
I reincarnated as a magical computer.

JUST to be clear, I'm not making the mc turn human at ANY point. what's the point of a novel where you reincarnate as a non human if the mc just becomes human most of the time after he gets it anyway!?! there will be a system. but it's just gonna be a basic one. it won't be sentient. all it will display is a skill store, stats, skill, and xp. no other features and it won't give information to the mc either. I just want this to be clear. because I know there are people who don't like sentient systems/people who like sentient systems. I just want to make that clear too. mc will slowly get more features as he goes on with the story. i lack another of creativity so expect an irregular chapter release schedule. I just want you guys to know who does read this. also this is my first novel so expect mistakes here and there, as well as a little blandness at times, it WILL get better later on I hope. edit:I haven't even made a chapter yet but 8 people already looked oof? I will put atleast 500 words for each chapter i make btw also please don't try to criticize me... it's my first time writing a novel. I'm really looking forward to my first review! plus there are gonna be uncensored cuss words. (I just can't stop adding stuff to this...)

It_wont_let_me · Fantasy
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3 Chs

what is this nonsense?

Ugh what happened...

I'm so drowsy, am I still in bed?

The last thing i remember last night was playing on my computer before going to bed...


IT'S 10:00! oh my God as if I wasn't stressed enough... this is my second strike... one more and I will have to find another minimum wage job...

wait a second... I can't move!

please not now, I don't wanna be paralyzed!!!

life is already bad!

I can't do anything!

what to do, I have no idea I'm stuck on the bed!

and why did my bed have to become so uncomfortable today also!

I also don't have any family with me so that's out... ugh. i guess I just have to except this for now... but it's so boring, can I atleast watch anime if I'm gonna be paralyzed alone!

I feel like crying...

so do I just go back to sleep? I have nothing else to do. I mean I was gonna eventually lose my house anyways, my heritage can't last forever... maybe if someone finds me then I could get a fundraiser!

I guess I just go to sleep...

but I'm not tired!


I NEED NEED SOMETHING TO DO!!! I got to move, dammit! wait even if I'm paralyzed I don't think it affects my eyes... I'M BLIND TOO!? THAT SHOULDN'T BE POSSIB- OW what the hell was that!? [-1 hp] and WHAT. WAS. THAT! what is this life, a game!? wait... wasn't there novels or something related to this?.. uh what was the word again??? oh, status!




[level 1]






[skill-3D print/unique]


[skill-energy shock/unique]


[skill-low quality wifi/unique]

[skill-spacial awareness]

[computer's last stand]

[shop points-0]

[skill shop]

[end of status]

[processing/new race created-magical computer]

wow that's a lot at once! I was completely wrong about my situation! and secondly... WHY THE HELL AM I A COMPUTER!?

why does this happen to me? I am like an mc in one of those novels I swear!

but I do wonder? can I actually access the internet on myself? most importantly google?

bah... It probably won't be useful as it's likely the exact same thing from earth and won't have answers about questions about this most-likely fantasy world...

atleast i can view YouTube when I'm bored!

that's a plus! well now that's out of the way, time to try spacial awareness! fancy word for seeing I guess whatever.

wow! I am nowhere near my house... it's just a forest and some green beings holding crude sticks beside me? I don't know what to do about them hitting me... i would move away from them but I can't move even if I wanted to...

damn it!

it's even more irritating that I can see but not move! I got a real dilemma...

oh one of them is raising their stupid stick.




OUCH that fucking hurt.



[energy reduced by 20.]

(the goblin's skeleton repeatedly showed comically and then died)

I didn't think that would actually work...

HAH! get reduced to a clown you prick of a goblin!

now the other ones are running away!

[level up!]

just the cherry on the cake!

let's see here...

my stats all increased by 10.

i got a skill point.

ok... not too much. maybe it will get better at later levels.

now that I have a skill point, cant iafford something from the shop?

what the hell!

everything is 100 skill points or above!

this system is the one cheating me! shouldn't it be the opposite?!

I guess the skill shop will have to wait for the future.

tho... how do I get out of here?

idk why but 30 already looked at this and 1 favorites it already even before I made this chapter?! thanks!

It_wont_let_mecreators' thoughts