
The Cursed Mask

Yui wasn't afraid of facing the Cursed Mask again. 

They have several Arcane Magic that they can use to restrict the Mask and this time, they'll make sure not to fall on its same trick again.

'Odette... Are you still not done speaking with Reiji?'

'Wait... I'm just confirming something...'

'Hey, don't tell me you're asking for his help again? That's embarrassing!'

'Why would you feel embarrassed in front of a Sentient Arcana? That's fine...'

'Haa~ Do what you want...'

The young girl then went to the corner of the street as she knows that Odette is still taking her time speaking with Reiji...

'Mhmm... Why would they visit the north, anyway?'

As far as she knows, Rufus' expertise lies in his talent in crafting Magic Items... The northern region, on the other hand, isn't a place where you can practice such skills since there are no facilities here that could equal the ones inside the Tower.

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