
I Reincarnate Countless Times

"Where am I?" After dying a mediocre death Jin found himself floating aimlessly in a white void, naught another soul in sight. 'Am I really dead? Is this Heaven or Hell? Have I entered samsara maybe?' Jin questioned, when all of a sudden the void warped. "Welcome back Endless Reincarnator! Shall we commence the 4th incarnation?"

EyesClosed · Eastern
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19 Chs

Chapter 3 Xuan Jin

The 8622nd of the 9 Dragon Era

"WAHHH! WAHHH!" A baby's cries echoed throughout the room as the midwife cleaned him up. "Mistress its a boy!" The midwife declared before handing the child to his mother. She was pale and clearly weary after giving birth to her son.

Holding him in her hands she couldn't help but smile happily. "Where's my husband?" She asked weakly while lovingly holding her child. "He should be here in a moment Mistress, I sent out Guardian Lin 5 minutes ago."


As if right on cue a handsome man in black robes rushed into the room, his face marred with worry. "Mei'er are you all right!" The man asked before kneeling beside her, his eyes scanning his wife to make sure she was all right before moving towards his newly born son.

Locking eyes with the boy for a moment the man smiled. 'I remember hearing that babies can't see at first, but that sparkle in his eyes its as if the world can hide no secrets before him.' He mused before looking towards his wife.

"I-I am all right dear, I thought you weren't gonna make it..." She mumbled clearly about to doze off. "I am tired.....but we need to name him first." Mei continued to which her husband simply nodded.

"Yes, our son deserves a good name.... How about Jin, Xuan Jin" He suggested, to which his wife gave him an odd look before cracking a smile. "Jin, I like that name." She muttered before dozing off.

Seeing that his wife fell asleep the man simply shook his head before looking towards the midwife. "Make sure she's all right." He commanded before heading out of the room.

"As you wish Sect Master!"

"Oh and inform me when she wakes up." With that the young man left the room, his expression warping from a smile into a deep and solemn frown. In mere moments he exited the grand palace and rushed towards a nearby mountain.

A few minutes later he appeared before a grand black gate, the signboard "Elder Hall" was hung atop it, the words written in bold strokes. Walking past the gate the guards saluted him, and soon he arrived in front of a similarly grand and luxurious hall. As he approached the guards pushed open the doors.


Immediately all eyes turned towards the man who, in the blink of an eye, disappeared from his previous position before reappearing seated atop a black throne with a moon engraved behind it.

"The Elders Greet Sect Master!"

"No need for formalities, I was only gone for a few minutes after all and we have important matters to discuss." Xuan Moon declared as he motioned for them to be at ease.

"Before that is the Mistress all right, and how is the child?" One of the older Elders asked. He was from Xuan Moon's father's generation and could be considered like an uncle of sorts to him. "She's well and so is my son, Xuan Jin." The Sect Master announced.

As soon as they heard his name the Elders were at a loss for words. Seeing this Xuan Moon merely shook his head, he expected this reaction after all. Standing up from his throne he scanned each of the 10 Elders before opening his mouth.

"The whole reason we're gathered here today is because of the Jade Sword Sect's Wu. Three years ago today we gathered here to discuss the Jade Sword Sect's Jin. Less than a year ago we had gathered to discuss the death of Jin and the rise of Wu. A great genius who was killed by an even greater genius. Killing Jin was Wu's declaration."

"What do you mean by declaration?"

"That he is our Black Jade province's greatest genius, and my son Xuan Jin is my denial of that declaration." Xuan Moon declared before sitting back down on the throne, immediately a shock reverberated through the Elders. Had their Sect Master gone insane?

Since Wu killed Jin, he had broken into the Foundation Building Realm and could even oppose experts in the 4th Layer of Foundation Building. While they were confident in the Sect Master and likewise in his son's talents, weren't these expectations simply too high?

"Because of this we won't be requesting help from the Tomb of the Wailing Ghoul just yet." He continued, once again shocking the Elders. Immediately one of the Elders, seemingly about Xuan Moon's age, stood up.

"Excuse my tone, but wouldn't that be preposterous? The Jade Sword Sect is currently in turmoil, with the Grand Elder's faction and Wu's faction fighting for revenge and control of their Sect. If we wait a year, two years, or even more, once the conflict subsides and Wu grows stronger how will we stop them!?" The young Elder argued. Hearing this Xuan Moon chuckled slightly. 

"Would you mind telling us what's so funny Sect Master?" One of the Elders asked as respectfully as he could.

"Nothing much I just think we've been too short sighted. Two months ago I would have agreed with Elder Xiao but I think we all remember what happened 2 months ago. Four Elders, the boy completely surrounded yet still he managed to escape. Not only that but he came back stronger and is on the verge of breaking through into the 2nd Layer of Foundation Building. Clearly the Heavens have chosen him and only a fellow monster can kill such a being. By getting involved we're merely driving his improvement."

While this sounded plausible on paper, and maybe even convincing, these were merely suppositions and the Elders for the most part were unconvinced by such leaps in logic. And naturally Xuan Moon was aware of this.

"Look I understand that some of you may be unconvinced and I am not an unreasonable man. If you'd like gather as many people as you want and try to assassinate Wu, but my Xuan Clan's Black Blade Pavilion will not be waging war on the Jade Sword Sect."