
I Refuse to Join The Hero's Party (BL)

Siun lived his life on “earth” in a blur, his incoherent memories troubled him as he feels like he was just living an empty life… until one day he died in a robbery at his minimum wage job. Siun : Is this the after life? Tex : Choose, be reincarnated and help the Hero kill the Demon Lord or have your soul imprisoned and tortured for eternity? Siun : Do I really have a choice?! He is suddenly thrusted into a fantasy world, with a plethora of different fantasy races (dragons, elves, demons and many more) and a world that overflows with incredible magic. Transmigrated into the body of a peasant with a loving family, along with a floating cat named Tex as his guide, his journey is set for smooth sailing! … Or so he thought, unlike what Siun expected, he was not overpowered but instead has to work hard to survive tooth and nail everyday in a war-ridden world, unfit and unforgiving to children, with his actions having huge, deadly negative effects on the original story’s plot. Will he be able to fix plot-changing mistakes caused by his actions and fix the world, or choose to run away in fear… again? ??? : again ----------------------------------------------- COVER NOTICE : I do not own the art for the cover I found it on Pinterest, I couldn’t find the artist, but if your the artist and would like me to not use your art tell me and I will remove the artwork*

ThaiYaki · LGBT+
Not enough ratings
94 Chs

Chp 74 : 'Luck Magnet'

Doryu and Alizeh were sitting together on one side and Siun was sitting directly across him

"So your the 'luck magnet' Doryu was talking about?" 

"Yes, Siun is" Doryu replied swiftly "He is also a mixed child! You saw his parents right? The mother is a Xinthri and the father a Seux! So his genes are quite the great combo!"

"Really? How strong are his parents?" Alizeh asked with high expectations

"Well, you saw the mother didn't you?"

"Hmm I must say she would make a great commander" He replied

"Really?!" Siun accidentally celebrated out loud hearing that Elena caught the interest of the king "A-ah sorry for being rude! I was just very happy!" 

"Your forgiven, and since you already talked why don't you tell me about your dad?" Alizeh questioned as he crossed his arms

"Well... he's not as impressive as my mother, but-"

"Stop beating around the bush, just tell me honestly"

"... he's as normal as a Seux can be" 

"I see... well that's alright, we already have that Lyle girl marrying into the family so we don't desperately need more muscle"

[... I really really hope he dosen't find out]

[Tex : Yes, continue to be delusional. He'll find out sooner or later!]

[Well let's hope it's after I join the Curran family then!]

[Tex : Lets hope]

Before Siun could change the topic about Yael, Doryu interrupted him

"Actually, Lyle has passed recently"

The carriage was filled with Silence before Alizeh shouted in shock as he grabbed onto Doryu's shoulders and shook her around

"WHAT?! THE GIRL IS DEAD?" He exclaimed, still shaking Doryu around

"Y-yes! And I suggest you stop touching me! I'm a saint!" Doryu replied dizzily as Alizeh shook her, making her head fuzzy

"What am I going to do then!? The alliance with Seux was that Lyle was supposed to marry Gale and produce an heir to Xinthri! How is the alliance going to work?!"

"Huhu! Worry not, this is where Siun, your 'luck magnet' comes in play! You wanted an heir, here you go!" Doryu said proudly as Alizeh could only look at her in confusion

"I'm sorry?! You said this boy was a luck magnet and yet the first news I get is that my heir's spouse has passed?!" He yelled at her furiously 

"Calm down old man!" Doryu yelled back, not scared of Alizeh at all "Lyle is a Seux and Gale is a Xinthri! So their child will be a mix!"

"So?! How does that!... Ohh I see what your getting at"

[Is this really the king of Xinthri? He seems a lot less regal than I thought he would be...]

[Tex : Another reason why Xinthri was the kingdom you were born in, their king is by FAR the most lenient out of all of them, If this was any other king your head would've been chopped off as soon as they heard of the news]

"But won't they be suspicious?" Alizeh regained his composure, still questioning Doryu

"Of course they would be! But your the king, whatever you say goes, even if they don't believe it they will have to accept it unless they have solid evidence. Just say Lyle died during childbirth or something. Since Siun is 3 already that wouldn't make sense, so say that Gale and Lyle were secret lovers and were already meeting and conceived a secret child! Simple?"

*sigh* "Young people these days always come up with the most ridiculous ideas..." 

"I'm sorry? What was your plan then?"


"Alright then... we'll go with yours" Alizeh accepted his defeat, there was no reasoning with the holy dragon saint Doryu

He stared at Siun once more, inspecting him

"Since he is a mix he can use both fire and wind magic?"

"He's chosen by the gods"

Another defeated frown took over Alizeh's face as he sighed deeply
