
I Reincarnated as a Villain of an RPG, But I Want to Survive

The protagonist reincarnated into the world of an RPG he always played in his previous life. It’s a world with gods, magic, and an evil empire. While living there, he realized he didn’t simply reincarnate into this RPG world, he became the game’s villain 『Jirat』。 『Jirat』, as the top brass of the evil empire, will be killed by the hero as the story advances. To avoid the catastrophic end, the reincarnated protagonist 『Jirat』 will use his game knowledge from his previous life to fight against the normal game route.

Nizuko_Chan · Games
Not enough ratings
28 Chs

15: Baptism of the training camp

As the instructor has arrived, all trainees lined up and faced each other

It's completely like the physical education class in my previous life


Right, we are not like the young, immature brats in school anymore

After overcoming the training that would started after this, we will become full-fledged soldiers


「Listen! You guys are trash! Worse than kids! You are just the worms crawling on the ground!」


That's the welcome speech from Mr. Instructor

He's a middle aged man with stern look, just like a veteran


「The men of the empire must serve the great Beast demon emperor Harod-sama! You become soldiers for that sole reason! Right now you are trash because you are still not soldiers and can't serve his highness the emperor yet!  Understood!?」

「「「「「Yes, We understood!!」」」」」


The young men shouted at once

Right now, they are desperately trying not to displease the instructor


「Too small! Do you trash really understand!?」

「「「「「Yes!! We understood!!!!」」」」


Really desperate


「The one who will raise you trash into grown-up soldiers is me! Instructor Atekoro-sama! I am a god to you! I am a savior from the heaven to help you trash who can only crawl on the bottom of the ground! Understand!?」

「「「「「Yes!! We understand!!」」」」」

「My orders are absolute! Just think that as the only way for you to become an imperial soldier!! Questioning is unforgivable! Doubting is unforgivable! Leave this training camp if you can't do it! Then spend you whole life living on the ground like an insect!」


He's indeed a demonic instructor of the army, huh


Perhaps, only the ones who can endure such aggressive ironing can become soldiers who can survive the hellish battlefield


「There are about 100 new recruits registered in this 18th training camp. It's impossible to accommodate every 15 years old men in the empire at once. So they are divided into subdivisions」


The number of registered new recruits is too much, that's why the number of subdivision can reach 18.

In fact, perhaps even division 19th, 20th or more exist....


Well, the large number of youth is the proof of how rich the empire is


「Don't hold such a naïve thinking like everyone here will become soldiers! Since this Atekoro-sama has become your instructor, any useless one will be discarded, that is my belief for his highness the Emperor...for example, you!」


Suddenly he pointed at someone

It's me?


「You, where's your response!」

「Y, yes...!!」


Why did he pick me?


I haven't done anything yet since when I came here.

I just came here a while ago, so of course I couldn't do anything


「You are Jira, the son of Burus who lives in the 34th district, correct!?」

「Yes, that's true!」

「It's 『Yes, that's true, instructor』! You don't even know that!?」」


Suddenly, my face was hit from the side


「Do you think I don't know? You left for a trip and went here and there before the military service started, right? For training? Am I wrong?」

「It's not wrong, instructor」

「What a silly thing! Listen here, your choice was a great mistake! You spent time for nothing!」


The instructor faced me to intimidate


The surrounding trainees are observing


「The story about you being chosen as elite candidate in the past is known. You stood out 5 years ago. But you foolishly refused the invitation and left for a journey! Do you understand how deep your crime was!?」


He tremblingly grabs my neck


「Did you try to nitpick our empire's training system? In order to become strong, there is one only way, that is to receive the elite training program of the imperial training camp...! Everything else is wrong!」


I finally understood

The reason why this instructor is having a grudge against me


Raising soldiers, making elites to serve the empire is those people's job

But, if there is someone who use a different method to become the strongest soldier like me, that would surely be an eyesore for them


Like something that deny their existence


「Let me tell you in advance! I will not let you become a legitimate imperial soldier! This me will surely crush you! The training assigned to you will be doubled compared to the other trash! You will be overwhelmed and will run away! And you will spend your whole life at the bottom of the society!」



In this empire, the one who couldn't completely completed the military service will not be treated as an adult.

