
I reincarnated As a goblin, damn it!

"What's this?" I was born in a very different world. A world where magic is very important. That's not what surprised me. What shocked me and I didn't accept it was, I was born a weak green creature, Goblin. I was born as a Goblin. A very weak creature. What can I do by being a Goblin, dead? It would be sad if it actually happened. I don't want to die. I want to marry many girls first. I will make a harem. I can't waste this. Game system and magic. It really is Isekai and I'm the main character.

NEET_Re · Fantasy
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3 Chs

Chapter 2 I Started Practicing

I'm not actually home. I've been going to the forest a lot lately to try out new things.I tried swinging the sword hundreds of times. It was done just to see if I would get a new skill because a few days ago I got a new skill just because I didn't do anything all day. 

<Lazy lv.1>

It was a really amazing skill because I didn't have to do anything and my mana kept increasing by 5 every minute. That's much better than before, when it would only increase by 1 per minute. Very helpful.

<Congratulations on your new title, Sword Man, lv. 1>

Ah, that's right, as I thought. I can gain skill by doing one thing regularly, but this is taking too long. If you count them, I have swung my sword thousands of times. It's not something I like. And again, the word "man" is a bit strange for me, who is a goblin.

But what I got was pretty good because it was a passive skill that allowed me to fight using a sword within 5 minutes. Ah, it was a very short amount of time, but it was much better than the previous skill.

"Gobta!" "Run!"

Shouted someone from behind.I wanted to turn around, but suddenly someone grabbed my hand. There are two of them. They grabbed my right and left hands. They are Gobro and Gobti. Their faces looked very pale, and they looked very scared, but when I looked at them, they turned away.

"What happened?" I asked.

No answer at all. They kept grabbing my hand and taking me running away from the village.It makes my mind confused. There are many things I think about. Several possibilities popped into my head.

"Is the village under attack?" I asked.

Gobro didn't even turn his face in my direction. It's obvious that that's the truth. Gobro was indeed an innocent child. He's not very good at lying. I tried to stop them too, but it was difficult to fight two goblins at once.

Do I have to do something quite risky?

There was no choice, because if I didn't, then they would take me away from there. I didn't want that because my parents were there and my older brother always spoils me. They did look weird and a little scary at first, but they were nice to me. I love them.

With just a little leg movement. The three of us fell. I quickly ran from there. Of course, they followed from behind. Our faces were injured by hitting the ground and a few rocks.

Moments later, I saw that the village I had lived in had been burned. All that remained were the ruins of the burned houses. All I did was walk with tears streaming down my face. It really hurts.  It was all gone in just a few minutes. I lost everything. This is the first time I really feel like I have family and friends. This is very different from my previous family.

I'm just speechless. I can't even say one word. Everything's gone.  All that's left are tears and memories. My gaze fell on the pile of burning goblin corpses. There are dozens of them, and I know their names.

Like the one on the left is Gobre, and the one below him is my brother, Gobji. Their bodies were getting more and more burned and charred. Same with my heart, which is getting more and more broken.

It feels like everything is over. I also like that.Suddenly, two people hugged me. I know they must be Gobro and Gobti. Their embrace calmed me down a bit, but not completely. I'm still very angry and sad. I want to kill the person who did this.

"Don't worry, we are here," whispered the Gobti.

<Congratulations on your new skill! Angry, Level 1,">

<Congratulations on getting the new skill, Revenge, level 1!>

The anger in my heart is so deep. I was so angry, annoyed, hateful, and vengeful. The behavior of the two of them initially made me a little calmer, but when I saw that there were the corpses of my father and mother there, it made my emotions flare up even more.

I am very angry. Although, as soon as I found out that I got two new skills, namely Anger level 1 and Revenge level 1, Both are very good skills. It was both a combat and a defensive skill.Both can be packaged.

For skill Angri level 1, it makes the power I have increase 10 times. That applies to all aspects. in contrast to revenge, which can reflect all attacks once an hour. It can't be more than that; maybe if I improve those two skills.

"You calm down first. We will leave first from this place because the humans might come back again. "We have to be strong if we want to take revenge," said Gobti.

Those words made me even more emotional. It felt like I wanted to slaughter all humans, but I had to become strong first. Without sufficient strength, I'll just be a goblin who's an imbecile. can't fight against humans.

The most important thing is to strengthen yourself first. I can't do stupid things because they will threaten my life. If I get killed, who will take revenge? There isn't, of course."Here's what's left!"Me, Gobro, and Gobti immediately looked in the direction where Saura came from. when we turned around. It turns out that I was correct.

There was a human being staring at them. At first, there was only one person, but after a while, their number increased.There is someone waiting for the horse. I believe he is the leader of that troop.

"Kill all three of them." There shouldn't be any survivors. "We were assigned by the lord to finish them off for disturbing the villagers."

Gobro and Gobti immediately turned around and danced my hands again while I was looking at the old man.I felt compelled to proceed from there.This time I didn't bother. I will run as hard as I can.

"Do not look back!" exclaimed Gobtis.