
I Reign Supreme

What happens when people call you who you're not? What happens when people say who you're not? What happens when people hate who you're not? What happens when people love who you're not? What happens when people worship who you're not? What happens when people hunt who you're not? This is the unsung story of a Man-God reliving his past in an innocent boy to finally achieve what years of his thousand lifespans couldn't. Read the story of a boy blessed with the power of evil as he rises up above all things of the void and commands the infinite space such that whenever he speaks heavens will quiver, the atmosphere will spout hinge limbs and flee, the sun wouldn't there rise and neither will the moon.

ink_titan · Fantasy
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32 Chs

Chapter 21: Friendship

For that brief moment, Bobby was shocked and confused. Looking at Vester, he thought Vester would be on his side, not Mordecai's.

'You too?! What is wrong with you people. You were killed, Vester. You don't see people rise from the grave every day!'

Vester was calm when replying Bobby, 'I understand you're worried Bobby. You care. We understand. That's why we need to get stronger before we could do anything.'

'Don't act like deep down you're not concerned about this. I know you want to find out what business those outlaws have with General Morgan. You're just too scared of tomorrow!' Mordecai interjected.

'Scared of tomorrow?! Am scared of you and your illogical way of thinking! Only the man behind the sun knows why Vester is here now! You only care about yourself!'

'I care about the right thing Bobby. I know you do. This time we'll do it right.' Mordecai's calmly replied.

Bobby was quiet before looking back at Vester, and when he did he was surprised to only see the anticipation in Vester's gaze. He lowered and shook his head, 'I can't believe this.'

'You don't have to worry. We won't take any action for now. Not until we know what and who we're dealing with.' Mordecai intoned.

'What if something goes wrong again. Or maybe this time death decides to … switch places?' Bobby said with a heavy face.

'We won't let anything happen to you.' Vester patted Bobby.

'No, I wouldn't let anything happen you.' Bobby replied.

Vester lowered his head back and leaned slightly on the bed. A lot of time had passed and he didn't know how his uncle was doing. The last thing he could remember of his uncle was the scene of him escaping that troubleshooting weirdo. This type of situation wasn't new to him. He and his uncle had once ran from a man for three weeks non-stop. But he couldn't just accept the thought that this time things would go as customed. He only hopes to see his uncle again and tell him of his unbelievable story.

'So … what now?' Bobby asked.

'My suspension will be ending this weekend. Which means I'll be participating in the Head of Scrolls.'

'You're not a ScrollMaster. Why would you participate?'

'That is one way to build up a strong foundation. If we're gonna end those outlaws we shouldn't run away from a fight.' Mordecai replied.

'I don't … know.' Bobby pondered.

'Head of Scrolls. I've heard of that.' Vester articulated.

'Of course, you should. It's were every Squire who are ScrollMasters are given the chance to discover a mantra for use.' Mordecai explained.

'And what about we Mantrants?' Vester inquired.

'It's the same thing.' answered Mordecai.

As Mantra are skills and techniques, they can be executed by both a Mantrant and ScrollMaster. The only conceivable way a Mantrant could learn a mantra was through reading and studying them as they were written mostly on paper scrolls or inscribed on the walls which were very rare. Just like any ScrollMaster would, the only thing separating the two sides was manifesting the mantra.

It is funny, but every Mantrant had paper scrolls one way or the other. When Mantrant decides to create a mantra, it is impossible for [s]he to join and read the constellation mentally so they need scroll papers to acutely draw this symbols and connect them so it wouldn't turn void.

Even Mantrant were possessed of Compendiums and Semi-compendiums. Why? Mantras are not words nor are they numerical codes. They are drawings of the constellation and numerous interconnecting shapes. Due to this, storing and remembering mantras were relatively tiring. This was simply the reason Mantrants too carry Compendiums, to remember the mantra.

'When does it … start?'

'About a week from now. I guess.' Mordecai ruffled his hair.

'The officials ought to give prep first.' Bobby added.

'I wanna join.' said Vester.

'I know right.' Mordecai smiled.

'Before we join there are criteria that need checking.'

'That is, unfortunately, true.' said Mordecai as he smoothened his jaw.

'What criteria?' Vester asked again.

'The battle for Head of Scrolls has always been group work. And every group has a sector guild. It's the sector guild that decides who's on the team or not.'

'So …?'

'There are only a few sector guilds as squires. One of which I dislike the most.' Mordecai continued.

'I guess you don't have a choice then.'

'I guess I don't.' Mordecai replied Vester while running his hand across his face.

Vester nodded to Mordecai, 'Okay.'

'Well … I'll be going now. I have to see how my mother's doing. That earthquake really got everyone off-guard.'

Bobby nodded.

'Earthquake?!' Vester blurted.

'Yes.' Bobby questioned inquisitively, 'Aren't you aware?'

'I … I … am not.'

Mordecai exchanged a surprised look with Bobby, 'You don't know of the earthquake?' Mordecai enquired.

'The only thing I remembered was Bobby's face.'

The two boys exchange another confused look. 'I think you need to come outside.'