They will have to live while being looked down upon, and will be ostracized from all social activities


「You will regret for your whole life! If you didn't make such an insolent decision, if you became an elite cadet as we said, your life would be a rose-colored one. But you threw it away, so just continue to cry until death! Understand!?」


A brutal *bang* sound resounded


The instruction's fist hit my abdomen with all his strength


「You are my toy from today. You will not have any freetime to relax, you know? Try to endure as long as you can and show me the result of your training, understand?」


As if having said everything, the instructor turned back and left


Rushing towards me who was left behind were 2 people


A big man and a small man


「...Oi, you okay!?」

「It was too heavy for you from the start. Suddenly being eyed on by Atekoro...!?」


They are Gashi and Seki

To worry about me who has just given them my name, they are unexpectedly nice.

Other trainees are also attracted and observed, but they only surround me to avoid being involved


I can say that Gashi and Seki, who rushed over without hesitating, are chivalrous


「That instructor called Atekoro is famous for bullying trainee. It seems like he finds targets every year to bully them until they drop out」


The small man, Seki, explained


「You can't become a soldier anymore. Because that guy has his eyes on you. I finally found a strong person and yet...!」

「That is fine. Other than that, that instructor called Atekoro is also a pretty praise-worthy man, you know」



The huge man Gashi let out a loud voice to my words


「Aren't you a generous guy!? Or are you stupid!? He shouted at you and hit you like that! And you call him praise-worthy!?」

「Because he hit me」


「He should have noticed when he hit my face at the beginning. And yet he was resolute to hit my abdomen again. Moreover, that means his bones were broken, and yet his endurance was strong enough to not let out a scream」



At the same time when I said that

An anguish scream can be heard from afar


「Agyaaaa!! It hurts! It hurtsssssssss!? My hand!? My hand!?」

「Ara, he couldn't endure after all」


The moment he hit me, he was sweating cold sweat while pretending to be calm


「Oi!? The instructor suddenly collapsed!?」

「He's holding his right hand while writhing!? What should we do!? Should we call a doctor!?」


The surrounding trainees are in confusion


「W, what happened!? The instructor who hit Jira was hurt more than Jira himself!?」

「Because the bones in his hand are broken. Because he hit me」



Sacred wisdom art <Barrier shield>.

It was spread out all over my body to protect me.


The sacred wisdom art I learned from 『Tanu-sage』 is different from the magic from other typical RPGs

It's an ability within the same framework of the so-called "skill", but because there is also Evil beast magic which is in a similar system, it's more like psychic ability if you think about it more closely


Its original description is 『The power that comes from the intelligent within each person』, so it's more like supernatural abilities


Anyhow, I learned that sacred wisdom art from the training under 『Tanu-sage』

<Barrier shield> is one of them. A defensive sacred wisdom art that create a transparent wall with psychokinetic-like power


In 『Beats Fantasy』, the effect of <Barrier shield> is to increase defense power of a single ally. Moreover, there is a superior skill called <Alpha Barrier shield> which increases defense power of all allies....

In this world, it deploys a transparent defensive membrane that fit the user's body, completely shut out all malicious effects and return the shock to the opponent


It used instructor Atekoro's hit to break his hand

It was he who harms himself (it's "spiting while looking to the sky" in the raw, meaning if you spit while looking up, it will come back and hit you back anyway.)


「It hurts! It hurtsssss!?」


The instructor is still writhing in pain

His dignity is ruined as the other trainees are looking.


「...Jira, that was your doing?」

「He won't know anyway. Because I was the one who was hit. You two also saw that, right?」


Right, I only deployed <Barrier shield> secretly

The shield's function is only to protect oneself, it can't hurt others


Hitting the shield with his fist, then having his fist broken, everything was done by Instructor Atekoro

When he hit my cheek at first, he should have felt unease as the <Barrier shield> had already been activated

And yet he hit my abdomen again


He couldn't understand the warning, so he reaps what he sows


「The training life would be fun, don't you think so, Gashi, Seki?」



Both of the new friends I made at the training camp can only shed sweat