
I Refuse To Be King

Kawlan, ever since he was an infant was already aware that he was abnormal compared to the rest of his peers. His intelligence, comprehension and wisdom was too much for a normal child who was barely two years old. However, when he reached the age of three, he was hit on his head and it was then he recalled his past life and his forgotten friends that were still in deep slumber within his shadow. And the most unfortunate thing he found out.... was that the world he was currently in was exactly like the novel he read before he passed away. And so Kawlan, our main protagonist, made it his life's goal to never be entangled with the novel plot because he finds it troublesome ....... but fate seems to go against his every wishes. "You'll be entering Bakunawa Academy!" His father said. But that's the main setting of the novels plot?! "I am in great awe of your strength and so I shall follow you! Please let me be your follower!" A cold-looking man said as he kneeled in front of Kawlan. Great villain why are you looking up at me as if I was your idol?! "Can I call you Kuya?" said a good looking white-haired man whilst looking at him in admiration. (A/N: Kuya means older brother.) Sir Protagonist why the hell are you following me around?! Troublesome! Every single thing! Cumbersome! Every single one of them! Please just leave me alone in peace! The seven friends living in his shadow: You sure are popular! I don't want this popularity what I want is peace! (Photo is not mine. Credit goes to the rightful owner.)

The_Great_Cookies · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
11 Chs


The supposedly stone-hearted head of the Kundaman Baron house was glancing at his son with a worried but supportive glances.

His fathers actions puzzled Kawlan.

'Why is he looking at me that way?'

'My son I know you can do it! Surely you can find your true purpose before finally stepping out of your brother's shadow!' The Baron inwardly cheered.

"If you ever run into trouble you can go and tell your older brother." He reminded.

'I'd rather not.'

The journeying son, Kawlan, inwardly refused but still gave his parents a perfunctory smile.

"I'll be off now." Kawlan wasn't really particular with farewells. He, after all, has lived a lifetime albeit it was only for a short seventeen years.

The Baroness stepped out and lightly embraced Kawlan as she reminded him in a small voice, "Son, remember that the Bakunawa is a prestigious academy. You mustn't tarnish our family name."

His mother warned. Kawlan nodded in understanding although not really putting her words to heart. He then exchanged farewells

and he turned to say goodbye to the old butler. When turned he saw the butler, Tiyo Nimuel, looking at him with questionable emotions in his wrinkled eyes.

'Pity, compassion and...sympathy?'

Kawlan was confused as to why Nimuel gazed at him that way which was identical to his fathers and so he questioned him.

"Is anything wrong, Tiyo Nimuel?"

"No. Nothing at all, young master. Everything is perfect!"

Kawlan was doubting his eyesight because he seemed to feel Tiyo Nimuel's look of sympathy for him deepen. He really didn't want to bother with guessing people's thoughts and so he paid it no heed and went along his way. He was about to enter his prepared carriage when Tiyo Nimuel called out behind him.

'What now?' Kawlan inwardly whined.

"Young Master, you will be followed by a servant. The man driving your carriage is whom I've personally designated for you."

Kawlan turned and glanced at the man driving the carriage. The man seemed to notice his gaze as he turned to look at him and their gaze met and he gave Kawlan a respectful bow.

The man coaching his carriage seemed older than Kawlan by a few years, he was plain looking with light freckles on his face and brunette hair.

"You can be assured that I have personally groomed him and he is also adept in coaching so he can bring you anywhere you desire. I can attest to you that he is skilled at his job." Hearing the old butlers words Kawlan gave him a reassured glance.

"Then I am relieved."

Tiyo Nimuel looked as if he had something else to add but he has trouble saying. Sensing that what he was about to say will bring him trouble, Kawlan bid a quick adieu and entered the carriage. He really wasn't curious as to what Tiyo Nimuel was about to say nor did he want to hear it. However, he will come to know in the near future that not hearing Tiyo Nimuel's next words would cause him some troubles in the near future.

The very moment he entered his expression into indifference as he comfortably sat down. He then closed the opened carriage window as the warm sunlight made him feel lethargic and he then leaned back.

'I hope my school life will pass with no troubles. Peace is the key to everything.'

Kawlan felt an incoming yawn and his eyes then felt heavy.

'I'll just take a small nap.'

"Anino, please wake me up when we're near." Kawlan said within the cage as he stared at the floor before closing his eyes.

The length of the travel from their Baron House to the main capital where the Academy was located took a couple hours before they arrived.

Sensing something nudge him in the darkness, Kawlan groggily opened his eyes. He then guessed that they must be near and so he lightly opened the carriage windows.

