apology if it's that demanding. He's a jerk mostly, but that might be because he has too many responsibilities. I mean, look at him. He's not even twenty yet. 

{Meanwhile, in a cave somewhere}

"Ahahaha, admire my fire, you devilish creatures! What's that? Do you like your spider web deep-fried? Welp, I only got smoked and charred webs today! Burn Burn! Wait a second; I ran out of fire. Tactical retreat!" What? You expect me to fight an enemy that can crush me in a single whoosh without any advantage? Who do you think I am? Some overpowered isekai protagonist? Nope, I will only "fight" them if I have a clear advantage. So I got fire again! nyaahahah, burn some more! And squeal nicely while you're at it. Feed me more exp!

"Experience has reached the required le- Experience has reach- Experience has, Experience has reached..." More! Give me more of that sweet, sweet exp! I'm not done yet! I want to determine what happens when I max out my current form. "Experience has reached the required level. Small, lesser scorpion has reached the exp cap. Evolution available; please choose between the offered options." Oya? So I can evolve now. It's time to head back to my safe place. Tactical retreat! Times two.

Let's see, my options are between Scorpion and Small Poisonous Scorpion. That's weird. I'm already poisonous. Does that mean the evolution gets rid of my best lethal weapon? No, that would be dumb. I'm so concerned about the remark around the "Small" bits. It would be a problem if I grew too big in this small cave. So, if I don't stop being so compact, I will go for that option! One Small poisonous scorpion evolution, please! Ah, my energy, ahaha, that's funny my vision is going do- ugh. 

How long was it? I'm conscious again. All I remember was choosing the evolution to small poison whatever evolution, and then I lost all my strength. Let's take a look at myself. What does my description say? Appraisal level three! "Small poisonous Scorpion, nameless." That exp grind went great. I only had to burn four spiders to a crisp to get to level twenty, the cap for my base form. My tummy rumbles with fearsome screams of hunger. Ah, I'm starving! Luckily, I brought back some charred spider meat with me! So, it's time to eat itadakimasu! And! the first bite! "NOOHM!" My eyes quickly watered as I muttered, "Sho bitter, Sho unappetizing."

"This food isn't gourmet." If I plan to survive, I must keep pushing through the spiders. Otherwise, I will never be able to taste something decent down here. All I have eaten for weeks has been bitter, sour, and raw meats! I want some instant ramen! I would even eat a Hawaiian pizza right now! Well, actually, I'd rather eat the bugs instead of that mediocre pizza flavor.