
I reincarnated as an axolotl?

Hewwo *-* this is my first book hope you enjoy it, If you like it, please do keep it with you. This is a no-premium book so no need to worry!

DaoistRYgUhN · Fantasy
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2 Chs

Chapter 1

-authors note: I will try to post content and chapters daily but they might be late due to personal reasons hope u enjoy them!!. Also, I won't name the mc till he reincarnates and meets Nathan, and also I have nothing against whatever country that language is from, please don't think I'm racist!-

A young college boy with brown hair having a small strip of pink flowing off his left wearing a standard uniform full of white and buttons with the school logo was walking towards the local aquarium, it was his younger sister's birthday so of course, he had to get her a gift, as he arrived there was a build board labeled Jim's aquarium.

It was pristine white with many fish mainly axolotls floating around.

Suddenly the glass door burst open and six men in rags came together with revolvers yelling "SAAN KAYO AGRESIST KEN IKKAN KAMI TI KWARTA NGA ISOUT!" -DONT RESIST AND GIVE US THE MONEY WORMS-

All of them wore the c#$%d masks and were

mostly white

man with a milk-white face and mask-wearing rags went up to our protagonist holding a gun to his heart

His blood went cold.

He searched around the white pristine room with a bunch of fishbowls and fish tanks looking for a way to survive

Suddenly he heard a very hoarse and rough voice speak "Sika a rata, pagarupem a makalisika! Hahahaaha!!"-you rat, think you can escape! Hahahaha-

The Mc paled not understanding the words but getting the meaning of the malicious laugh.


The Mc saw a bullet coming towards him.

The Mc saw a flash, he felt excruciating pain but he couldn't help to ask.."w why?"

He saw the milky man look at him and snort "why you ask? Well of course for personal gains!"

The mc's eyes slowly rolled upward and he lost consciousness.

He woke up in a black void. He couldn't move. He couldn't feel, smell, or even hear anything...

It was black and dark as far as he could see but then...he heard a voice [quest unlocked: break out of the egg.] [reward: 100 experience points, one lucky draw ] [penalty for failure: death]

The voice sounded very much like google but he didn't care.

Suddenly he gained the power to use his limbs. He wiggled them as hard as he could and he even felt a third leg. It was indeed strange.

He slammed something, anything at all, and finally hit something with his right hand. He smacked it again and again, over and over.

After what felt like an eternity he heard cracks. He hit harder feeling rejuvenated.

Finally, after a while, he broke out and was greeted with a blinding light and a feeling of wetness, except it was comfortable.

He heard a voice [congratulations for completing a quest. Reward 100 experience points and lucky draw 1x]

Suddenly a panel popped up out of nowhere and said.

[name: ???]

[level:1 100/150 experience points]

[race: lesser axolotl]

[grade: garbage low ]


[Cultivation rank:none ]

[abilities/skills: [axolotls regeneration] [axolotls holy spit] [axolotls flight]

[quests:none ].

[titles: pure blooded axolotl]

{shop[needs level 5]}


-interactable ={noninteractable =[-

As a college student who reads manga and is familiar with a system, how could he not freak out? But he was shocked at being an axolotl.

He was happy since he loves them. He was

amazed at the regeneration and was confused with hoky spit?

After he understood the jest of it all he clicked the lottery remembering he had one.

Immediately a new screen popped up and it had a wheel with 1x above it. On the wheel, there were so many things u couldn't make anything out of it.

He immediately spun it with his tiny pink 4 fingered hands.

It circles and circles and didn't stop. After a minute of spinning it slowed down.

It stopped {Axolotl's passive ability: holy spit amplified}

[info: as an axolotl, you have holy spit which can cure any illness and battle wounds as battle wounds. The amplified version allows it to even cure mental illnesses and also fix greed and all negative emotions!]

(system remark: you are now a walking holy water gun!)

Shocked at this he also realized he had never checked his surroundings so he decided to search them.

He just realized he was underwater the whole time. Truly the perk of being aquatic. It was very beautiful here. It was a greenish cave. Filled with water and he saw some berries on the ceiling. They were a goldish color.

He saw an open exit where the light was coming from and suddenly felt a surge of pain.

It made sense. He was just born and hadn't eaten so he swam to the top of the cave and nommed a berry.

Feeling fool he fell asleep. Just like a small baby would after a meal.