"Young master, we have arrived." The coach's voice timely echoed from outside.

Seeing the schools large massive gates that was swirled with a Dragon-serpent like sculptures with 'Bakunawa Academy' written in bold letters above it made Kawlan second guessed his decision in entering such a suspicious looking school.

'I can see that.' Kawlan muttered in a whisper as he looked out the carriage window as they were passing by tree after tree.

'It's like were inside a forest.'

The words 'let's return back 'almost spilled out of Kawlan's mouth but he held it in. After entering the gates, the carriage had to travel for a few minutes before the sight of buildings came into view.

Kawlan was really now doubting if this place they had just entered was a school or a mountain. He hesitated before stepping out of his carriage and his servant gave the coach to a school personnel to take it to the school stables, which is in a way the parking lot for carriages before he trailed behind Kawlan.

Kawlan roamed his eyes to observe his current surroundings and he couldn't help but furrow his brows.

'Why is this place so unnecessarily huge?'

"Young master shall I lead you to your dorm room?"

The tailing servant behind him asked. He turned to look at his servant before remembering that he didn't know how to address him.

"What's your name again?"

"This servant is called Tuwaang'lumad."

"Tuwaang'lumad? That's too long for a name."

The servant whose name was mocked didn't speak.

"I'll simply call you Tuwaang."

The servant visibly froze when he heard Kawlan's words but he quickly covered his emotions as he bowed and answered.

"Young master can call me as he wills."

"Then Tuwaang it is. Lets go and take a look at my dorm."

"Yes, young master."

Tuwaang led young master Kawlan towards his designated room. When they arrived, Kawlan internally gave his father a thumbs up at the sight of his luxurious looking room.

'When he said I'd continue to live comfortably he really meant it. Thank God.'

"Yong master, since our classes and dormitories are separated I may not be able to come to your aid instantly. And so if you need me you can call me via the servant landline." Tuwaang informed as he pointed at the telephone placed on top of a bed side table.

Kawlan once again felt baffled at the sight of the telephone.

'I've already seen it before but it still amazes me. The author made this world and filled it with magic yet he still added the element of a telephone. If he was going to add some modern technology then why couldn't he just add a mobile phone? Or maybe a car? That way life would be more efficient.'

If Kawlan would be given a chance he really would like to write a complaint comment on the authors page.

"Then I shall leave now, young master."

Kawlan merely gave his servant a nod and when he went out the room Kawlan dived straight unto his soft looking bed.

The nobles designated servants live in different dormitories that is situated on the neighboring building. They follow their masters during some chosen classes however they also have special subjects that focuses solely on improving their way of service to their master.

Once Kawlan felt the beds softness it immediately lulled him to sleep and he slept for a while.

By the time he awoke from his slumber it was already five in the afternoon. He felt like he had caught enough sleep so he decided to familiarize himself with the school he didn't wish to get lost afterall.

Kawlan smoothened his outfit before walking out his room. The hallways was now filled with students who wore different colored ties that corresponds with their respective grades.

Green tie was for freshmen.

Blue tie was for Sophomores.

Red tie was for Juniors.


Yellow tie was for Seniors.

Even without the ties color coding you could tell who was new. The freshmen all around were all looking giddy of excitement at the thought of starting school. Kawlan could never understand and relate to such feelings.

Kawlan observed the passing males when a particular pair of students caught his gaze. Two males were at the side of the hall. They were huddled oddly and talking in secretive whispers.

"Hey did you hear about the red light district in the main capital?"

"What about it? Don't tell me you've been there?!"

"I wish! Unfortunately I haven't but now I'm hella glad I didn't! Trust me when you hear this piece of news you wouldn't want to go there too!"

"Why? what happened?" The other freshmen asked curiously when his friend kept him in suspense.

The other man glanced all around as if to check if somebody was listening in before he leaned down and whispered.

"At that well known brothel....there's a curse that's been going on!"


Kawlan stopped his tracks when he heard the man's words. He then quickly walked towards the whispering pair and familiarly looped his arms around their shoulders.

"Friends, mind sharing your news?"

"What the?! Who are you?!" The two freshmen stepped back in surprise and looked at Lucas in surprise.

"No need to look so terrified now! I'm Kawlan by the way. I am also a freshmen. I was passing by when I accidentally heard what you guys were saying. I grew curious so I came over." Kawlan said with a friendly smile.

"It's not polite to eavesdrop on others!"

"I know. I'm sorry about that. Now can you please tell me more about this curse you were saying?"

"I'm just spouting some random rumors I heard on my way here! Who knows if it's true?!"

