
I reincarnated as an Grim Reaper,I just wanted to be a normal girl again in my next life!Why God didn't give me what I wanted in my new life?

Misao Hikari,an young japanese high schooler that died in an traffic accident,fortunate for her God made her an Grim Reaper in another world,because he is friend with the Goddess that lives in that other world!But is really Misao suited for the job.....as a cute person she is?

Daoist399940 · Fantasy
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3 Chs

The first job from Shiro-sama

<<First job-Get the soul of an monster>>

"Now when I'am falling!?"

<<Message:You can't die!Heheheh!☻>>

"Don't joke with me!!!"

<<The caller Blocked your call>>

"She blocked me because he is the worst goddess ever!!!"

*Blop!*"Huh?How I got here?"I said dizzy while looking in all directions

<<Misao learned teleportation!>>

"Whoa,really,How?"I asked the unknown voice

<<When you fell an certain powerful emotion,you will teleport to an safe location!>>

"All right,so were is that monster?"*Fwsh!*"Eeek!"I jumped scared by an little bunny with horns

<<an wild Little Bunny Demon appeared!>>

"What is this "Pokemon"?And it is so cute,how can it be an demon?"I asked the voice a little skeptical

*Rawr!*Screamed the little bunny when it turned into an giant monster with fangs and claws"Kyah!I mean....Prepare to get your soul taken by the great Grim Reaper Misao Hikari!"I said towards the beast with courage

I jumped to his head,decapiting it,he was still making sounds as he was diying,while his blood was dripping as the thing became little as it was before....."Ugh!I can't handle all of this!Oh no,I will....Blerrrgh!"I was stunned by the scent of blood until I cannot handle it anymore so I vomited.How I said I don't suffer to smell blood or death things,if I even see it,I will vomit or faint,I am such an innocent person I can't believe I killed another living creature!

<<Oi,you fool!Why are you vomiting?Haven't you saw blood before?>>

"Shut up!I can't handle blood or death!"I said angry at Shiro-sama

<<Then you shall not became a Grim Reaper!>>

"You made me one!I will have been grateful if you had turned me into an stick or slime over this Grim Reaper!!!"I said angry towards that horrible goddess...