
I reincarnated as a God in the Nasuverse.

A man who is a history teacher finds himself in ancient Mesopotamia. Now he has become a God. he saw this as luck, and instead of being an ordinary person, he will rise to the top as a God.

eternal_angel12 · Anime & Comics
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27 Chs

Chapter 7

Southern Mesopotamia

B.C. 2834, Agade City-state

"The dishonor and cowardly behavior of the treacherous Uruk State will be remembered forever." Lamir left the clay tablet in his hand into the copper-reinforced case with a beautiful but grudges voice. Then, as Lamir was about to return to his work, he saw that an empty clay tablet had been left in the daylight. The strange thing is that the clay tablet is more perfect than other tablets and looks as if it was made by the hand of God.

Lamir reached out to pick up the clay tablet and carefully looked at the empty clay tablet. After a while, when nothing happened, he wanted to put it back in its place, but when the clay tablet shone with a light golden light, he excitedly began to investigate what had happened to the clay tablet.

"Thank the Great God."When Lamir, who was praying devoutly, looked up, he saw that the clay tablet was no longer empty, but full. He began to read excitedly." Lord of the Flame, the wrath of the Great God! The great King of Agade! The King burning with the Fire of Revenge! The one whose faith has been broken! One day he will move the Akkadians to where they need to be!

Hearing the prophecy, Lamir's hand began to tremble with excitement. He urgently wanted to announce the prophecy, but he decided to consult Ningul about this prophecy first. Then he ran towards the palace.

After a while, Lamir arrived at the palace and entered the throne room holding the Clay tablet tightly in his hand. Ningul was surprised to see Lamir enter excitedly and immediately stood up to question Lamir."What's going on, Lamir?"

Prophecy,this clay tablet was sent by the Great God Jehovah!"Ningul's eyes narrowed when he heard what Lamir said." Give it to me."

"Who do you think is the King mentioned here, Lamir?" After reading the prophecy, he asked Lamir a question."I think Prophecy talking about revenge according, must be a child who lost his father in the war."

"He is mentioned in the prophecy as the lord of the Flame. Obviously, this child has the ability to control the flame, which was given by the Great God. We need to find this kid right now." Ningul, who made the decision, immediately decided to collect all the orphaned children."Nashal. Bring all the children whose father died in the war here."

Nodding, Nashal immediately left the Throne room. Then Lamir bowed his head and went to fulfill his duties. Ningul, who was the only one left in the throne room, returned to his work.


Atun looked at the children playing with their fathers. Honestly, he was very jealous. Atun thought about the times when he played games with his father. He smiled a little, though involuntarily. But his smile froze when he saw the soldiers coming towards him.

"The king summons you all to the Throne room. You should come with us." When Atun heard what the guards said, he shook his head and went towards the Throne room with the soldiers.

A little later when they came to the Throne room. Atun came to the Throne room filled with children. Then he entered a random queue.

"When will this king come!?" complaining in a hoarse voice, Atun felt very constricted here. But without waiting any longer, the King went out of the door and sat down on the Throne. All the children, except Atun, looked at the king with admiration. Atun scorned other children. Atun's disdain ended the moment Ningul looked at him. When Ningul turned his eyes to the other child, Atun breathed a sigh of relief. Then he waited to see what the king would say.

"There is a child among you who has been devil with a gift. This boy has the powers of the devil. The Great God has given orders for us to kill this devil. Which one of you is the devil now?" After Ningul finished speaking, the children looked at Ningul in fear. Atun, in particular, was both angry and scared. Why is he the devil just because he's different from others. Atun looked around nervously, but he couldn't think of any ideas."How am I going to get out of this damn place!?"

Or are you the Devil Child? do you seem very agitated?" He didn't even notice that Atun Ningul was approaching him. He almost shed tears. He had never been so scared in his life."I'm not the devil I!!"

"I can see you're lying. Now I'm going to execute you in the name of almighty God! Die, Satan!!" The children shouted, frightened by Ningul taking out his sword. Atun remembered the Shield he made when the Eagle attacked him and raised his hand. He tried to make a shield with all his strength.

As the sword was about to strike Atun, it hit the red shield that formed in an instant, but the shield could not withstand Ningul's strength and broke. Seeing that the shield was broken, Atun closed his eyes and waited to die. But the sword stroke he expected did not come.

We finally found the boy!"Opening his eyes, Atun saw Priest Lamir looking at him excitedly. Atun before he realized what had happened awakened by Ningul's voice." Do you want to be the prince of this state, Atun?"

Atun just stared blankly at Ningul. They were going to kill him first. Now they want him to be a Prince."Why didn't you kill me?!"

"It was a method to find you, and it worked. Now is not the time to ask questions. Tell me, will you be the future king of the Akkadians? Won't you be?"Atun thought about the things he could do if he became King. He can avenge his father. He could even have been a hero who would be the subject of epics. Excited by the thought, Atun looked up and with an excited voice said."I accept."

"You will stay in my palace now. You will receive the most severe trainings and learn to fight." Hearing what Ningul said, Atun was excited about his new life. "And what about my mother?"

"They will inform your mother. There is nothing more. you can go now." Atun is relieved. Then, at Ningul's sign, he was taken to his new room by the maid.