
I Refuse to Bottom (BL)

Transmigrate and become the perfect shou?! Never! Hao Sheng was fuming in the streets over an argument with his boyfriend. Said boyfriend didn't believe he had what it takes to be a top. In the middle of plotting murder, Hao Sheng gets hit by a truck and that was the end of him. Or so he thought... [Ding!] [The host has successfully been bound to The Perfect Shou System.] Hao Sheng: What nonsense is this?! I refuse to be a bottom any longer. From now on I shall clear all my missions by topping and finally prove once and for all that I am a great top! ______ Has a little bit of comedy with a quirky system in tow. HS refuses to bottom in a world that demands he bottom for his survival. __________ Cover art is not mine so credits to the original artist ___________ There is romance but for some reason Webnovel won't let me tag that so...

Arori_1367 · LGBT+
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23 Chs

I too can be a great top!

On a particular street in China, Hao Sheng was walking around cursing, and he was kicking everything in his way.

Who did that man think he was? Claiming that he, Hao Cheng, would not be a good top. That he was too soft to be able to handle him. He was a switch, okay?!

Just because he liked being pampered and spoiled, did not mean he didn't have what it takes to top! He was just a bit lazy and preferred being taken care of and not having to work too hard.

The nerve of that man to even think he couldn't top him!

Is he really under the impression that he has dominated him into submission?!He wasn't even putting up a fight to begin with!

Hmph. He could definitely top him any day.

Just then, Hao Cheng heard a loud shout from behind him. He turned around, and out of nowhere, a truck swerved on the road and crashed into the wall of the nearest building. Right where he was standing.

The last thing he remembers seeing was a bright light flashing before him and then total darkness.


[The host has been successfully bound to the Prefect Shou System.]

What was that...?

Wasn't he dead or something? He clearly remembers the truck hitting him and the sound of his heart stopping.

Hao Sheng carefully opened his eyes and took in his surroundings. He seemed to be in a white room of sorts.

No. Room wasn't the right word. It was more of a large space with nothing but white stretching for miles all around him. Where the hell was he?

Just then, a sound rang out.


[Hi, my name is 333, and I'm your personal system and assistant!]

Was he about to transmigrate like those protagonists in the novels and live an easy, soft life? Was this system the cheat he got to help him achieve his dream of a slacker life?

There were practically stars in his eyes at this point.

But no. He must focus. His one regret is that he couldn't prove to that idiot that he could be a great 1 before dying. He mustn't waste this new chance at life. From here on out, he vows to never bottom again! No matter what!

Okay, now down to business. Hao Sheng cleared his throat.

"Uhm, 333? Could you explain what our way going forward is and how we are to cooperate?", he asked.

333 was impressed. This host was so calm, despite his current situation. He even asked him nicely about the situation instead of demanding answers. This host was an angel!!!

[Yes host!]

[You look like you've already grasped a few things. The way the system works is that you will be transported to different worlds, and your mission will be to reduce the targets' blackening in each world. Based on how well you complete your mission, you will be awarded points. Complete side missions and you will be awarded points. Points can be used to buy anything in the system store. Currently, you do not have access to the store as you have no points. After an 80% completion rate, you will be allowed to leave the mission, and it will be considered done. If at anytime you wish to quit a mission, you will be charged a 100 point fee and you'll be ejected from the world. The mission will be considered a failure. If you have insufficient funds, your life will be taken as compensation]

[Do you have any questions?]

Ah, so that's how things were. So this was the work type system instead of the cheatcode system. It looks like his plans were going to be dashed anyway.

"Okay, I think I generally understand what you are saying. I was just wondering what type of system you are on. All those systems in the novels always have names. So what system are you on 333?"

[I am a part of The Perfect Shou System]

Oh okay, the perfect... wait. The perfect WHAT?!

"Excuse me 333, but did you just say 'shou' as in bottom?"

[Yes, host, is there a problem?]

"Yes, there's a problem! A very big one at that! I'm not an bottom"

[According to our data, you are indeed a '0'. The system never makes mistakes. It's clearly stated in your file that 'you are a complete bottom with no ounce of dominance in you']

This had a vein bulging in Hao Cheng's forehead.

"WELL~. Clearly it has made a mistake because I am telling you right now that I'm a 1 and not a 0", he said through gritted teeth.

[Are you sure you're not just in denial, host?~~] "

"Who's in denial?! Your mother is in denial!", he snarked.

[Calm down host I was just telling you what the file stated. I'm just looking out for you. You currently don't have points, and if you choose not to be a 0 you might die]

[Besides, you're bound to me, so if you fail, I'll also get acquainted with the main system and I may get demoted or have my paycheck cut.]

His mouth twisted into a cruel smile.

"Do I look like I care about what happens to you?"

333: TT. The host is really too black hearted. I was wrong about him. Angel? More like a demon!

Most people in Hao Sheng's shoes would be feeling apprehensive or at least a little nervous at the idea of death, but he didn't. Instead, his heart was beating a little faster in his chest and his eyes had a twinkle to them.

This had awakened the competitive spirit in him. It had been a while since he last felt this excited about doing something.

Fine then. Since everyone believed him to be such a 0, he'd just have to prove them wrong.

He licked his lips.

"Don't worry 333, I'll find a way to complete the missions my way. I won't endanger your paycheck", he consoled.

[I knew I was wrong about you, host! You aren't the blackhearted pig I thought you were!] "

Excuse me?!"

[Nothing host~]

"Sure, whatever. Anyway, I'm ready. Let's get going to the first world. "

[Yes host~]


[Transporting in: 3...2...1]

Wow you made it this far! Thank you for reading and I hope you are enjoying the story so far! Tell me in the comments what you think about it and how you think things are going to go!

Till next chapter! Stay reading peeps!

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