
I Reincarnated as a Fox Girl?!

THIS HAS BEEN DISCONTINUED, AND REWRITTEN! It's now under "Pearl: Transmigrated Fox in Another World", or "Pearl: TFAW", for short! ~~~~~~~~~~~~ My name is Jacob. Jacob Stalin. I'm a retired marine in the United States Military. One day, after I got home, everything changed. My friend died. And then my family. I have nothing to lose. But all is changed when I met a God after I got hit by a truck... [Warning!] (Profanity, blood, gore, sexual context, use of drugs, use of alcohol, smoking). Have fun reading my new project :) While you're here, why not join the Discord! https://discord.gg/bgvU9SpZ Contact me at: magueyethemage@gmail.com

Magueye · Fantasy
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33 Chs

Chapter 3: Why Did This Happen to Me?

It's been 2 weeks since Gabriel committed suicide. His funeral is being held today as well. I donned my nicest suit and I wore the tie that Gabriel picked out for me when I was 16 years old. It had the most stupid looking cat on it. He thought it was hilarious.

I drove my car to the location that he was being buried. There were 9 other people were gathered there. The people included my daughter, Gabriel's parents, Gabriel's three siblings, and our three friends from high school.

My friends came up to me and one of them said, "Hey. It's been forever. I'm sorry that this is the way we had to meet again." The person speaking had red hair and freckles on his face. His name is Spencer.

I then said, "It's okay, Spencer. He made this choice and I only wish for him to be happy in the next life." Spencer and the other two agreed. My other friends names were Jason and Paul. Paul was an African American and had a fucking epic beard. Jason was a Hispanic and had a really cool mustache and hair style.

"Hey man. It's been a while." said Jason. Jason has always been the type of person to hug you no matter what. He hugged me and I returned the favour. He was extremely short compared to me. He stood at 5'3" and I stood at 6'1". We separated and next up was Paul and he just shook my hand.

We gathered with everyone else to mourn the loss of our beloved friend Gabriel.

-[After the Service]-

We all respectively left in our own vehicles after the entire service for Gabriel was over. I was feeling down like you may expect. I mean my best friend from childhood just died.

I drove home and I opened the front door to my house and entered. I locked the door behind me and then went over to my couch to sit down. I said, "Now there is two people in this world I have witnessed dying. First my wife and now my best friend." I could only sit in my depressed mind.

I got up and went to the kitchen to grab a bottle of alcohol that I've been saving. I opened it and drank it straight from the bottle. I sat down on my couch and just sat there in silence with the occasional drink of alcohol.

I got into a light drunken state after about 20 minutes of on and off drinking. I put the bottle on the coffee table in front of me and slept on the couch.

-[3 days later]-


[You have received a new message from Mother]

"Huh? Mother sent me a message. Better check it out now." I said quietly. I opened to see a message I never wanted to see in my life. I grabbed my car keys and headed to the hospital where my father was at. I yelled, "FUCK!" as I drove out of my driveway.

Mother: [The doctor said that your father has 7 days to live at most. Please come down here quickly.]

I drove the fastest I could without getting pulled over by the police.

-[At the hospital]

I walked inside of the hospital and into the lobby. I went over to the desk clerk and said, "I'm here to see Jackson Stalin. I'm his son." The desk clerk then said, "Please wait a moment to verify that patients name." I waited for about 20 seconds and then the desk clerk said, "Alright. You may enter. Your father will be found in room 110-B."

I walked through the door to the patients area and went past a few rooms before arriving outside of room 110-B. I opened the door to find my mother and my daughter at the beside of my father. He looked over at me and said, "Ah. There he is! Hello, my son." I went up to him and said, "I'm here, father. I'll always be by your side even after the end."

He then smiled and I turned to my mother and said, "I'm glad you texted me about this. Thank you." She nodded her head. She then whispered, "Although the timing is bad, your daughter and I are heading off to the supermarket to grab something special. It's for your father." I nodded.

Michelle and my mother then left the room leaving me and my father alone. I brought a chair over to his bedside and we talked about everything. I told him about what I did for the last 20 years. And he told me about what he did and random memories he had of me and his childhood.

-[4 hours later]-

Me and my father were still talking about things when I got a text message from my friend Jason.

Jason: [Look at the news right the fuck now.]

I was confused as to why but luckily enough there was a television in the room so the patient wouldn't get lonely or bored when left alone. I turned it on to the news and saw something horrific.

Reporter: "This afternoon at exactly 1:31pm two women were struck by an out of control truck and one of them was killed by the initial impact.

The one that managed to survive was 71 year old Kelly Stalin. The deceased woman was identified as 19 year old Michelle Stalin."

I could already feel the tears welling in my eyes and I became sick to my stomach. I quickly turned off the television.

I got up and rushed out of the room for the nearest restroom for visitors. Once I found one I immediately entered it and puked in the toilet. I began to silently cry to myself. I sat there for 30 minutes just crying about the loss of my mother and my daughter.

After I was done crying I went back to my father's patient room to comfort him. He was also crying. He must be torn apart now from seeing his granddaughter and wife get hit by a truck.

"Father..." I said quietly. I brought him into a tight embrace to try and comfort him whilst we could see the EMS get to the crash scene on the news.

-[2 days later]-

Mother didn't survive the transportation to the hospital and was announced dead after further investigation on her condition inside of the hospital.

My daughter's body wasn't even recoverable since a few minutes after the EMS got there the truck caught fire and exploded.

I'm currently in my house trying to drink away the pain of it all but it isn't working one fucking bit.

I ran out of tears long ago. I thought now that I've returned home I could live a happy and normal life with my family. But I happened to be fucked over right after I get here.

"If there is anyone who will help me please help...I don't care if your the fucking devil." I drunkenly said.

I then heard a faint voice inside of my head. It didn't sound like my voice but I didn't care. The voice said, "Your wish shall be fulfilled soon..."

I passed out after the voice played in my head, presumably from being too drunk.

-[The next day]-

I ran out of a lot of food and other things inside of my house and so after I visited my father in the hospital I am now going shopping for everything I need.

I currently just have things like cup ramen and some types of freezer food since I've lost the motivation to cook anymore. After purchasing all of the things I needed I exited the store.

I didn't even bother bringing my bicycle or taking my car since I just wanted to be alone without anything or anyone whilst shopping. My house is only a few miles away and I didn't buy anything that needs near immediate or any refrigeration.

I am at a four-way intersection and I am waiting for the crosswalk's light to turn green, indicating I can advance.

I said, "Hurry up..." to the light and after about 15 more seconds it turned green. I begun walking across completely oblivious to anyone or anything around me.

Suddenly I heard someone yell, "Get the fuck out of there, old man!" I turned around to see who is causing all this commotion and as I turned I saw a truck. The same kind as the one that killed my daughter.

I said, "Shit!" and I then felt the cold metallic impact of the trucks front hitting me. It hurt like hell but it only lasted for a second and I was sent flying into the air.

I landed on my back and I couldn't move anymore. I then realized something.

'I'm going to die.' I said in my mind. I could feel nothing by now and my vision started to blacken and waver. I then relaxed and said in my mind, 'Wait for me, Michelle. I'm on my way to you...'

I felt as if I was now floating in a void of blackness and in front of me there was a faint white dot shaped light. It begun to get bigger and closer to me and I thought it was the way to heaven so I let it take me.

"Welcome." I heard a man's voice. I opened my eyes to see a man in front of me and I was dumbfounded. Did I not die? The man then said, "Welcome to the land of the Gods, Jacob."

Land of the Gods?! What the fuck...?

Have fun!

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