"Still, I want to know. It sounds interesting after all."

'The hell's up with this man?' The two freshmen thought as they exchanged glances as if saying Kawlan was nuts.

Kawlan noticed their interaction but pretended otherwise as he kept on his friendly smile.

"Did I bother you guys? Sorry about that. Its just that I'm a big fan of artifacts. I heard that if there's a curse then there is a high percentage of it being caused by an artifact so my excitement got the best of me. If you don't want to share the news then its fine I guess…. Although its really such a shame." He said as he lowered his head in disappointment looking downcast as he slowly turned around and was about to walk away.

The two freshman felt guilty at the sight of Kawlan's gloomy pretense.

'It's just a rumor so it's not really a big deal, right?'

"Fine I'll tell you. But as I said, everything that I'm about to say is based off of what I heard on my way here. I don't really know just how much of it is real. "

Kawlan then visibly brightened at his words and gave him his full attention.

"It was said that in one of the brothel situate din the red-light part of town, bodies of male customers were discovered to be found dead the next morning."

"Is that all?" the other freshman disappointedly reacted.

"No. It wouldn't be anything special if it was just that! What stood out from this case was the fact that the bodies of these male victims looked mummified as if they had their vitality sucked out of them! Rumors also said that there was no found mark of wounds nor anything that gave clue as to how they ended up in that state! The only thing the authorities know was that the male victims was said to have entered together a room with a woman however the woman was never seen leaving the room."

"Bah! I call bullshit. So what are you saying? That having sex drained and killed them?"

"I'm just telling you what I heard! I don't know if it's real or not! If you don't want to believe it then---"

Hearing the man's retort a small smile creeped into Lucas face.

'Well the chances of it being a real artifact is quite possible.'

Kawlan exchanged a few words with two before leaving them to brawl in words as he walked away with light steps.

'Brothel. Sex. Mummified victim. If ever it was done by an artifact then this case reeks of succubus. Ate Kahigal loves her succubus so she just might wake up.'

(A/N: Ate means elder sister in Philippines. You add Ate in front of a female's name to show respect and politeness. It also signifies how close your relationship is with the person.)

Kawlan walked as he was deep in thought, pondering as to how he could gather more information about this case.

'Red Light District. Amy Brothel.'

Those two are his only clues and unlike his past life this time he can't rely on his third eye to see through the veil.

'Guess I'll have to try my luck.'

"Hey watch it!"

Kawlan was too busy pondering that he unknowingly bumped against someone. He immediately flashed an apologetic smile and asked for forgiveness, "I'm so sorry I wasn't paying attention as to where I was going!" He turned to look at who he bumped and his eyes instinctively squinted.

'Too bright.'

He bumped into a lady who was a breath taking beauty.

'Too dazzling.'

Kawlan took a step back from the pretty lady and continued to bow apologetically.

The woman angrily stood up from the ground and glared at Lucas as she gave him an accusing glance, "It seems like you are quite the ditzy sort so I advice you to stay at the dorms or you'll harm the others!" The beautiful woman hissed as she spun her heels and walked away.

'What's her deal?'

Kawlan didn't put the matter to heart as he went back to continue pondering his plans.

Unaware of the identity of the female he just bumped.


"Hey Mahalia are you okay? Why do you look pissed?" Chesa jokingly asked her just arrived friend who was sporting a venomous look as if she couldn't wait to tear someone to shreds.

"I just bumped into some ditzy looking moron!"

'Ditzy looking moron?' Chesa had no idea who the moron was but she secretly lit candles for him. Once you do Mahalia wrong she'll make sure to target you for life.

"Just forget about that moron! Aren't you excited for our first day tomorrow?!"

"So-so." Mahalia indifferently replied looking uninterested.

Her long blonde hair rested beautifully on her back as it swayed against the wind. Her emerald eyes shimmered under the lights and it's indifference seemed to make a shiver pass down your spine. The point is, she looked gorgeous.

"Kyyaaaahhh! Mahalia you're so cool! As expected of Dragonkin's future Queen!" Chesa cheered as she stared at her friend in fanatical admiration.

Mahalia Niyebe Sawalon.

The only daughter of the Sawalon Viscount House.

She was who Kawlan would better know as..... the novels female lead.

Hope you enjoyed this chapter. Do tell me your thoughts.

Fun Fact: The meaning of Mahalia is tenderness and the meaning of Niyebe is snow, together it means tender snow. Sawalon is a name found in Philippine Mythology. She is a female who succesfully poisoned a well-known hero.

That's basically a hint of Mahalia's mahika.

The_Great_Cookiescreators' thoughts