'Is it bad?' said Vester.

'It's hard to say.' Mordecai answered, scratching the back of his head.

Vester hurriedly got up from the bed and scurried to the outside of the building. Mordecai and Bobby followed behind too. When they got to where Vester was after running, they stood and watched his back in complete silence.

'What happened.' Vester asked.

Hearing the surprise and fear to linger in Vester's voice the two boys were pulled into his world too. None of them had a single theory on the sudden earthquake.

'I … I don't know either.' Mordecai replied, not lesser than the current state of Vester.

'Did any of you guys hear the sound before the earthquake?' Bobby suddenly said. Making both Mordecai and Vester turn towards him at once.

Mordecai revealed a thoughtful look while Vester stood immersed at the surroundings.

'I did!' Mordecai replied energetically, 'I got thrown away after it sounded.'

'It might be the cause. I mean, I'm just saying.' Bobby shrugged as he spoke.

'We might be under an attack.' Vester interjected.

'I doubt that. There are no signs of evacuation.' said Mordecai.

Faint poem akin to those on their deathbed reverberated outside where they stood. The three friends stopped their discussions and looked to their left where the song came from. Immediately too they started hearing the continuous trampling of metal steels as it came in contact with the ground.

The source of this noise were warriors. Warriors wearing obsidian banded mail. They consisted of 50 and matched together as a group.

These warriors passed the three boys, ignoring them as though they were nothing but thin air. It took almost ten seconds for them to fully pass the boys.

'Shit!' shouted Mordecai.

'What?!' Bobby swiftly turned around.

'I'll catch you guys later! Got to meet up with my mom!' Mordecai yelled as he jolted far away from the boys.

Bobby and Vester stood with indescribable expressions. Completely bewildered at Mordecai's action. Slowly they turned their heads around to face the other.


It took several hours to clean the District but thankfully, the earthquake only affected minor public and civilian residences, not major district buildings. The kingdom forces were already done rounding up the casualties. Luckily there was not a single case of lethal injuries. The only highest report of the injury induced by the earthquake was the case of a man who had broken his knee. But nothing to worry about, because if given the right treatment and proper medications he wouldn't have to worry about anything like hamstringing his potency.

During the uncanny full moon were the shadows of two boys laying faced up to the skies. They both crossed their hands under their head as they laid on top the head of a statue. A mighty statue of a bald man showing the world of his scroll. This statue was the effigy of GrandMaster Ka'al Tumal. About 150 meters tall in height.

How they got to the top was inconceivable, looking down from the statue which looked bottomless. These boys were Bobby and Vester. Smiling and teasing themselves.

'…that's makes you an immortal!' Bobby spoke energetically.

'No... no .. no. It's not like that!' Vester laughed.

'Yes it is.' suddenly Bobby shouted, 'I have an immortal friend!'

Vester responded with a warm smile and shut his eyes as he shook his head. Bobby saw this and smiled too. Staring at Vester, he heaved a peaceful sigh, 'You know. I'm sorry.

'What for?'

'I will never let anything or anyone harm you again.' Bobby said gently.

Vester smiled at Bobby's worry. He nodded and replied, 'So far as death cannot hold me .. I'll always protect my friends.'

Bobby smiled in disappointment. 'I don't know what I'll be doing if you were really gone. You died because of me. I couldn't help you.'

Vester kept mute. In as much as he hated it, Bobby was the person who actually took him to his grave.

'As a remembrance of a new beginning, we officially announce our friendship.' Bobby was calm as he spoke but his eyes were full of vitality. He extended his hand to Vester and splayed his fingers.

Vester responded by extending his own hands and splaying them. Touching only Bobby's fingertips with his fingertips.

'Don't forget me too.'

Suddenly the boys flung their head around and found Mordecai sitting behind them.

'How'd you get here?!' Bobby yelled.

'Well, it wasn't easy. But I am the bliss after all.'

Vester threw his head back to the floor, 'Sneaking up on me. I'm not surprised.'

Mordecai paused and stared at Bobby with a sincere look, 'Can I join the circle?'

Bobby gently answered, 'As long as you stop getting me into trouble.'

Mordecai chuckled 'I'll try my best.'

And so the three friends extended their hands and joined only their fingertips. Signifying the start of a new friendship, a friendship that would last till death and even in death.

'Now that I remember, how do we get down.' Bobby timorously asked.

'Are you serious Bobby?!' Vester shouted.

'What?! I got so excited to get to the top I forgot how impossible it was to get down.'

Mordecai stood up and walked to the edge of the statue, 'You guys keep winning. I'll see you on the other side.' After saying that, he leapt.

'Wait!!' Vester was too late. Mordecai had already jumped and began singing the sweet sweet melody of happiness.

'I am not dying again!!' Vester shouted again.

'Yeah .. about that.' Bobby scratched his belly.

With open mouth and eyes, Vester asked, 'What?'

Just as Vester said what, Bobby ran toward him and took him off the statue's head with his shoulders. Throwing both of them from the statue and following in Mordecai's footsteps to sing the sweet sweet melody of happiness.